
Danmachi no System

This story follows the story of Raizel a young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of Danmachi , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong monster and start his own adventure . Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

chapter 9

Raizel was surprised by his sudden voice, and when he turned around he sees a beautiful and petite Goddess with a youthful appearance smiling at him with a warm smile. She has blue eyes and mid-thigh length black hair tied into two twin-tails that reach down to her mid-thighs, she was wearing a white mini dress with a blue ribbon around her neck and one tied under her breasts around her arms, and a pair of white gloves.

Raizel seeing immediately responded with a smile of his own " Yes, Goddess, I am currently without familia and are looking for a familia"

Hestia who hear the young man, that he was searching for a familia, immediately beamed with joy and without waiting, take action " Do you want to join my familia young man ?"

Raizel was surprised by the rapidity of the demand of Hestia, and could not help but ask " You don't even know me, what if I was a villain" his question stupefied Hestia.

Hestia immediately replied" It okay young man, I know you are someone good, and you are just looking for a familia to join" with a smug face, while thinking ' I already know that you visited some familia before coming here, I was following you, I also know that you were rejected all the time, we are in the same boat fufufufu'

Her response stupefied raizel a little, as Raizel beginning to think.

Hestia interrupted his thought "I will say it against young man, My name is Hestia, join my familia" extending her hand toward him.

Raizel didn't think much, and instantly replied with a smile "alright goddess Hestiay name is raizel estrana, I am now a member of your familia" while taking Hestia's hand.

As Raizel raised himself, Hestia jumped on him hugging him before saying "I finally find a member to join my familia, thank you rai"

Raizel was surprised by the hug, thinking that Hestia didn't understand that her charm well, making him a little embarrassed.

Hestia seeing Raizel embarrassed shortly realized why and could help but tease him"You are very pure rai, you just embarrassed because of a hug"moving a little, rubbing her boob into raizel.

After a few minutes of teasing, Hestia took Raizel to a bookstore a location she selected beforehand.

In the path, Hestia and Raizel continued to talk as the talk continued the two of them begin to be even closer, Hestia was also surprised to find that Raizel was a level 3 adventurer and was even more proud to be able to recruit some like him as the first member of her familia.

Arriving at the bookstore, Raizel and Hestia seated in a corner where a sofa was.

Hestia"Rai, undress and lie down on your stomach, it will probably take some time "

Raizel already knows what to do, but still was surprised as he was thinking that she will just tell him to sit on a chair. So Raizel takes off his top and lies down.

As she watched him remove his clothes, she could help but have her eyes drawn to his body. He had a very athletic figure and wasn't overly muscular. she could see the lines of his muscle drawn into his lean frame. she didn't pull her eyes from his body enjoying the view to the fullest.

Staring at the well-defined back muscles, she slowly placed her finger to his back after pricking it with a needle. She began to mutter an incantation as she draws the crest of her Familia onto his back. Though she is a bit distracted by the physical contact she manages to complete the ceremony without incident. After she began to inspect his new status board.

As Hestia lie her eyes on his status, she immediately yelled before falling.


Name: Raizel

Age: 16

(Race: Half lightning spirit )

Lv: 3

Pow: SSS 999

End: SSS 999

Dex:SSS 999

Agi:SSS 999

Mag:SSS 999

Skill :Invinctus(SSS)

Rokushiki (A)


Thunder in Heaven, Great Vigor

Thousand Thunderbolts

Lightning Spear Throw

Development Ability: Magic resistance

abnormal resistance


Hestia quickly stand up and approached Raizel, she was completely shocked, all of his stats were over the impossible limits.

After carefully reading his status board, she also finds out that he has 2 skill, that she never heard of them before. After reading his skill she immediately decided that she could not tell him about the Invinctus skill, as the effect was too consequent and that if one day it knows by the other god, it will bring a terrible outcome.

Hestia didn't know why but she wanted to protect raizel even if she was sent to heaven, after finishing reading his skill, she was also surprised by his magic, as they were also unknown to her, after reading them and their effects they still chocked her but not as his skill.

Hestia leaned against Raizel back, and let a sigh "Rai, you are incredible, you are probably the most powerful levels 3 adventure in orario, thank you for joining my familia, Even though I don't have anything to give you." Hestia was extremely touched by Raizel, as when they were talking Hestia didn't hide anything from Raizel. She told him that she was staying at an abandoned church and that she didn't have any valis or anything valuable to give to him, still, raizel didn't Escape and still wanted to join her familia.

At first, when Raizel revealed his levels, she was a little suspicious of his intention as with his levels he could join any familia, but after hearing Raizel that he wanted to find a new home, and a god or goddess who was able to care for him, not just someone who was looking for a worker.

Hestia could sense that what he told her was the trust, she could also feel the loneliness, so his world touched her, as she also was not able to have any member, she was even rejected a huge number of times.

Raizel hearing this just smiled "It okay goddess Hestia, I can tell that you are a very caring goddess, and I wanted to join your familia".

Hestia giggled at his reply"You can just call me Hestia, I just updated your status board."

After finishing updated his status, Hestia used a piece of paper to transfers his information, after she finished she handed the paper to Raizel.

After finishing, Hestia and Raizel decided to hold a small party, so they headed toward Hostess of fertility.

As they passed a shop, Raizel see blue and white and bell-shaped ornament accessories, telling Hestia to wait for a little, Raizel entered the shop before going out with a small package with him.

Hestia who was curious, could help but ask "Rai, what is this?"

Raizel just gives it to Hestia, which surprised her "It just a little present from me, as a member of the Hestia familia."

Hestia instantly beamed, Raizel could see that she was filled with joy "Rai help me put them" while finding a bench where she seat her back facing Raizel.

Raizel takes the hair ornament from her hand and gently puts it in her hair.

As Raizel was putting the ornaments, he could see the faint blush on Hestia's face.

After Raizel finished putting it, Hestia turned around giving a beautiful smile.

Raizel immediately becomes dazed by her smile, before returning to normal, as the two continued in silence toward their destination.