
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 87: Just Dessert*

Taking Rose in my arms I moved us into the living room and then threw her on the couch.

Careful to control my strength, since unlike Ryuu she is a normal person and might break if I'm not too careful with her.

Licking my lips I climbed on top of Rose and gave her a rough kiss.

As she allowed her tongue into my mouth my hands roamed her body, getting reacquainted with it.

After a moment we broke our kiss, a trail of saliva between our lips.

Once we did so Rose forced our positions to switch.

Pushing me down onto the couch she climbed atop of me and started grinding herself on the semi-erection in my pants.

Reaching down Rose removed my shirt and tossed it aside.

She then traced her hands across my chest until she reached my nipples. Where she began rubbing them between her fingers.

Releasing a groan I moved my hands to her but and squeezed it.

Kneading her ass through the fabric of her dress she continued grinding against my crotch. Turning my dick fully erect.

As it strained against my pants I felt both pain and pleasure.

"Rose." I moaned out her name.

As I did so she stopped playing with my nipples and got off me.

Once she did so I stood up and removed my pants, allowing my cock to fly freely.

Licking her lips at the sight of my erection Rose came up to me and grabbed it without hesitation.

Giving it a little squeeze after she did so.

Feeling immense pleasure I jumped a bit.

"You like that?" Rose whispered into my ear.

"Yes, very much." I answered.

"Good." Rose said.

She then pushed me down on the couch again.

"Stay." She said.

Rose then walked away and I followed her orders without question.

A moment later she returned with a bottle of chocolate syrup.

Placing it on the table next to us, Rose did a little show for me.

Slowly but surely she removed her dress, and then her matching dark green bra and panties.

Which only made me harder.

Once she was finished with her little strip show she threw her dress aside as well as her bra.

But she took her panties and came over to me.

She then took my arms and placed them above my head, tying my wrist together using her underwear after she did so.

Rose is quite into BDSM as I've come to discover.

Not that I am complaining in the slightest.

Once my wrist were secured Rose retrieved the chocolate syrup bottle and then squirted some on my dick.

Once it was fully coated Rose licked her lips once more.

"Thanks for the treat." She said.

Rose then devoured my dick with her mouth, sending a wave of pleasure throughout my entire body.

Bobbing her head back and forth she looked me in the eyes, as she licked the chocolate syrup off me. Her salvia and pre-cum taking its place.

"Keeping going." I said.

Beginning to move my hips as I did so.

Only for Rose to slap my legs and remove her head from my dick after I did.

"What are the rules?" She asked.

"No moving. Sorry, please forgive me." I said. Sounding weak.

Since Rose is a bit of a dominatrix.

The complete opposite of the submissive Ryuu.

But life has many flavors as they say.

"No, you need to be punished. Otherwise you'll never learn." Rose spoke harshly.

She then took my dick between her breasts and started moving them up and down.

The pleasure became even greater as Rose spat on my dick, getting it nice and slick between her wonderful breasts.

Slowly but surely she got me closer and closer.

But when I was right on the edge she stopped.

"Why?" I asked in a husky voice.

"Punishment" Rose said. "Two more times and then you can cum." She told me.

Rose then went to bring me to the edge again. This time taking the tip my dick into her mouth.

As her breasts and mouth worked together in perfect unison I fought the urge to just rip my makeshift bindings and push Rose down to finish.

Since this made the experience even more pleasurable.

As Rose edge me once more, she started on the final time.

My dick started twitching. But Rose knew exactly how to work it so I wouldn't cum.

As she edged me one last time my breathing was. erratic.

"Please, let me cum." I begged.

"Since you took your punishment like a good boy ok." Rose said.

She then took my dick into her mouth and started pumping it, along with her breasts.

This brought me over the close edge I was already on and I came.


Robes and robes of cum flew out of my dick and into Roses mouth.

But she couldn't catch it all and a lot landed on her breasts, face, and even in her hair.

When my dick finally stopped twitching after five shots Rose was covered in my seed.

"You got me all dirty. Now I need to clean up." She said.

Rose then started cleaning all my cum off her body.

As I watched her do this my dick got hard again.

When she was finished I was all set for round two.

Standing to her feet I saw liquid between Roses legs. Showcasing just how wet she is.

Coming over to me she didn't waste any time.

She plunged my cock into her pussy all the way to the base and then shoved her boobs into my face.

Taking her nipples into my mouth I sucked on them as Rose bounced up and down on me like a jackhammer.

"Yes, oh gods yes!" Rose screamed.

Sucking her breasts with all I had I left her walls clamp down on me lick a vice-grip.

"You like this don't you. Well?"

"Yes." I said.

"Good." Rose said.

Pushing my face deeper into her breasts, she wrapped her arms around my head and continued riding my dick.

Until eventually she came.

As her juices splashed all over me I started pumping harder and harder until I came once again.



Rose screamed at the top of her lungs while I moaned into her breasts.

The two of us getting lost in the pure bliss of simultaneous orgasm.

Until eventually it ended.

Both of us breathing heavily and sweating Rose released my head, allowing me to catch my breath.

"Amazing as always." I said.

"Why thank you. Now, back to work." She commanded me.

As she did so I felt my dick shudder.

Since it turns out I'm not a masochist or a sadist but a switch.

"Yes mam." I said.

Rose and I then went back to sex, ignoring the food she prepared.

Since tonight all we need to get full was dessert.