
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 91: Explanations & Recovery

(3rd Person: POV)

Following behind Fels Athena and Astraea walked down a passageway he had brought them too.

Eventually they came to a dead end.

But a second after they did so the wall in front of them moved upward, allowing them to continue.

The three then stepped forward, finding themselves in Ouranous' personal chamber situated under the guild headquarters.

Athena and Astraea went to stand in front of Ouranous alter.

After they did so he looked over to Fels and gave a curt nod. "Thank you Fels for bringing them here." He said.

Fels simply bowed in response.

Once he did so Ouranous turned his attention back to Athena and Astraea.

"Athena, Astraea, thank you both for coming." Ouranous said.

"Of course. You obviously wished to see us to talk about that thing my children encountered in the dungeon, and I want to know what the fuck it was." Athena said.

Astraea nodded her head in agreement with her friends statement.

"Very well." Ouranous said.

He then explained to the two goddesses exactly what the Juggernaut was. Including how it came to appear in the first place.

Hearing the information the two goddesses were at a loss for words.

"Now you see why I called for this meeting. And why I ask neither of your or your familia members too reveal any information about the Juggernaut unless absolutely necessary." Ouranous said.

Athena and Astraea simply nodded their heads in agreement.

Since they both knew if information about the Juggernaut became public knowledge there would be many who would try and summon it.

Either to unleash carnage and death or simply to fight against it in battle to test themselves.

People are stupid like that.

But what was left unsaid that all three gods thought in the back of their minds is how the dungeon might respond should the Juggernaut be summoned too many times.

None of them wanted an answer to that particular question.

"We understand Ouranous." Astraea spoke. "And we shall inform our children as well."

"I thank you for this." Ouranous said.

He was extremely glad it was the children of Athena and Astraea who had encountered the Juggernaut. Because he knew that unlike most other gods in the mortal realm they would not abuse the knowledge they just obtained.

The same for their familia members.

But Ouranus couldn't say this about a lot of other gods.

So he was again thankful for the current situation.

Even if it was reached after a horrible tragedy took place.

"Well then that is all I wished to discuss with you both. I shall have Fels escort you out." Ouranous said.

"Wait just a moment Ouranous. There is a matter I wish to discuss." Athena spoke up.

"And what might that be Athena?" Ouranous asked.

"Simple. Wiping the filth known as Evilus from this world." Athena spoke.

Putting a sinister smile on her face as she did so.

"I have plans to handle them and I want your approval. Also you have no need to fear. I won't go too far. But this has gone on long enough. It is time for a requiem." Athena stated.

Taking a moment Ouranous thought about Athenas' words.

"Before I agree to anything I need to have some idea of what your plan is." Ouranous said.

"Of course. It's only natural." Athena said.

She then gave a rough idea to Ouranous about her plan to finally stomp out Evilus.

The founder of the guild wasn't shocked in the slightest.

Neither was Astraea, since she had been Athena's friend ever since their time in heaven.

She knew her true nature very well.

Athena generally didn't make trouble or play games like most gods.

But that did not mean she was a pushover.

Cross her or slight her in the wrong way and she would destroy you until there was nothing left.

No matter who you were.

It was this ferocity within Athena that made most gods leave her alone.

And those that didn't.

Well, it's better not to talk about them.

Not to anyone's surprise all of Athena's familia members were similar to her in personality in this way.

When Athena finished telling Ouranous about her plan to deal with Evilus he nodded.

"Your plan. I approve of it." He said.

Since he himself knew Evilus needed to be finished off once and for all.

Their existence was impeding the growth of adventurers and endangering Orario as a a whole.

"Thank you. You won't regret this." Athena spoke.

After she did so she and Astraea left Ouranous chamber, escorted by Fels.

As they did so Athena started humming.

Very excited to begin another one of her requiem.


In her hospital room Kaguya slowly but surely opened her eyes.

After doing so she looked around and noticed Rogue asleep in a chair right next to her head.

A place he had practically been living since the incident with the Juggernaut took place.

Other than to eat, bathe, and relieve himself, Rogue had barely left Kaguya's side.

His friends and mother had to practically pry him away from her after the first few days.

Explaining to him that not taking care of himself would only make Kaguya worried when she woke up.

That did the trick and snapped him out of his stupor.

Still, this was the most scared he had ever been in his entire life.

More than any challenge he faced inside of the dungeon.

"Rogue." Kaguya said.

As soon as she did so his eyes shot open.

"You're finally awake." Rogue said.

Putting a smile on his face he gently took her left hand into his.

His gaze going to her missing right arm.

Looking at where Kaguya's right arm used to be Rogue felt anger.

Namely towards Evilus.

But also a bit of anger towards himself.

Since if he was just a bit faster or stronger then maybe Kaguya wouldn't have lost her arm in the first place.

Though he didn't well on it too much.

He was just grateful she was alive.

Looking at Kaguya's face Rogue instantly felt something take hold of him.

Then before he knew it three words were out of his mouth.

"I love you."

Yes, Rogue Cheney loved Kaguya Gojouno.

He had realized this some time ago, but only now had the courage to say it.

"Fu, I feel the same." Kaguya said.

The two then shared a quick kiss in response to each other's words.

Once they did so Kaguya finally took note of her missing right arm.

"So that wasn't all a dream." She muttered. "That monster. Asta, Celty." She said.

After she did so tears welled up in Kaguya's eyes and she began to cry for her fallen friends.

Rogue said nothing and simply held her hand through it all.

After a few moments Kaguya stopped crying and Rogue gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Thank you." She said.

"Don't mention it." Rogue spoke.

The two then smiled at each other.

"So hey, what about the others? Also, did Morax turn into a dragon?" She asked.

Since Kaguya was barely conscious when Rogue and the others arrived to save her.

"Yeah. About that." Rogue said.

He then filled in Kaguya on all she missed while she had been asleep.

Morax and his adepti status, the truth about the Juggernaut, and everything else he felt was important.

"I missed quite a bit." Kaguya said.

"Yeah, well you had a good excuse." Rogue commented.

"So anyway I have something for you." He said.

Rogue then reached down beside him and pulled up a box.

He then opened it up and revealed the item inside to Kaguya.

It was a black haori and imprinted on the back of it in gold was the Far East symbol for justice.

This was the anniversary gift Morax suggested to Rogue and he agreed it would fit Kaguya perfectly.

That's why he got it tailored made for her.

As to why he is giving it to her know, he didn't feel like waiting given what happened.

"So, what do you think?" Rogue asked.

Kaguya didn't answer.

Instead she lifted herself up and gave him a hot kiss.

Breaking it a moment later she then whispered something in his ears that made Rogue slightly blush and make him drop his mouth open.

Seeing his reaction Kaguya put a devilish smile on her face.

It took a few seconds for Rogue to reboot but after he did he quickly put the haori away and got into bed with Kaguya.

They then showed their love for each other in the physical sense.

Rogue was especially passionate given what Kaguya told him he was allowed to do.

Needless to say that night both fell asleep satisfied and with smiles on their faces.