
Danmachi: The Crimson Flash

A bored god that is forgotten by everyone. He considered his divinity and eternal life a curse. A curse that haunted him throughout the countless years. For the sake of entertainment, he decided to abandon his godhood and live as a mortal to a random world. As he was creating his mortal body, he found two fragmented souls that interests him. 『Maybe I should use the souls of Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Itachi together to create the ideal mortal body for me.』 However by continuing this, he would totally abandon being a god and all of his godly powers which no gods were willing to risk but not him. 『No need to worry about saying goodbye of my divine body. I'm a forgotten god and not the strongest anyway.』 This story consists of 'Danmachi' anime with some factors of 'Naruto' anime and other masterpieces. Disclaimer: I do not own the cover (source:Pinterest.) Disclaimer: Obviously, I do not own Danmachi and any related materials.

Plagiarist_Astre · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Helping an Elven Damsel

Seeing the skill, Alex smiled widely. He was so thrilled seeing the skill. With this skill, he could grow faster than before, together with the increase in growth enhancement by his Dragon Heart.

If he could use this skill to any monster that he encounter, he could even gain their skills and abilities. Alex didn't have to worry about having so many skills when he had his Fusion skill.

"Now that I think about it, monsters doesn't leave any corpses after dying."

His excitement calmed down when he realized this fact. If the monsters disappears when dying, he will not have the chance to use this skill.

The only moment he could use this when leaving the monsters barely alive but not totally dead. Which was much harder to do than plainly eliminating them. There was also no indication when a monster will die aside from turning into black ash which made things harder.

"Well whatever. I'll figure out things on my own."

Alex immediately leaped off and returned to the camp. He didnt noticed that the night had passed and it was morning already. Alex didn't noticed that the time had passed he was so focused on upgrading his skills.

As Alex was on his way to the tents to meet up with Bell and the others, he noticed a lone elf in a small stream near the camp. She was doing many chores and duties. She had a sweat soaked body meaning she was already doing this for a long time already.

Alex could also see that she was grumbling about something, lips pouting and hands shaking but he could tell that she wasn't grumbling about the chores but totally something else.

"It seems all I've done is be scolded lately..."

Lefiya moaned herself, eyes filled with tears of anguish as she busied herself washing from the water she'd drawn from herself.

"Hello, Lefiya~san."

Seeing her reaction, Alex decided to help her to return the favor of accepting him and his party in their camp. He could see that her intensity was only causing her more exhaustion.


She panicked for a moment as she suddenly heard someone called her name out of nowhere. She almost fell in the stream because of her surprise but before her body made contact with the water, a hand grabbed her arms.


Lefiya muttered as she saw the owner of the hand that caught her. Seeing that she was surprised and his action almost made an incident, Alex immediately apologized.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to surprise you."

Releasing her arm, Alex immediately bowed his head.

"Its fine. It's my fault for being surprised."

Lefiya then smiled seeing his genuine expression but the moment her eyes meet Alex's, Lefiya's movements halted as she was intoxicated to those blood red eyes. Eyes that she had never seen before.

'Did something had changed in him or is it just my imagination?'

Lefiya wondered, unsure of the changes of Alex as his aura was different compared to what he had yesterday. However, as she had only met him once, she wasn't really sure about it.

"That's kind of plenty tasks you had there. Then, allow me to help."

Alex said to her awkwardly as he didn't really mean to startle her. Alex knew that it was because of his scarf that slightly reduces the chances of being detected.

"I appreciate the sentiment but it's okay. I can manage."

Lefiya politely rejected his offer as she couldn't let herself to trouble a guest. Seeing her reaction, Alex sighed.

"Consider it as a sign of my apology for startling you and causing trouble."

Alex smiled as he spoke slowly.

"Also, a helping hand could make the work finish faster."

Seeing his smile but with a little downcasted tone, Lefiya decided to accept his offer of help or it would be too rude of her to continuously reject his kindness.

She then intructed Alex on what to do as she continued on the chores while Alex sometimes asked if he was doing it right. Lefiya was slightly surprised as the movements of Alex was swift and without doing any mistakes.

Even though the chores was simple, she didn't really expect that Alex was used in this as she didn't imagine that there were still an adventurer that could do chores. In her mind, the adventurers in Orario were some kind of drunkard and only knows to have a good time which surprised her about Alex.

"Is there something wrong or am I doing it wrong, Lefiya~san?"

Seeing her conflicted stare, Alex asked her with a confused reaction.


Lefiya swiftly averted her gaze and focused back. What she didn't know was that Alex wasn't use in this at all but was only doing it right, by copying her movements with his Sharingan.

"Can I perhaps...ask you something?"

Wanting to break the silence, Alex decided to initiate a conversation.

"Hmmm, go on."

Lefiya turned her head to Alex and replied with a smile.

"Why are you here...all by yourself?"

This was what really confused him. There were many members in their expedition yet Lefiya was only doing the chores alone. Seeing his confusion, Lefiya simply smiled at him and explained.

While Ais and the others might have been familia elites, Lefiya herself was just a mid level member. It was her responsibility as one of the lower ranks to ensure all miscellaneous tasks around the campsite were attended.

Also her companions were still resting as they had encountered something bad in their expedition. Hearing her, Alex nodded in understanding.

The two of them continued on what they were doing as they chatted to make the atmosphere merry. The two of them had smiles on their faces as they both enjoyed each other's company.

Glancing at the face of the one who helped her, Lefiya absentmindedly thought in her mind.

'He is really...cool.'

The image of Alex's performance this morning was still clear on her mind. Skill, control, talent and wits...the spar was really thrilling to her.

Lefiya couldn't help the twinge of astonishment. Despite only just leveling up, he was already fast enough to dodge the incoming attacks from a level 5.

When she saw him casting a spell in instant, Lefiya couldn't believe her eyes. She'd never seen such a thing, never even heared of such a thing.

A chant-less, instant spell magic. Not only that, the firepower of the spell wasn't something a level 2 could produce and the magic itself felt different from normal spells.

At that time, she almost found herself screaming, in complete disbelief as a mage.

Time went past in an instant as the two of them made their way to the campsite carrying a bucket each. Alex followed Lefiya as he politely greeted the people he encountered on the way.

As soon as the two of them went outside the tent. Lefiya slightly bowed herself and expressed her gratitude to Alex.

"Thank you very much for you help, Alex~san. I was able to finish earlier because of your help."

As he was about to say it was nothing and was simply returning the favor, a voice of a chienthrope was heard by the two of them.

"An elf girl. Seems here to see you, Lefiya."

"Thank you." She responded in blank puzzlement before turning around. Turning around, she saw an elf with long obsidian hair stood in her pure-white battle clothes.

Lefiya's blue eyes met with the visitor's red ones and her heart jumped in surprise.

"Miss Filvis!"

Seeing her reaction, Alex could tell that Lefiya was pleased in seeing her.

"You are alright... It's been a while." The other elf's formed a smile of her own. As if she was relieved to see Lefiya in one piece.

"Why are you here?"

"There were rumors from someone in Rivira who'd return to the surface to replenish their supplies. They said Loki Familia had returned from their expedition and had set up camp in the forest in the 18th floor."

She continued, her crimson eyes fixed on Lefiya's face.

"You've lost....weight."

"I-I have? Was I really fat before?" Lefiya exclaimed, somewhat shocked when she heard that.

"That's not what I mean." Filvis retorted with a wry smile.

"You look more...herioc. No, perhaps that's the wrong word."

Seeing their interactions, Alex made a fake cough to catch their attention.

"Umm, this might sound rude for interrupting you two but, I would like to inform Lefiya~san that I'll be taking my leave."

Alex said with a smile as he said his farewell. For him, it would be rude for Lefiya if he will leave without her knowing.

"Ahhh, I'm sorry Alex~kun. I was so excited to see Filvis~san earlier."

Lefiya immediately bowed her head, apologizing for almost overlooking about him.

"I understand so it's fine."

Alex then turned to leave to give the two a moment of their time. As Alex was about to leave, he heard Lefiya's voice.

"This is Miss Filvis Challia of Dionysus Familia. A friend of mine, who had helped me before."

Filvis Challia. A second-tier adventurer and the captain of her familia. Turning around, Alex saw Filvis froze. She might have ignored him earlier as she was so focused to Lefiya but now that she had noticed him, she felt something from within that she couldn't really explain.

"I'm Alex. You could also say that I'm the Captain of Kronos Familia. Nice to meet you, Felvis~san."

Alex said with a smile but this time, Alex didn't offer a handshake, remembering the traditions of the elves.

"Nice to meet you, Alex~kun."

Filvis softly muttered as her hand rose and offered a handshake to Alex. Seeing her hand, both Alex and Lefiya was surprised at her action. Filvis too was surprised on why she took the initiative.

Not wanting to embarrass her, Alex slowly grabbed her soft hands with a silly smile on his handsome face.

"Once again, pleasure to meet you."

Slowly releasing his hand, he continued.

"Well, I still have to return to my party so...I guess I'll leave the two of you."

Saying those words, Alex instantly disappeared in front of the two elves before they could say anything.

"He left just...just like that."

Lefiya murmured in herself, not expecting for Alex to leave in such method.