
DanMachi: Rise of the Shadow Monarch

What would you do if you got a Solo Levelig System in Danmachi? What if you were a Sadow Monarch and could raise dead adventurers to do your bidding? What if you had a crippling addiction to Fried Fish? Well our MC has all of these. A leveling system that makes him a shadow monarch that also has a fried fish addition from his past life. What could possibly go wrong when this type of person is dropped into an anime world.

Charlemagne1 · Anime & Comics
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The Wolf Pack part 1/2

The clearing was large, and scattered around it were giant rocks that formed small hills.

This place reminded me of a hidden garden that you'd find in fairy tales, it was tranquil and calming to be here, and its naturally beautiful landscape was breathtaking.

But that was the least of my concern as all around the clearing was the wolf pack.

The Wolves were scattered in small groups, some were dragging animal bodies back into the clearing from the other side, this must have been a hunting party gathering food.

There were wolf pups everywhere, running around and chasing each other, with there mothers looking over them from the large rock hills.

And at the center of the clearing, was what I assumed to be the alpha male Wolf.

He was large and covered in thick grey fluffy hide, his eyes were yellow and held a large sense of intelligence in them, an he was covered in scars, probably from all the fights it must of took to become the alpha.

Ok got to strategies.

What do I know about Wolfs?

Wolves can sprint from 36-38 miles for short distances.

In the wild, wolves can live up to 13 years and up to 16 years in captivity

The main threat to wolf survival is habitat loss due to destruction, development, and encroachment of humans.

They are also threatened due to persecution by humans.

Wolf pups are born in the Spring and they live with their mother in the den until they are about 3 weeks old.

All wolves in a pack help raise and take care of the pups.

Wolf weights vary. They can weigh from 40 to 175 pounds.

Wolves howl to communicate. if alone, a wolf may howl to attract the attention of his pack.

Packs howl together to send territorial messages from one pack to another.

Wolves are the largest members of the dog family.

Wolves can roam large and long distances, sometimes up to 12 miles (20 kilometers) in a single day.

Wolves prefer to eat large animals like deer, elk, and moose. One wolf can eat 20 pounds (9 kilograms) of meat at a single sitting.

Adult wolves have 42 teeth

Wolf gestation period is 63 days

Wolves live in family groups called packs made up of a male parent, a female parent and usually some of their pups over the previous years.

Wolf packs work together to hunt for food.

The loss of one wolf from a pack can damage the cohesion of the group and cause packs to break up.

Pack sizes range from three to twenty wolves.

A wolf pack has a set social structure and rules.

The pack leaders are the alpha male and female.

These two are dominant over the other wolves in the pack.

The alphas are the only wolves that breed and produce pups in the pack, and they also get to eat first.

Social structures of a pack can change.

A wolf lower down in the pack hierarchy may challenge an alpha wolf for pack leadership. If the alpha wolf loses this challenge, it will sometimes leave the pack to become a lone wolf, find another mate, and start a new pack.

Very low ranking wolves are often "picked on" by the other wolves and may also leave the pack.

Individual wolves in a pack play different roles in relation to the other wolves in the group.

Wolves will defend their territory from other wolf packs or other predators they might find a threat

All this was from a Social Structure study I did in college, and if all this applies to these wolves then that's good.

But it also means that most of this information will be useless to me because it's not about there Biology.

And because I hand bothered to look at there biology when studying them for the Presentation, I don't really have any choice other to wing it...

Ok, here I go!