
Danmachi Sword Fairy


unknown_20281 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 6:

"Hey, look at that child, lying on the ground for a while, lying on the ground for a while, and now he started squatting last time, is there something serious in his head?"

"It's probably crazy, don't approach him, be careful of being entangled"

Bai, who got up early in the morning to exercise, was pointed out by the aunts who bought vegetables because of his weird behavior, and was even talked about as having a serious illness. . .

However, Bai was not angry. This exercise method, which the aunt regarded as a lunatic, was decided by Bai last night. No matter what others said, Bai would stick to it.

Do 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 squats, run 10 kilometers a day, don't turn on the air conditioner when it's hot in summer, and only eat discounted meals every day.

(Air conditioners and discounted lunches are just that in this world...)

This way of exercising is undoubtedly very difficult for the current Bai, but only hard work can pay off.

And Bai felt that his future was boundless, and he thought of the bald demon king who also relied on this kind of training method to blow everything up with one punch. . . . White is full of energy.

"By the way... I won't be bald if I practice like this..."

Bai touched his hair, feeling a little chilly in his heart, as if he was a little unconfident about his hair volume. . .

From five o'clock in the morning to noon, Bai has been exercising, and he was too tired to move for several times, but he continued to exercise every time he took a break.

But even so, Bai has only completed one-tenth of the exercise he expected, and his body is too weak now, and he will be exhausted after a little exercise.

grunt grunt

"It's not enough, it's not enough, take your time, you can't become fat in one sitting, go eat first, and then go to the goblin warehouse"

After returning to his residence, Bai took out the key and dagger from the goblin warehouse, bought some food on the side of the road, and prepared to sell the dirt.

Generally speaking, regular weapon shops don't accept dirty things, but, whoever goes to the regular ones, and those who go for nothing are irregular. . .

Just in case, Bai also bought a fox mask and took it with him, carefully making the Wannian ship.

According to the memory of the original book in the previous life, Bai found the weapon shop where Lily was sold in the original book.

It has to be said that this kind of black shop is really hidden, if the location has not been known for a long time, most people can't find it at all.

Pushing open an ordinary wooden door, a strange smell came out from the door, without much hesitation, Bai went in.

"Welcome, the customer needs to buy something, or rather, sell something"

Looking at the cunning goblin in front of him, Bai did not speak to the other party, and took out the dagger from his waist and put it on the table.

Seeing that Bai was unwilling to communicate, the goblin boss took out his dagger and observed it carefully.

"Two hundred thousand fares"

Facing the bid from the goblin boss, Bai shook his head and stretched out three fingers.

The goblin boss laughed outright when he saw Bai bargaining, turned around and took out a bag of coins from the counter, and put it on the table.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand fares"

Bai looked at the bag full of coins, thought for a while, picked up the bag and left.

The price of 250,000 mana is much higher than Bai expected, but Bai is sure that the goblin boss sold the dagger for more than 250,000.

Doing business with goblins, it is too difficult not to lose money, unless you are very knowledgeable, otherwise you can't take advantage of dealing with a natural businessman.

Next, Bai took the key and went to the goblin warehouse to take out the gems and sell them, and then returned to the rented hotel with the money.

"Hagen, that bastard, uses hundreds of thousands of weapons, and has more than one million deposits, and takes away my money every day, so fucking damn it"

Facing more than one million Farley, Bai was not overly happy, but instead remembered the experience of being blackmailed and beaten by Hagen.

Obviously Hagen is not short of money, why should he take away the hard-earned money, Bai can't figure it out, and he doesn't want to think about it.

No matter what Hagen's saved money was used for, it didn't matter now. People were dead, so what's the use.

The money saved by hard work cannot be taken away after death. If Hagen is still alive, Bai really wants to ask him how he feels.

"The monthly rent is 20,000 yuan, and the food costs about 20,000 yuan. Calculated at 50,000 yuan a month, 1.7 million yuan can allow you to live in peace for two years."

"Two years... two years later, I will be fourteen years old. In the original book, Bell was also fourteen years old when he joined the family. What is worse than him! Just do it and be done."

They are also human beings. In the original book, Bell joined the family at the age of fourteen. Bai didn't think he was much worse than Bell.

After making up his mind, Bai started his life of devil training.

In just one year, from the beginning when he couldn't even complete one-tenth of the exercise goal, now Bai has been able to complete all the exercise goals.

With exercise, normal life, and healthy diet, Bai's body has also become stronger, with six-pack abs appearing on his stomach.

Although Bai was only thirteen years old at this time, he was only 1.6 meters tall and had a steady figure, no worse than an adult.

Coupled with his long black hair, his appearance is better than Pan An's. Sometimes when Bai looks in the mirror, he can't help sighing, "You are so handsome." . .

But Bai has been wearing a fox mask outside, no one has seen it. . . . .

"Exercising is a bit easier now, and I have to start learning how to use weapons. I can't fight monsters hand-to-hand in the future."

When thinking of weapons, the first thing Bai thinks of is guns, of course not the guns of this world, but the pistols and submachine guns from his previous life.

Obviously, Bai was thinking about farting, this world doesn't even have electricity, so return the pistol. . . .

"In that case, there are only long swords and long spears. As the saying goes, one inch is longer and one inch is stronger. Er... the long spear is fine, let's use the long sword..."

Ben still hesitated, but Bai remembered a stalk from his previous life. . . . Since ancient times, the spearman is lucky E. . . Dog lives matter. . .

Then Bai went to buy a seven-foot long double-edged sword, which cost Bai a full 50,000 mana. . . .

This is the cheapest kind of sword I bought because it is a sword for practice. . . . can only say. . . . Weapons in this world are really expensive. . .