
Danmachi: The True Hero

unknown_20281 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 4 Establishment of Familia

After waiting quietly for a while, Hestia jumped back and ran back.

She looked around on the first floor, and when she found Khaos, she waved the black card in her right hand and said loudly, "Mr. Khaos , it's done! The family has been established successfully, and we will be a family from now on. Come on! Hey, this is your guild card, it's used to prove your identity, you must keep it."

"According to the staff here, this nameplate is made of rare materials and can remain intact even if it is eaten by monsters. Therefore, it will cost 30,000 vals to replace it, so don't lose it!"

"Well, I'll keep it well!"

Khaos solemnly took this family nameplate engraved with his name and said with a smile.

Before leaving, there is a place at the entrance of the Adventurer's Guild to distribute basic support supplies, which are specially used to provide certain support to rookie adventurers.

Said to provide support, in fact, it is just a set of basic armor and an ordinary weapon.

Adventurers can choose the type of armor by themselves, and there are many types of weapons, but no one can only get it once. Even if the weapon breaks down in the future, they can only spend money to repair it at the blacksmith shop.

After providing proof of identity, Hestia hurriedly ran to choose armor for Khaos.

According to her words, Khaos is his first child, and she must protect herself well, and the armor that condenses her mind will definitely be in the dungeon to ensure Khaos 's safety.

In this regard, Khaos just smiled lightly, and did not particularly believe this statement.

However, after all, it is the will of his own goddess. Since she is willing to do it, she will do it. Anyway, I can think of it with my butt. The quality of those novice armors is absolutely the same.

Looking at the various weapons in front of him, Khaos held his chin and fell into contemplation.

In other words, what type of warrior is better to be!

The staff was first ruled out. Although Khaos 's status bar has three positions for magic, he has not learned it yet. Do you want him to use the wooden staff as a mace?

As for the hammer, in Khaos 's heart, the priority is not very high.

Then there are only knives, swords, spears, daggers, etc. left. In fact, Khaos still wanted to choose a one handed sword to dual weil, let's not talk about combat power, it's mainly handsome.

Imagine the two weapons waving wildly around him, and all the monsters being slice by him.

Huh~~~ That feels great!

"It's so difficult! Which weapon should I choose? According to my personal wishes, I prefer that one handed sword , but the World of Earth sao and others dual sword with Lucky E for the Swordman is no joke, although as a Youngsters in the new era don't believe in rumors and don't spread rumors, but who can say anything about metaphysics!"

Scratching his head irritably, Khaos fell into the difficulty of choosing.

After a long while, he suddenly raised his head, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, "It doesn't matter, Lucky E is lucky E. It's a big deal to shower and change clothes every day, I don't believe it, I really have such a back on my mind!"

As soon as I grasped the white sword in front of me, the moment I started, there was only one feeling, heavy!

For an otaku who stays at home every day and spends most of the rest of the time lying in bed unless he has no choice, a weight of more than ten pounds is not a problem.

However, it is a little more difficult to swing a dozen pounds in your hand.

Fortunately, Khaos had already made a certain mental preparation before choosing, so he didn't lose face.

"Mr. Khaos, have you finished your selection?"

On the other hand, Hestia was also selected.

She handed a set of silver-white breastplate to Khaos 's hands.

It looks very simple, but the details are always inadvertent. Don't look at Hestia as just a poor god, but it is impossible to become a god without any ability.

As a novice adventurer, Khaos has not undergone any training.

Therefore, if the armor on the body is too heavy, it will not bring protection, but will be burdensome! Entering a dungeon to explore, you can't just be beaten, but you need to move.

The breastplate in front of me is just right, not too heavy, but it can also protect the vital parts.

Khaos put it on on the spot and tried to jump. Except for some discomfort, there were not many other problems.

"Lord God, it's amazing, this breastplate suits me very well."

"Well, as long as you like Khaos, let's go home now! I'll also explain to you the precautions about the dungeon by the way. Maybe, Khaos can officially enter the dungeon tomorrow!"

Hestia ran over and hugged Khaos 's arm, and said with a smile.

Feeling the softness on his arm, Khaos inevitably became a little nervous. Originally, he planned to enter the dungeon to see the situation today, but now that he heard Hestia's words, he suddenly woke up.

Yes, sharpening a knife does not make a mistake in chopping firewood, so let's first understand the basic situation.

After all, he is not the chosen son, he is just a traverser with some special power. The dungeon is a paradise for monsters. If he is neglected, he will die!

Only by knowing ourselves and knowing our enemies can we be victorious in a hundred battles!

This kind of thing can't be rushed, or after you go home, listen to what Hestia has to say, and then make a decision!

"Well, let's go home then!"
