
Danmachi no System

This story follows the story of Raizel a young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of Danmachi , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong monster and start his own adventure . Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

Today was the first day he could go with the adventurer, In the village the was only a team, it the team kelio who was the leader.

The first time he arrived he was completely ignored and the only one who was talking to him was kelio, as the male was jealous of him because the woman of the village quite doted on him because of his handsome face.

Raizel didn't mind at all as the only thing was to learn was how adventurers work with each other, as he wasn't sure if it was like when he was hunting like that one month passed and raizel learned all the thing he can for being able to hunt alone.

As he could sense that when he is with them he could not bring himself to hunt with efficiency, they were too slow for him even kelio, Raizel after one month decided to go hunt alone.

The first thing he didn't was to experiment with his magic, so when he was hunting for meat he approached discovered a small group of goblin, the first magic he tested was the lightning spear, for activating magic he had to recite a chant.

Raizel prepared himself and gathered his magic power before chanting

"Scathach, (ye) who rules the land of shadows,

give into my hand one barbed demonic spears.

Lightning Spear Throw" immediately a lightning spear appeared and raizel waved his hand to the goblin.

The lightning spear instantly covered the distance of 30 meters between the raizel and the goblin before piercing him in the chest and frying him.

The spear continued her travel crushing a tree before getting stuck in the trunk of another tree.

Raizel was completely stunned by the speed and power of his spear, he was not sure if he could damage a level 3 monster with it, but he was sure that a level monster could evade his.

Raizel after testing his first magic passed to the other magic, the next he wanted to test a thousand thunderbolts for his raizel searched for a large group of monsters, and after a few days he finally spotted a group of goblin.

Raizel immediately chooses a distance of 20 meters before starting his chant "Heed the contract and serve me, O King of the Skies!

Come forth, Titan-slaying blazing thunder.

Hurl down lightning one hundred times and even one thousand times!

Thousand Thunderbolts!" instantly under the shocked eyes of raizel a bold of lightning dropped from the blue sky in the middle where the goblin was, what happened next was unimaginable.


Raizel was not prepared for his and was deaf for a few seconds because of a large explosion, he almost loses his footsteps become of the small earthquakes.

After raizel raised his head the only thing he sees was a large car of 10 meters wide, the group of a goblin was nowhere to be seen, they were vaporized to dust, raizel was dumbfounded as it was more powerful than his spear magic, the range was also quite good.

Raizel was sure that if a monster at the 3 levels was stuck by his magic, he could take severe damage.

Raizel quickly realized that his use of his magic, the loud noise will probably alert the people of the village, and raizel didn't want them to know because, for him, his powerful magic was his trump card. The more people know about him, the less of it becomes a trump card.

So raizel quickly takes his leave, trying to not run into the people from the village.

When raizel arrived a the village, he could hear people talking about the loud noise and the sudden flash of lightning the consequence of his magic.

The adventurer comes back after going for 2 hours when they come back they immediately headed for school and talked with thor for a while.

Raizel could see that most of the adventurers had a pale face, well be could understand, if he hears a large explosion near this home and sees the pit he could also be shocked and nervous as someone capable of creating a pit like that was a last a high-level adventurer.


The night quickly passed and rael resumed his training and test for his last magic.

The next few days he didn't go to the forest as a lot of people were guarding the village and patrolling.

After a few days, the village received his calm, and raizel returned to the forest, as he wanted to test his new magic,it was the most useful magic for him as it could enchant all his capacity.

He decided to go deeper in the Jura forest, as the monster of the outer region was not challenging anymore for raizel.

The first time raizel entered the middle region of the Jura forest he sensed that the atmosphere was more heavy, The first few hours he didn't encounter anything troublesome but after he begins to see more monsters.

When he finds a small group of a new monsters, he immediately recognized them it was a wolf leader with his pack, a wolf leader was a monster with a level 2 strength and a group of level 1 monsters.

It was the first time raizel was fighting a level 2 monster but he was more experienced at hunting monsters so he decided to strengthen himself with thunder in heaven.

Raizel transformed into a mass of electricity, his appearance changed to gold he could see an arc of electricity circling around him, he could sense the immense amount of strength.

Raizel focused his strength and dashed at the wolf leader, who could even follow him, raizel instantly arrived in front of the wolf and immediately raised his spear trusting it at the head of the monster killing it in a second.

The other wolf of the pack didn't even manage to turn around when raizel flashed in lightning around them killing them, just easily as the leader, and in a dozen seconds all the wolf was dead.

After finishing testing his skill, raizel begin training his skill, as for him who had a lot of skill and magic he could level up quite easily, the most important for him now was to be able to use all of his skill with the most efficiency.

Like that it been now three weeks since he started his skill training, and now he could them with great efficiency, he could also switch between skill and magic.

Today when raizel returned from training, Thor immediately summoned all adventurers of the village. When he arrived, he could see kelio and the other with a pale face and after a few minutes, he immediately begins to talk.

Raizel just listened, it seems that kelios and the other spotted a group of orc in the Jura forest the orc that they also have an orc king, a level three monster and it was not in the inner part of the forest but roaming the upskirts.

It decided that all the adventurers will subjugate the orc king because if he finds the village, all people will be in danger.

All the village immediately begin to prepare, Raizel, could not wait as he wanted to try to fight a level 3 monster to estimate his level of power.