
Dao King of the Void

A young cultivator by the name of Feng Ja with the dreams of exploring the vast world of Zaron, but little does he know his fate was already pre-destined. He a once in a lifetime genius unparalleled amongst all of the before, the future, and present Generations. The one destined to face an unspeakable evil and either save or destroy the universe! Follow Feng Ja as he beats his enemies with power and decisiveness. Meeting friends, gaining enemies, and awakening a bloodline that was long forgotten. Feng Ja was in his clans estate when suddenly a surge of spiritual power knocked him unconscious. As he was unconscious a divine sense far above what he has ever known swept his body and teleported him to a strange inheritance. Ha! Looks like I’ve found a genius amongst geniuses with a rare bloodline and a divine body constitution. First book all constructive criticism welcomed! I just felt like writing a book since I read so much and I hate the fact some of my favorite books to read are no longer free. So I thought I would try writing one and one day in the future go back and read through and experience what a reader feels again.

Glocc_Williams · Eastern
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22 Chs

Preparing for the Journey

After igniting his resolve to reach the pinnacle of the cultivation world did Feng Ja get back to the most important matter. "Father do you th— " before he could finish a knock then a voice was heard at the door. "Clan leader the Liang family patriarch and his son are here to meet you they are in the meeting hall" said a servant. Feng Tian then told Feng Ja " let us go and greet our guest." After walking out of his father's private study Feng Ja and his father then proceeded down a few large hallways decorated with gold jewels and exquisite paintings. Five minutes later they reached the meeting room and greet their guest. "Liang LingLong its great to see you and martial nephew Xuheng did you think of the proposal I made to you a few minutes ago" said Feng Tian. Liang Wuheng a youth of seventeen years old with a muscular build and a little above average looks standing next to a middle age man of the same appearance bowed and said "martial nephew greets the Feng Clan Patriarch." "Greetings to the Liang Family Patriarch" said Feng Ja with a slight bow. Liang Linglong laughed and issued a nod in return" Martial brother Tian just as healthy and energetic as always and good day Martial nephew also you can lose the pleasantries we are family after all". After a little small talk did Feng Tian and Liang Linglong start the real discussion. "So Linglong how does martial nephew Wuheng feel about traveling the continent with Ja" said Feng Tian. "Wuheng was brimming with excitement when I told him of your proposal and immediately agreed cause of martial nephew" said Linglong. "Well since its been decided Feng Ja when will you leave" asked Feng Tian. "We leave at dawn me and brother Wuheng will make preparations for a minimum of two and at the most five years of supplies" stated Feng Ja. Feng Tian nodded and told Wuheng and Ja to make there preparations and they would leave from the Feng Estate at dawn. After leaving the meeting hall and getting everything prepared did Wuheng and Ja talk about what was going to happen over the next few years. "Ja I've known you my whole life and I know you wouldn't be this rash without having an ulterior motive" stated Wuheng. "Indeed I have had a fateful encounter with a master who took me as a disciple and he wants me to come under his wing for the next few years to teach me" said Feng Ja. "Well if that is the case then what am I to do while you're off with your master" asked Wuheng with a hint of sadness. "Brother Wuheng I would never have you come with me and abandon you. Once I've met back with master I'll have him bring you, and while I learn from master you can stay close by and train til my cultivation level catches up to yours". "Well I would love to see you make it to Spiritual Gathering Realm in four years but thats a hard goal it took me five years to reach this realm and another two years to reach the mid third stage" stated Wuheng. Feng Ja smiled and said "lets get some rest tomorrow starts the beginning of our journey to the pinnacle of cultivation."