
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 60: The Start of Something New

Stepping out of Babel I felt the sun on my face as usual.

But it feels much hotter at the moment.

The air also smells better.

It's as if the entire world is now different in every single way.

All of which began after Ryuu kissed me.

Five days have passed since then.

After leaving the Amazon's of the Ishtar familia we began making our way out of the dungeon, reaching floor 18 without any trouble at all in just a day and a half.

Once we did we decided to rest up and re-supply for two days before making our way back up to the surface.

During that time I processed Ryuu's action. Going over it in my head again and again.

Until finally I came to terms with it.

A kiss.

We shared a kiss.

As soon as I realized what this meant I put a stupid grin on my face.

Which I am wearing even at this moment.

As we made our way towards the Owl House I glanced over at Ryuu.

But when I did she avoided looking me in the eye.

That's fine.

After all the situation is still a bit awkward for the both of us.

Seeing as how we haven't really talked about it.

Ryuu didn't bring it up and I chose not to either. Since that is definitely not a conversation I wanted to have in the dungeon.

But now that we are out of there we are most certainly going to address the situation.

Since for better or worse, mine and Ryuu's relationship has been changed forever.


Arriving home we were greeted by Athena and Reina as usual.

Once we were Leonmitchelli and I gave a full report to our goddess, detailing all that happened on the expedition.

Including our encounter with the Ishtar familia.

The moment we were finished I saw a burning rage in the eyes of Athena I had never seen before.

"Fufu, my that bitch Ishtar really has raised a disgusting piece of shit as a captain hasn't she." Athena said.

Getting a dark look in her eyes as she did so. Along with a smile on her face that didn't quite reach her eyes. "She won't get away with this."

"Athena please calm down." Leonmitchelli said.

"Yes, please." I added. "The incident took place in the dungeon. And you know the rule about what happens in the dungeon. Besides, that toad Phyrne already got a proper lesson. So it's fine for now."

At our words Athena visibly calmed down.

"Yes, I suppose you're right. Still, be vigilant. This Phyrne doesn't seem like the type to let things go." She said.

"Believe me, I know." I said.

However it's like I said before. Once Evilus is dealt with and if she tries to come at me and my friends again her fat ass is grass.

"We'll be careful." Leonmitchelli added.

Athena nodded.

"That's all I can ask. Anyway, I'm glad you all came back safely." She told us.

We nodded.

The meeting then ended.

Once it did so I headed to my room and took off my clothes.

Doing my best not to agitate my wounds as I did so.

Hopping in the shower I let the water wash away the stress of the last few days.

Once I felt good and clean I got out and then changed into some comfortable clothing.

I then climbed into bed and went straight to sleep for a few hours.

*Knock Knock*

Hearing a knock on my bedroom door I got out of bed and answered it.

In doing so I found Ryuu standing on the other side.

"Hey." I said.


"So, let's talk." I said.

"Yeah." Ryuu murmured.

She then stepped into my room and I closed the door behind her.


(3rd Person: POV)

Once Morax closed his bedroom door behind Ryuu he moved to sit on his bed.

Meanwhile she sat in the chair under his desk.

As they took their seats the two of them looked at each other.

In doing so Ryuu felt her face heat up.

Her shame and embarrassment is no joke right now.

As an elf she was taught to be reserved and usually only show acts of intense affection in private.

But that day in the dungeon her emotions got the better of her.

Seeing the Amazon's lust after Morax Ryuu felt a pang in her chest.

And thanks to her sexual and intimacy education classes given to her by the other female members of her familia, whether she wanted them or not, Ryuu knew the feeling she was having at that time was jealousy.

It was in that moment she realized something about her feelings toward Morax.

They had changed into romantic feelings.

'Ah, I like him as a man.'

In that moment in the dungeon this single thought passed through Ryuu's mind.

Once it did she got the urge to mark her territory so to speak.

So despite the deep seated embarrassment she felt her actions would bring Ryuu decided to give Morax a kiss.

Letting him and everyone else know how she felt.

In the aftermath Ryuu felt extremely happy.

But she also felt immensely scared.

Since she had no idea if Morax had the same feelings for her.

Ryuu is not an idiot.

She knows Morax has shown interest in her as a woman.

But she has no idea if he is being serious with his advances toward her or not.

After all this is the first time in her entire life Ryuu has ever been in this type of situation, and as a young girl turning into a woman things are even more complicated for her.

Basically she is lost and scared.

However remembering Athena's words from before Ryuu has decided not to run away. But to face her feelings head on.

No matter the outcome.

Morax looked at Ryuu. "So, we kissed. No rather, you kissed me."

Ryuu silently nodded.

"And I assume that means you like me as more than a friend?"

"Yes." Ryuu quickly said. Nodding again as she did so.

"Well guess what, I like you as well Ryuu." Morax told her.

When he did so Ryuu looked him right in the eyes.

"You do?"

Morax nodded. "I do." He said.

Hearing this Ryuu happily smiled.

"But you know Ryuu, I don't just like you." Morax spoke.

As he did so Ryuu's smile faded.

He expected this.

"I'll be honest. I want to make a harem." Morax said.

He knew it was better to get this conversation out of the way sooner rather than later. Especially before he and Ryuu entered into a serious relationship.

This way if she decided not to be with him the both of them wouldn't feel as much pain if they got together and then broke up later.

"But just to be clear I'm not going to sleep with every girl who looks at me. Not at all. The girls I want in my harem will only be ones I'm serious about like you." Morax explained.

Which is the absolute truth.

"I see." Ryuu mused. "So who is do you want in your harem?" She asked.

Ryuu is at least willing to hear Morax out.

"Shakti, Ardi's sister for one." Morax said.

Ryuu nodded, understanding giving all Morax's failed attempts to flirt with the captain of the Ganesha familia.

"I also have a thing for Rose." Morax said.

Hearing the name of their familia's guild advisor Ryuu gave Morax a pointed stare.

"Morax, do you have a preference for older woman?"

"Well..." Morax trailed off, shaking his head slightly as he did so.

Yeah, older woman are his thing.

It was the same in his previous life as well.

"But just because that's the case it doesn't mean I won't be serious in a relationship with you." Morax said. "But again I want a harem. And you three are the ones I want for now. There might be others in the future. So if you don't want to be with me I completely understand." He told her.

After all, not every woman would be comfortable being part of a harem.

Morax won't force any of the woman he likes to do so.

Since they have their own thoughts and emotions.

He knows a thing like this is complicated. Since he isn't some shounen protagonist MC with plot armour.

No, this is real life where shit takes time and effort to make work and get right.

That's the reason he's laying everything bare for Ryuu about his plans right now.

So he can avoid hurting her as much as possible.

Because he truly cares for her.

As Ryuu processed what Morax just told her she came to a decision.

Reaching out she took his hands in her own.

As she did so they looked each other in the eyes.

"I want to be with you, even if you have other woman." Ryuu spoke.

Making Morax smile softly.

"However, I will not share a bed with another woman." Ryuu said.

"Of course." Morax agreed.

Well that's not to say he isn't plan to have a threesome with some of his harem members in the future.

But that is a matter for the future.

Right now Morax is just immensely happy he and Ryuu are now lovers.

"So, we're lovers now." Morax said.

"Yes." Ryuu said.

"And since that's the case can ai get a kiss honey?" Morax asked.

As he did so Morax blushed. "Mu, Morax please don't tease me."

He lightly chuckled. "I can't help it. You're very cute when you blush."

Hearings this Ryuu's ears became beat red.

Which only made Morax smile brighter.

Looks like he's both a sadist and a masochist.

"So about that kiss." Morax said.

"Sure, d-darling." Ryuu said. Trying to tease Morax.

But it didn't work.

She is going to have to try a lot harder to get him flustered.

But moving on.

Morax moved his hands to either side of Ryuu's face.

He then leaned forward and pulled her closer at the same time.

Their lips connecting in a chaste kiss.

The moonlight shining down on them as they did so.

Signaling the start of something new.


A/N: Yes Morax and Ryuu are finally together!

A relationship I will try and make realistic as possible.

Like how I didn't make Ryuu fall for Morax for no reason at all.

I want substance in my MC's relationships after all.

Another thing, lemons will definitely appear in the future.

So stay turned in.

Also here are some other pairings I have decided upon.

Rogue x Kaguya

Gaul x Samira x Luniore

Yeah, our boy Gaul gets two girls. As for how it will happen stay tuned in to find out.

These are all the pairings I will do for sure. But there will be more.

So again, don't take your eyes off the story.