
Danmachi: The White Heron Princess

After a fatal hit-and-run accident, Hiroki Yamamoto, a diligent university student, is granted a second chance at life, but in an unexpected twist. He finds himself reincarnated as a noble girl in the fantastical world of Danmachi, where God and Goddess walk among men.

TempestNotion · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Time for Training in Secret

A few days later, the atmosphere changed as various people arrived at our home, marking the beginning of Ayato's training to become the heir of the Kamisato Clan.

"Welcome to our household, dear guests. Delighted to make your acquaintance," our father greeted, welcoming the people standing at the front gate.

Among them were a combat instructor, etiquette tutor, and political advisor, each bringing their expertise to sculpt my brother into a worthy successor. However, I noticed something about two of those people that seemed out of the ordinary. They are not human.

"Thank you for the hospitality, Lord Kamisato. Glad to make your acquaintance as well," says a young woman with black hair and two pairs of black wings on her back.

Her eyes, sharp and observant, scanned the room with an air of confidence that bespoke her expertise in combat. She introduced herself as Kujo Sara, a renowned Tengu warrior from a distant part of the Far East.

"Oh my, what a lovely place you have, Mister Akihiko," remarked another woman with pink hair, foxlike ears, and five fluffy tails.

Her eyes sparkled with intelligence and mischief, giving her an aura of mystical charm. She introduced herself as Yae Miko, a revered Kitsune shrine maiden known for her shrewd yet elegant etiquette.

Father chuckled at the fox woman's remark, and responded with a touch of humor, "Ah, it's nothing compared to the magnificence of your shrine, Lady Miko. We are honored to have such distinguished guests to guide my son."

"Indeed, we would love to teach your little boy. Isn't that right, Shinobu?" Miko noted, calling out to a teenage girl with green hair who had been staring at me for a while now.

Hearing her associate's voice, she snapped out of her daze and returned her attention to the people present in the area. "Ah yes, that's right. It's a pleasure to be working here."

"Miss Shinobu, please stay attentive when in the presence of the clan leader," comments the Tengu warrior, scolding her junior colleague.

The green-haired girl became embarrassed, bowing at our father. "Apologize for my manner, milord."

"It's alright, apology accepted," Father calmly acknowledged.

After regaining her composure, the teenage girl introduced herself as Kuki Shinobu. She was in charge of teaching my brother about the basics of politics and diplomacy, her sharp mind and keen insights promised to be valuable assets in his training.

"By the way, milord, aside from your son here, who is that young girl behind you," asked the green-haired girl, pointing her finger in my direction.

In response to Shinobu's inquiry, Father turned to me and smiled warmly. "Ah, this is Ayaka, my daughter, and Ayato's little sister. She may be young, but she's quite an explorer."

With a shy smile, I waved at the unfamiliar guests, feeling a mixture of curiosity and anxiety as their eyes lingered on me. It seemed that my presence had piqued their interest, adding an air of intrigue to the already eventful day.

As the introduction concluded, the training for Ayato commenced, and I found myself amidst the bustling household preparing for the future leader of the Kamisato Clan.


On the next day, Ayato's training with the three instructors commenced, and I found myself relegated to the sidelines, watching from a distance as my brother delved into the rigorous regimen of becoming the heir to the Kamisato Clan.

From combat drills with Sara to etiquette lessons with Miko, and political discussions with Shinobu, each session unveiled new challenges and opportunities for my brother.

While observing their interactions, I often overheard some of their conversations, which were a bunch of instructions and wisdom. 

For starters, I watch my brother swing a wooden katana in the courtyard while Kujo Sara tells him what to do.

"Keep your stance firm, Ayato. Remember, precision is key."


"Steady your arms and tighten your grip on the sword."

"I understand."

As they continued, I couldn't help but marvel at Sara's expertise, her movements precise and calculated. It was like witnessing a lethal dance, one that required both strength and finesse.

Wanting to imitate their training, I picked up a short stick and secretly mimicked their action, even though it looked ridiculous for a toddler to do.

The scene shifted to the formal halls of our home, where Miko guided Ayato through intricate etiquette lessons. The room echoed with the rustle of silken garments as they moved.

"Grace is not just in appearance, Ayato. It's in every gesture, every word. A leader must command respect not only through strength but also through refinement."

"I see."

Ayato replied in acknowledgment, absorbing the teachings of the Kitsune shrine maiden. As they exchanged words, I silently attempted to imitate the subtleties of Miko's teachings while hiding behind the sliding door, testing my own understanding of the lessons.

The setting changed once more as they gathered in the study room, engaging in discussions about politics and diplomacy. Shinobu, the green-haired political advisor, taught Ayato about the intricacies of governance.

"The ability to discern motives and anticipate consequences is crucial in politics, Ayato. It is important to know all about the law as much as gaining authority."

"Hmm, very intriguing."

My brother attentively absorbed the information, focusing on Shinobu's every word. On the other hand, I listened intently from my hidden vantage point, absorbing the sophistication of political discourse that echoed through the halls.

Days turned into weeks, and months into years, I continued to watch Ayato's progression. His swordsmanship became more refined in combat, his demeanor more composed in etiquette, and his understanding of politics deepened.

As for me, I found myself discreetly practicing what I had gathered from my brother's training sessions. However, I ultimately got caught by my parents about my secret activities, and they decided to intervene by incorporating me into a more formal educational setting.


It has been seven years since I got reborn into this world and for the first time in forever, I was finally able to leave the confines of my home. My parents, recognizing my role as the second successor to the clan, deemed it fitting for me to attend a prestigious school.

Their decision came with mixed feelings for me. On one hand, I felt a wave of excitement at the prospect of exploring the world beyond our home's walls. On the other hand, there was a sense of apprehension, venturing into the unknown where expectations awaited me.

Upon arriving at the school, I could see a bunch of children of my age and older entering the front gate along with their parents. Most of them hailed from noble families, their aristocratic status evident in their confident demeanor and affluent attire.

My parents accompanied me, their presence providing a familiar safeguard in this sea of new faces and surroundings. The school itself stood as a grand structure, its architecture echoing the elegance of this land.

As we entered the school grounds, I felt a mix of curiosity and trepidation. Whispers of quiet conversations reached my ears, and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of first impressions I would make among my peers.

"Take care of yourself, my dear," my mother said, encouraging me.

Now able to speak, I nodded in gratitude and replied, "Thank you, Mother. I'll be on my way."

"Hold it, young lady," my father stopped me as I was about to leave them. I turned to him and he put his hands on my shoulder. "Listen, Ayaka. If you were to be approached by any boys in your class, it's important to discern their intentions before associating with them, okay?"

What the heck is the old man talking about? Is he insinuating that I will meet a male individual and expect me to fall for them? Not a chance. I might be a girl in this world, but would not let myself be swayed by anyone's intentions, especially not in matters of the heart.

While mulling over that thought, I witnessed my mother put her hand on my father's shoulder and hold him tightly. "Hey darling, what are you teaching our daughter?" she asked with an ominous smile plastered on her face.

"Ah...." my father froze, knowing he screwed up when mother smiled. 

After that absurd interaction, I waved my parents goodbye and entered the classroom. Yet, little do I know, my perspective of this world will change upon stepping inside.

Secretly training and then going to school? Sign me up!

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