
Danmachi Sword Fairy


unknown_20281 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 2: It not easy to live

On a bustling street somewhere in Olalie, a scruffy-dressed boy stood on a dilapidated wooden box. The boy lowered his head and seemed to be thinking about it.

"I heard Snow White was running away

little red riding hood is worried about the wolf

I heard the mad hat likes Alice

The ugly duckling turns into a swan..."

With no accompaniment or musical instruments, Bai Qing sang songs from his previous life, but Bai Qing's singing didn't seem to be unpleasant, as could be seen from the passers-by who gathered.

ding ding ding ding

Who knows who threw a coin into the bowl in front of Bai, and then the onlookers started throwing money. It didn't take long for the bowl to be filled with money, and some coins even fell on the ground.

"Thank you for your rewards, everyone!"

Looking at the bowl full of coins, Bai smiled and bowed deeply to the audience around him.

After thanking the audience for their rewards, Bai continued to sing. After each song, Bai would bow to the audience to thank him.

The sky gradually darkened, and the onlookers left one after another.

After tidying up his things, Bai Chang sighed, several hours of performing arts made Bai a little tired, but looking at the coins all over the place, Bai felt that it was all worth it.

"Is it 1130 Farleys in total? It's about the same as Bell's first time going to the dungeon, haha"

For the next ten days or so, Bai Wu spent the afternoon performing arts to make money. When he was sleepy, he would light a fire under the bridge hole to sleep, and when he was hungry, he would catch fish in the river.

Thanks to the experience in his previous life, Bai barely kept his food and clothing.

"It's 9,000 fares in total. I should be able to buy a piece of clothing. It's getting colder and colder at night. I need to find a way to live. Money~ I really want money~"

After a few days of living as a performer, Bai also saved a little money. . . .

"Hey, kid, why are you here again? I don't accept people here!"

"Hehe, boss, I'm here to buy clothes, you see I'm rich~"

"Tch! Come in"

For the attitude of the clothing store owner, Bai is not angry. The boss is a good person, which can be seen from the 10 Farley given to Bai before.

There are not many kinds of clothes in the store, most of them are rustic plain long clothes, but the price is not very expensive.

"Boss, I want this one! I'll give you the money"

The owner of the clothing store took Farley handed over by Bai, and was a little absent-minded, and the eyes he looked at Bai softened a lot.

"Wait, kid, these things are useless, I'll give them to you, don't freeze to death in the cold weather now"


The boss stuffed a package containing several steamed buns into Bai's hands, and returned to the store without looking back, leaving Bai with a confused face.


Bai said thank you to the clothing store and left, which was a surprise.

"Such a poor fabric costs 3,000 fares. It's really dark. Now there are 6,000 fares left. I have to think of a way."

While Bai despises the clothes he just bought, he eats the steamed stuffed bun that he says is a black-hearted boss. . . . .

After eating two buns with water, Bai felt 70% full. As for why he wasn't full, was he afraid of being full? Afraid of stomachache? neither. . . . Bai just wanted to save money for food. . .

As night fell, Bai lit a fire at the bottom of the bridge, spread a piece of cloth on the ground and lay on it, Bai lying on the ground, his eyes were unconsciously attracted by the towering Tower of Babel.

"Adventurers, it seems a little far away from me, but it's a pity that they were not reborn on the body of the orc elves, otherwise life would not be so difficult... Hehe, let's forget it, humans are pretty good"

In the world of Earth Wrong, there are many races, including orcs with strong bodies, elves with natural talents for magic, and Amazons, the "juice queen".

As far as Bai's understanding of this world is concerned, the human race only has some slight advantages over the small human race. . . .

This can be seen from the level of the adventurers. The top adventurers who appeared in the original anime are not human beings.

The Lv7 adventurer Ota of the Freya family is a pig-human race, the Lv6 adventurer Allen is a cat-human race, the Lv6 Finn of the Loki family is a small human race, and the Lv6 Liya is an elf royal family.

Although there are many humans among adventurers, most of them do not exceed Lv1.

For the family of this world, it is not cost-effective to let a race with no future join in. This can be seen from the original protagonist Bell.

The current Bai is ten times weaker than Bell who just came to Olalie in the original book, unless a goddess like "Blue Ribbon" appears.

If you rush to join the family, it doesn't matter if you are rejected. If you meet some disgusting people, you will be fine if you get beaten up. It is not impossible to be killed as a toy.

This world is not the legal society of Bai's previous life. Even if a person like Bai is killed, no one will care.

"I won't go to the street to make money today, let's have a good sleep, I feel a little uncomfortable recently, it's an illusion, I fell asleep."

In the early morning, the sun rose from the east, and a ray of warm sunlight shone on Bai, who was curled up in a ball, and the fire was extinguished in the middle of the night.

Not long after, Bai was forced to get up because the sun was closing his eyes more and more. . .

clatter clatter clack clack clatter

"Ha~ vomit... My mouth stinks..."

After washing his face with river water, Shiro shrunk his mouth and blew a breath into the hands that were cupped by his mouth. . . . Then early in the morning, I was disgusted by myself. . .

People don't use sand sculptures to waste youth. . . .

"One two three four, two two three four, one more time"

After a simple radio gymnastics exercise, Bai pointed at the place where he was sleeping, and when he picked up the cloth spread on the floor, Bai's expression was obviously disgusted. . .

Bai clenched the cloth in his hand, his eyes became firm.

"In order to go to bed early! I must be full of energy today!! Come on! Ollie!! Just do it!"

This is how adults make up their minds.