
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 8: Falna: Blessing of the Gods

"Please take care of us?" I asked Athena.

When I did so she gave me a soft smile.

The smile itself saying "Welcome.".

"It would be my pleasure to accept you two new children into my familia." Athena told Ryner and I.

"And we are grateful to you for having us." I said.

"Yes, we are." Ryner echoed.

We truly are.

Now we can finally start having adventures.

I am excited. But at the same time I am also scared. Considering what I know lurks in that place called the Dungeon thanks to my foreknowledge.

Goliath, the One-Eye Black Dragon, and then there is the Juggernaut as well.

Just thinking about those monsters is making me feel a cold sweat. But at the same time a burning passion as well.

It's weird.

But I like this weird feeling. It isn't too bad.

Clapping her hands together Athena drew my attention back to her.

"Ok then, so who wants to receive their Falna first?" She asked Ryner and I.

Falna. Also known as the Blessing of the Gods.

It is what gives us that were born in the mortal world the power to dive into the dungeon in the first place. By obtaining it we can fight the monsters, gain Excelia and grow stronger.

Once Athena posed her questioned I looked at Ryner.

"Do you mind if I go first?" He asked.

"Not at all." I told him.

"Great, then please follow me." Athena said.

She then stood up and started walking, Ryner following behind her.

As the two of them left I looked at Leon and the others. "So, do you guys have anything to eat I haven't had lunch yet?" I asked.

Hey, I'm hungry so sue me.


(3rd Person: POV)

Following Athena Ryner and her went up the stairs to the second-story of the home.

They then walked to a door at the end of the left hallway and once they arrived Athena opened the door and went inside.

"Please come in." She told Ryner.

He then followed her inside, the goddess closing the door behind her.

"Now then, please remove your shirt and lie down in the bed." Athena told Ryner.

"Sorry, what now?" He questioned.

"It's the only way for me to give you Falna." Athena explained.

"Oh, ok." Ryner said.

He then removed his shirt and laid face down on the bed.

Once he did so Athena moved over to the desk and picked up a needle. She then moved over to Ryner and without any hesitation stabbed herself in one of her fingers.

After she did so she let the blood from her open wound drip onto Ryner's back.

A few seconds after this took place a glow encompassed his entire body.

"Oh, this feels strange and yet so good at the same time." Ryner said.

Athena said nothing, and simply put a soft smile on her face.

As the blessing contained within Athena's blood fused with Ryner's body hieroglyphs eventually appeared on his back, along with the crest of Athena and the entire Athena Familia.

[Image Here]

Then once that happened Ryner officially became a member of the Athena familia, and an adventurer.

"It's done." Athena said. "Now then, don't move yet I still need to inspect your status."

"Yes." Ryner said.

As he did so Athena pulled a thin piece of paper from Ryner's back, examining his status.

When she did so she raised a brow.

"Oh my, seems you have a talent to become a mage." Athena spoke.

"Really?" Ryner questioned.

Athena nodded.

"Here, take a look for yourself." She said.

Athena then handed Ryner his status sheet.

Sitting up he examined it with vigor.


Name: Ryner Lute

Level: One

Strength: I0

Endurance: I0

Dexterity: I0

Agility: I0

Magic: I0



Chant: What I seek is thunder, Izuchi!

Slot 2:?

Slot 3:?


High Magus: Increases the power, range, and attack strength of any of the user's magic. As well speeds up the recovery of their mind, generally preventing Mind Down unless they are in dire straits.

Developmental Abilities:


"So cool." Ryner said.

As he gushed over his status Athena simply continued smiling, happy that Ryner is happy.

She is also glad her familia finally has a mage in it.

Since her other children were not good at longe-range attacks. Now Ryner can balance that out.

Seeing this she is glad she decided to accept him and Morax into the familia.

Very glad indeed.


(Morax: POV)

A sandwich in hand I enjoyed lunch as I made small talk with Millhoire, Leonmitchelli and Gaul.

In doing so I learned all of them grew up together as childhood friends.

"Interesting." I said. "So, you three have been together since you were babies huh?"

"That's basically right." Leonmitchelli told me. "Millhoire grew up in the orphanage were Gaul and I used to live. One day she wandered into our home and we met, then the rest is history as they say."

"Yep." Gaul said.

"I see." I said. "Cool. And I think its even cooler that your parents allowed you all to become adventures so young as well." I said.

But the moment I did so I knew it was a mistake.

Since the as soon as I said the word parent the entire temperature of the room dropped.

Gaul and Leonmitchelli getting blank looks on their faces.

"Sorry." I said. " I didn't mean to hit a sore spot for you guys."

"No, it's alright." Leonmitchelli said. "It's just. Well you see our parents-"

"-Morax." Athena's voice interrupted. "I'm ready for you." She said.

Turning towards the stairs I saw her walking down with a smiling Ryner.

"Oh, looks like something good happened." I said.

"Yep, turns out I have the talent to become a mage." Ryner said. "Here, take a look." He said. Handing me his status sheet.

Reading it I nodded.

He really does have the talent to become a top-class mage in the future. Good for him. His skill especially is top tier, and he's still only level one.

Once I was done reading Ryner's status I handed it back to him. Then I quickly finished off my sandwich and headed upstairs with Athena. While the others started talking about Ryner's status with him.

Going to a room at the end of the left hallway I entered and Athena closed the door behind us after we did so.

"So, this is your room huh?" I questioned.

"It is." Athena told me. "Now then, please lie down and remove your shirt so that I may give you my blessing."

"No problem." I spoke.

I then removed my shirt and laid down back up on the bed.

A moment after I did so I felt something hit my back, and then a warm and fuzzy feeling spread across my entire body, bringing a smile to my face as I did so.

So this is what its like to receive Falna, it certainly is an experience I will never forget.

But as quickly at it began it ended.

"Hold still please, we're not done yet." Athena told me.

"Yes mam." I told her.

I then held still and then heard Athena gasp a moment later.

"Oh my." She said.

Turning over I looked up at her. "What, what's wrong?"

"It seems you have even more potential than your friend." Athena told me. "Here, take a look." She said.

Athena then handed me my status sheet.

Once she did I took note of the crest of the Athena famila, but also of my current status and when I did my eyes went wide in shock.


Name: Morax Lapis

Level: One

Strength: I0

Endurance: I0

Dexterity: I0

Agility: I0

Magic: I0


Geo Force: Allows the user to create and manipulate earth constructs such as weapons. The more complex the constructs are the faster mana and mind are drained.

Chant: Ground and soil, heed my command and come forth!

Slot 2: ?

Slot 3: ?


Geo Archon: Increases the effect and power of any earth-based magic. It also doubles the user's strength and agility stats anytime they are in combat within rocky terrain. This allows one to be able to sense people within a 50 meter radius upon rocky terrain, but only if they are part of one's familia.

Developmental Abilities:


I read and re-read my status several times.

Still not able to believe what I was seeing.

Not only a magic, but also a skill as well.

Which I don't think is that rare, but the magic and the skill itself are pretty fucking broken.

[Geo-Force] pretty much lets me create anything out of rock, dirt, and earth that I can think of so long as I have enough mind and mana to accomplish it. Which means in the future I can create earth dragons if I wish to do so.

Then there is my skill.

[Geo Archon]

The same title Morax had in the Genshin Impact game.

Again, One Above All must really being getting a kick out of this. Giving me a skill with such a name.

Though I am not complaining, especially with the benefits the skill provides me.

But now that I have seen this I know I need to be even more careful and cautious than I already am. Because if another god of familia gets winds of my powers they will probably stop at nothing to acquire me.

Which I will not let happen.

I will live my life on my own terms.

When I was done reading my status I looked at Athena. "Please goddess, keep this between us and the familia, don't tell anyone else?"

"Of course. I will protect my children no matter what." She said.

And I just know she is telling the truth right now.

Which means Ryner and I were right to join her familia after all.