
Danmachi/Sin Of Pride

A somewhat socially awkward man, who was isolated from society due to his absurd amount of frankness and the fact that he rarely chooses not to voice up his thought when annoyed, finds himself in a world of Gods and adventure.

HolierThanThou515 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Honored Spiritus Noctis

"That should be enough." Noctis voiced as his current situation was a little uncomfortable.

He woke up last night but since he didn't want to create a commotion and disturb their sleep, he opted to not leave his bed, instead, he used that time to... meditate of sorts.

But once the sun was already up and the moon was nowhere to be seen, he decided to go out, and he was... hungry, really hungry.*

That's how he met with Mikoto who cried his name and jumped on him, alerting the others who thought that something happened and rushed over.

So what did they do? They also hugged him. While saying how they were worried about him with tears in their eyes even Ouka but he didn't cry though instead, he had a happy smile on his face.

The only one who didn't hug him was Takemikazuchi who decided to pat him... and he let that one slide as thanks for taking care of him.

The first one to let go was Chigusa and she did without a word, after which she went beside their God.

"S-sorry, I was a little too excited." Mikoto shamefully retreated, her face a bit red in embarrassment.

"What is?" Asuka shamelessly acted ignorant, refusing to not let go of the hand she was hugging, instead pressing it even further between her breast.

"Don't act like this, We were really worried you know." Ouka hit his back lightly, as he smiled brightly, but still, let go of him nonetheless.

"I know." He replied as he retrieved his hand from Asuka's hold, althought it wasn't uncomfortable physically, it was mentally.

Although he was unconscious, his spirit, if you wish, wasn't. He was aware of everything that happened around him.

"Tch" Asuka clicked her tongue.

"Now, if you will, I am rather hungry."


Damn, it felt good to eat by oneself and not just liquified portions. Yes, that was how they were feeding him as he couldn't chew on his own.

But that didn't really taste anything, not good but not bad as well.

So you can imagine how he felt right now, eating to his heart's content. And ho boy did he eat.

"Huh..." Ouka looked at the foods on the table disappearing one after another without any sign of stopping.

"Did we not feed him enough?" Takemikazuchi wondered as he discreetly asked Mikoto.

"I... I am sure we did, I was pretty careful about it as well." She answered as she also watched.

"Don't bother, it's not about whether I was full or not." Noctis hearing them paused for a moment to speak. "It's all about the taste." He then continued with his meal, indulging himself in gluttony.

""I see."" They all seemingly nodded in synchro, understanding what he meant.

Minutes later, they were done eating, and Noctis asked a couple of questions about their current situation.

"What about those guys?" Noctis asked as the overall mood directly became somber.

"Nothing, they did nothing since that day." Ouka was the one to answer.

"Although they didn't, we did. We have looked for them and found them." He then proceeded to tell Noctis the detail.

"I see. That's perfect. Good job." He felicitated but Ouka shook his head.

"Not really, although we did find them, we can not really do anything else, they are superior to us in all points, numerically and even in strength." As Ouka said the others lowered their head in frustration.

"I would not be so sure about that yet." Noctis smiled a bit as he looked at Takemikazuchi.

"When will be the next Denatus?" His question puzzled many, but not the God who answered all the same with a smile on his face. "I see, so you have noticed...it will be in 4 days exactly."

"Noticed what?" Asuka asked puzzled.

"His new strength." The God of War answered.

"New strength?" Mikoto wondered aloud as she thought about it for a moment before her eyes widened in surprise. "Noctis-dono, you didn't...?"

"I did." He answered calmly, his eyes closed for a moment. "I have leveled up."

Shock, disbelief, and then finally joy. That was the quick succession of emotions that the Familia members experienced.

"Congratulations Noctis."


"You really did it Noctis-dono!"


In fact, they were not the only ones to react as such. Noctis himself after getting a feel of his body last night was feeling the same. In a moment of disbelief, he opened his system status panels that he almost forgot he had and took a look.

And here is how it goes.


[Name: Noctis Caelum]

[Age: 16]

[Level: 2]

•Strength: I-0

•Endurance: I-0

•Dexterity: I-0

•Agility: I-0

•Magic: I-0





Sin of Pride

Spiritus Noctis


Alpha Body- I


So yeah, he leveled up, and even obtain new abilities. Not only that he also used his level-up Gacha and obtained a pretty good magic from it.

All in all, he was sure he could get to the end of this matter.

"As expected, here is your status before and after the level-up. And you will excuse me as I had to put all the chance on our side to assure that you will survive so I went ahead and performed the level up." Takemikazuchi didn't regret what he did at all, it was necessary.

The level-up came with a boost in all abilities of an adventurer, meaning it also boosted the ability of the body to defend itself and heal.

"I understand, you are excused." Noctis wasn't ungrateful, he knew it was all for him in the end.

"As for your DA, there weren't that many, so I choose the one that stood out, the best one in my opinion. I also wrote its description along with what I understood of your new skill." Takemikazuchi explained, there was nothing to hide anyway, all people here were trustworthy.

"Let me see that..." Noctis's eyes traced the paper on which his stats before his level-up were inscribed and as he did, the others also got closer to take a look out of curiosity.


Noctis Caelum


•Strength: SSS- 1501

•Endurance: SSS- 1580

•Dexterity: SSS- 1506

•Agility: SSS- 1612

•Magic: SSS- 1604




_Sin Of Pride

_Spiritus Noctis


Skills Description by Takemikazuchi.

_Spiritus Noctis: A skill that massively enhances the potency of anything in relation to the mind and spirit of the owner, such as willpower, mental power, and resistance, etc...

_Alpha Body: Make the body stronger, faster, and more resistant. Increase the body's overall capability.


Seeing this Noctis internally sighed in relief, sure he wouldn't be angry even if all his stats didn't pass the SSS cap, but he would still mind as that wasn't what he wanted.

So the fact that he ultimately achieved his goal, made him rather proud, and he did it in a single day... even though he almost died because of it.

And that's without even talking about his new abilities... He was indeed a lot stronger than before.

"That's quite... unbelievable." Mikoto spoke with a blank face which contrasted heavily with the tone of her voice.

"I didn't even know it was possible to go beyond S." Asuka wasn't even joking.

"I think, it's time for me to retreat as an adventurer. This job is clearly not for me." Ouka slumped on the ground with a self-deprecating laugh.

Noctis seeing this shook his head as Takemikazuchi laughed to himself on the side seeing their reaction. He was quite happy that he wasn't the only one to have to react this way every time.

"You shouldn't react that way." Noctis spoke and just when they thoughts he was going to cheer them up, they found themself smiling at his next words. "You and I are different, I am from a completely different world. It's only natural that our growths won't be similar." They were pride in his words but, the fact was he was speaking quite honestly it was not even to boast.

That is why they couldn't even be sad or angry about it, not even realizing that Noctis was being literal with the "completely different world" part.

"Now, now. Next to the next subject. You are planning for a Wargame aren't you?" Takemikazuchi spoke as if he already knew that would happen.

"Indeed, There is no way around it. They have to pay." Noctis didn't beat around the bush but the others were still a little hesitant about that.

"But can we really win?" Chigusa asked as she looked at her hands, she didn't think it possible even with Noctis, they also have a level 2, not only that but many levels 1 as well. Even if Noctis could beat the level 2, they by them 4 had to fight the others levels 1.

Yes, they did get stronger but not to the point of fighting so many people.

"It's true that we are massively outclassed in terms of numbers" Mikoto stated as she crossed her arms, thinking hard about it.

"I am with you." Ouka as he promised before, didn't question it and directly stated he would participate in the wargame.

And because of that, the others looked at him with skeptical eyes, not expecting that because although Ouka didn't forget his promise, they did.

"I am also in!" Asuka also didn't question it and instead, she smacked her fists against each other in excitement. She so wanted to beat them up.

"Then it's settled, the three of us are going to do it. The others can stay on the side and watch." Noctis announced, shocking Mikoto and Chigusa.

"W-wait, I- I didn't say that I wouldn't fight." Chigusa didn't fear fighting, she was just asking a question.

"..." Mikoto was still thinking with her eyes closed, but a moment later, she opened them and spoke.

"It's decided, I shall put my sword at your disposition." But her words caused silence to reign in the room as Chigusa and Asuka's cheeks reddened heavily.

"Mikoto... how bold of you..." Asuka spoke, thinking she had been surpassed once again.

"Ahem... I didn't know that your feelings for him were so deep."Ouka coughed as he spoke.

And while Noctis had a puzzled look on his face, Mikoto seemingly realized what she had done, and in an instant, her face became as red as Rose's hair.

"N-No, It's-" She shouted before realizing once again that she was getting too loud, "Please don't misunderstand! I wasn't thinking of that!" She hurriedly tried to rectify herself, but this time her voice wasn't loud enough.

"Where we come from, what she said just now was one of the ways a warrior confessed her/his love to someone. As that essentially meant that, they would protect the other one no matter what." Seeing Noctis looking at him for clarification, Takemikazuchi explained.

"I see..." Noctis nodded before looking at Mikoto. "Your love, I shall acknowledge it, but I have to apologize as I am not looking for such a relationship right now." He lowered his head a bit out of respect for her feelings.

This was one of the many times his familia members were surprised by his action, as they certainly didn't expect someone as prideful as him to lower his head for someone else. Well perhaps except a God, but even that they didn't see yet.

Love was one thing he experienced in his past life, thus he knew that to be loved by someone else was something to be glad and respectful about.

"I, I, not, like, that, I, I." Mikoto kept repeating those words none could understand on the side as she hugged her knees and with her red face hidden in between.

"Now that this is settled, we are going to ask for a wargame in two days, just before the Denatus, and the wargame itself will take place a week later and it will be a Battle royal." Noctis spoke.

"Wait, but what if they refuse?" Asuka asked.

"With the information, we have about their God and captain, as long as we are willing to pay a certain price they won't." Ouka was the one to answer.

"And if they do..." Noctis's voice grew considerably colder. "That would be akin to a death sentence." Though his voice grew cold, the others had the impression that the surrounding temperature grew considerably hotter for a second.

'Was it my imagination?' Takemikazuchi was sure he felt a faint trace of magic being used.

"I will show you, and I will show them as well." Noctis spoke.

"Did they really think they could get away with their actions just because they are strong?"

"While revenge is indeed beneath me. I shall deliver judgment for their sins."

His words carried a sense of certainty to them, a sense of inevitable causality.

The fate of the Coalemus Familia was thus sealed.



Legends say that Noctis is so strong, he has a skill of his own name.