
Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Dying a guy from our world ends up reborn in Danmachi. A world filled with gods, monsters, and heroes. Just what kind of legend will he create now that he lives in such a place? Read and find out. Warning: This fiction will not be all sunshine and rainbows it will contain dark themes. Such as murder, thoughts of suicide and graphic content. You have been warned so read at your own risk.

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 113: Vacation

A smile on my face I enjoyed the gentle breeze as I relaxed in the wagon I am riding in along with the others.

Since we are finally on our way to Melen to start our vacation.

We completed the paperwork two weeks ago, but it took time for the guild to process it.

However the moment they did we were off, and now after a day of leisurely travel we are almost at our destination.

As we came over a hill I spotted Melen in the distance.

"Looks like we've arrived." I said.

"Finally, the beach!" William shouted.

"Yes, the beach." Echidna echoed.

The wagon arrived in town in no time at all.

Once it did we all disembarked and headed to a local hotel that could accommodate our entire familia and checked in.

Then right after we did so we all decided it was time for some fun in the sun.

We headed straight to the beach.


Standing in the sand, I looked out at the water.

"Perfect day for some fun at the beach." I said.

"Yep, sure is." Ryner added.

The two of us had already changed into our swim wear and are waiting for everyone else.

I am sporting some dark-orange swim trunks, while Ryner is wearing some dark red ones.

A few moments passed before the rest of the guys joined up with us.

Diluc is wearing blood-red trunks, Rogue is wearing black trunks, Gaul is wearing yellow ones, while William is wearing sunglasses and a dark-green speedo of all things.

Looks like our half-elf archer is really going all out.

"Finally, we are here." William said. Turning his head from side-to-side.

And even though I can't see his eyes due to his sunglasses I know his gaze are focused on all the women running around in bikinis all around us.

A majority of them are actually looking in our groups direction, eyeing us like pieces of meat.

Which I am flattered by, but I've already got women in my life so I pay them no attention.

"What are we waiting for, let's go and enjoy the water." Gaul said.

"Wait. We need to wait for Athena and the girls." Diluc spoke up.

Then just as soon as he did, they arrived.

"Sorry for the wait boys." Athena said.

She came leading the girls, wearing a dark-blue bikini with sunglasses covering her eyes just like William.

Following her is Leonmitchelli wearing a white bikini.

Millhiore is wearing a pink bikini with frills.

Who Diluc can't take his eyes off of. His nose is even bleeding a little bit.

Echidna is wearing an all black bikini, that actually works great with her naturally pale skin. Her hair is also tied up in a bun.

Ariane is wearing a one piece purple swimsuit, using her hands to cover her chest with an embarrassed expression on her face.

But that is only making the males, and a good number of females, stare at her even more than everyone else in our group.

Finally there is Ryuu.

Who is wearing a purple and floral pattern bikini.

[Image Here]

Looking at her I can feel my nose bleed a little bit.

'Oh yeah, doing all that paperwork for this vacation was definitely worth it.' I thought. Burning the image of Ryuu wearing a swimsuit into my brain.

"Alright, time for fun!" William shouted.

He then ran towards the water, followed by Gaul. Echidna not far behind.

Going over to Diluc Millhiore grabbed his right arm and pushed it into her breasts, pulling him towards the water.

As she did so his nosebleed only got worse.

Meanwhile the others set up our beach equipment. Then before I knew it Athena was sunbathing alongside Leonmitchelli.

While Rogue was sitting in the shade, muttering under his breathe how he wished Kaguya was with us so he could see her in a swimsuit.

Now I bet that would be a sight.

Of course I am speaking objectively.

I would never have fantasies about my friends girlfriend. That violates the bro code. Which I follow as best I can.

Moving on.

Pretty soon everyone was doing their own thing. Except for Ryuu who was standing in place, fidgeting while looking at the water.

Seeing this I went over to her. "Hey, what's the matter? If you want to go and play in the water just go."

"I want to but..." Ryuu trailed off, getting an embarrassed expression on her face.

'Don't tell me.' I thought.

"Ryuu can you not swim?" I asked her.

"Not so loud!" She slightly shouted, confirming my suspicions.

"Hey, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. And lucky for you you've got a great boyfriend who is ready and willing to teach you how to swim." I said.

I then took her hand and led her over to the water.

Getting in I led Ryuu out just a bit off shore.

"Now then, swimming is simple. Lean forward and start slightly kicking your legs. I'll hold onto your hands, and I won't let go until you're ready." I explained.

Ryuu nodded.

She then did what I asked.

As I took both her hand she started lightly kicking in the water, and I gave her instructions when she messed up.

Then before I knew it Ryuu was swimming like a pro.

Once she was the two of us fully enjoyed the beach alongside everyone else.


Opening the door to hotel I shared with the other guys in my familia I went inside.

After a fun day at the beach we went out for some local food, and now had only just gotten back to the hotel.

The others are downstairs playing some cards, but I am ready for a bath.

Since the place we are staying at has outdoor ones.

Moving over to one of the closet's I got ready to collect some towels and a robe, only to sense a presence enter the room.

The moment I did so I pulled out a hidden knife I always carried on me for protection.

"Show yourself, whoever you are." I said.

"No need for that Morax Lapis." A familia voice said.

Then in the next second Fels appeared before my eyes.

"You are the one from before." I said. Since Fels still hadn't told any of us his name which is why I can't use it.

"Yes. Greetings again, my name is Fels by the way." 'He said.

"Ok then Fels, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I come seeking the assistance of the Athena familia on a matter of extreme urgency." Fels explained.

"We're on vacation." I told him.

"I know. And again, I would not be asking if it was not extremely important. However the circumstances are that dire. There is also no one else I can ask. Please." Fels said.

As he did so I sighed and then lowered my knife. "What is it you require assistance with?"

"A rescue mission." Fels spoke. "One that is extremely important to Ouranous." He said.

"Let me get my familia, and then you can tell us all the details." I said.

I then stepped out of the room.

Wondering exactly what is so important to Fels and Ouranous they would interrupt our vacation.