
Danmachi: The Cursed Spear

"I don't know how to say this, but you are so bland, you make cardboard taste heavenly." I flinched, lowering my head. I thought I was average. "Use one of your wishes to be someone at least slightly attractive, or I will use one of them to do so anyway." I crouched, which felt weird since I had no body, and hugged my legs in despair. "Seriously, you're so bland you make bland one-liners hilarious." Aw, come on. "You're so boring, you make the gods watch paint dry for entertainment." Motherfucker. "You're so dumb-" I was an A+ student! "You went to a library to find Facebook!" Okay, that was just mean. "You so dumb five gods had to dig to find your IQ!" I didn't even want to be reincarnated anymore. A god was using yo mama jokes to insult me directly. _____ I don't own Danmachi, just so you know.

Nick_Kicker · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter Seven

Luke did not really have a plan in life, or in this new life. He had no idea what he should do since this city was all he knew. The sunrise was beautiful, however, peeking over the horizon, eliminating the surroundings in an orange glow.

He watched silently, his eyes taking in everything in front of him. In all honesty, he was interested, he wanted to know what was outside of the very same wall he was sitting on.

However, he could not leave yet, not yet. The blue-haired boy sat on the wall silently, taking in the crisp air, and enjoying the light breeze flowing through his hair for a few more minutes.

"What can a six-year-old do in my situation?"

He muttered, sighing and standing up. Being a child sucked, and it sucked very badly.

Stretching his arms above his head, he tilts his body from side to side and turns around. Jumping off the wall, he landed in a crouch lightly before shoving his hands inside his pockets and walking into the city again.

The early mornings were always loud, the Adventurers going inside the dungeon to get the magic stones the monsters inside dropped and the loot.

Trying to increase their stats from the status their gods provided with a blessing and possibly get a level up.

Life was hard as a homeless six-year-old...

"I can't even get laid..."

He muttered, looking down at his pants and sighing in disappointment. What the hell man? Couldn't he be sent here as a fourteen-year-old?

But hey, kids were supposedly cute, so there, a plus, just ignore all the other cons and he was just peacy...

Luke snorted in amusement at his own thoughts.

Damn, he missed having a phone...


"Where did you get this money brat?!"

Luke sighed, jumping on another building and looking down to see someone that looked like a fourteen-year-old boy holding Alfia to the wall with his hand.

"Let me go!"

Luke hummed, and stood up from his crouching position, taking a step off the edge.

"There's no way a street rat like you got so much money fro-Agh!"

A body of a six year old landing on some shoulders from a pretty high drop forced the dumbass down to the ground and Luke raised a foot, bringing it down on the boy's head.

Ignoring the uncocious kid, he turned back to Alfia and raised an eyebrow.

"Hello there, my little apprentice."

She seems to have tears in her eyes, which was weird, in the three weeks he has known her, she never once cried about her situation. His eyes narrowed at the red mark on her cheek and he very pointedly stepped forward from the boys shoulders, onto his groin.

The pain woke the kid up, and he turned, sending a heel to the boys jaw, knocking him out again as he sat up to express his pain to the world.

Alfia looked at the blue-haired boy, her eyes brimming with tears. Luke could see that her hands were shaking, she must have been really scared.

He expected her to wipe away the tears and pretend that nothing happened, however, when she slammed into his chest, sobbing and tears wetting his shirt, all he could do was comfort her by patting her head gently.

He had to remind himself that this was still a child, a six-year-old child who was taking care of her twin sister, both suffering from the same illness.

The worst she has probably gotten this far was from adults either ripping off what she stole from her hands and leaving her alone.

He listened quietly to her sobs, his hand wrapping around her and his other hand rubbing her head, offering whatever comfort he could.

He was admittedly bad at this...

The sobs subsided after a while, but she remained hugging him. Luke looked up the the sky and he resisted the urge to sigh. This world was unfair...

"Thank you..."

Alfie muttered into his chest and Luke just smiled, not saying anything. The silence lasted for a while, and both of them ignoring the knocked-out body behind the blue-haired boy.

After a while, Luke decided to venture out and try a conversation.

"So... What happened Alfia?"

She tilted her head down, her forehead pressing against my chest but he could see her ears were getting red.

"I... I couldn't lie..."

The boy blinked, stared and snorted. He received a fist to the chest for his efforts.

"What do you mean, you could not lie?"

She huffed and gave another punch for good measure, that did not phase him at all before she answered.

"H-he said that I stole the money-"

Which she did, he thought her how.

"-And I tried to lie..."

But she failed. He got the picture now. She sucked at lying... Wasn't that precious?

Luke released a chuckle, before resuming the headpats.

"Come on, lets get you some clothes so that you don't have to lie, people will just assume."

She looked up at him, her mismatched eyes staring into his red ones before she sighed, as if resigned.

In the end, she found a plain black shirt and brown shorts and a pair of boots for which I paid for, since the excuse was "She is my mom's sisters daughter and my dad got good job to feed us and get new clothes".

She remained oddly silent through all of the conversation with the shop keep.

Luke was not at all surprised when she met him the next day, only wearing the shoes and the new clothes nowhere to be seen.

The excuse she made was pretty cute for a child, but he wasn't dumb, he knew who were wearing those clothes very well.

I bought her more clothes, much to her protest.