
Danmachi no System

This story follows the story of Raizel a young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of Danmachi , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong monster and start his own adventure . Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 2

After his consciousness vanished, Raizel was quickly transported to the world where his adventure would begin.

In the process, raizel felt his soul being 'pulled' through several layers of an unknown substance. It almost seemed as if had passed through various forms of liquids with different densities. Suddenly, the 'tugging' force in his gut returned and raizel found himself laying in a clearing surrounded by trees.

After looking around for a bit, raizel stood up and wiped the debris that was littering his clothing.

Raizel decided not to give too much weight to this strange feeling and instead, it was more useful to look around his immediate location and try to get to grasps where he was currently situated. Looking around, all he could see was a forest of trees surrounding him with no traces of any footpaths, which led him to realize that he was probably located somewhere deep within a forest.

He immediately realized something, he feels that his body was more strong and robust , like he returned to when he was 16 years old before he received surgery who stopped him from making sport for 4 years.

When raizel decided to see later when he could find a small stream.

As raizel was prepared to start looking around, a small bag pack appeared, and immediately after he directly received a message in his mind from god.

'I forget to give you a starter pack, you will find in his bag pack good and water for a least one month and also it has a weapon for you to defend yourself , for the finish I prepared a small statut and a parting gift who will help you avoid some trouble from the god of his world. The timeline is 1 year before the canon. '

When Raizel heard these words, he couldn't help but gulp as he had many thoughts in his mind, he totally forgets about the crazy stalker freya.

This new information brought a level of surprise, which could be seen quite easily, given the way his eyes were wide open. Although this wasn't so strange, before concentrating on his status:

Name: Raizel

Age: 16

Race: ********

Lv: 0


End: I-47

Dex: I-45

Agi: I-4I

Mag: H-25

Skill: Invictus able to make the user grow rapidly, the speed depending on the number of kills and the determination of the user.

The user is required to able to overcome difficulty and raise even in defeat until the user becomes invincible.

Passive: Protects the soul from the view of other Gods with Divinity.

rokushiki: Rokushiki is a special superhuman martial art style,each of the Rokushiki seems to focus on certain aspects of physical perfection in martial arts, Soru for speed, Rankyaku for kicking strength, Shigan for arm strength, Geppo for jumping agility, Kami-e for flexibility and Tekkai for endurance and durability.


Development Ability:


Raizel immediately becomes shocked as his race was not human but currently unknown after he trie to pray to his god for some response but after a few minutes without having an answer.

He just decided to try to think about it later as the night was approaching and he wanted to have a place to sleep when he will be security.

Raizel after a little decided to climb to search for a tree and after a dozen minutes he finds the perfect place, it was a place a sturdy tree with a hole.

It was perfect for sleeping and the interior was also clean he didn't find a trace of a large animal , the only thing he finds was some small animal.

After placing a cover of leaf to hide the hole , he placed his luggage.

Raizel didn't decide to light a fire as he didn't know if some ferocious animal or monster was in his forest after he just takes his backpack and views the content while inspecting the weapon god give him.

The weapon was just a common iron spear, he could see that it was perfect for a beginner like him.

He noticed that t trunk of a tree was a suitable place for him to stay and that in the front he has a large space for training that he would have time to train a little, before visiting the city or a village to know where he was, as he could not see any habitation around.

After checking another time that everything was all right, he tried to sleep.


The next days raizel was finally able to explore the surrounding, he begins searching for a stream where he could take a bath while searching he found himself locking eyes with a wolf, and all the confidence he had a second ago vanished without trace, the wolf seemed particularly pleased to have found a rather human prey here.

Raizel breath became more agitated with anxiety, and his legs were now nailed to the ground, he clenched his hand on his spear not wanting to let it go, while Raizel was having a shock, the wolf didn't wait for him to regain control of himself he directly howled and dashed at an incredible speed at raizel.

Raizel was a little shocked by the speed of the wolf, even like that his only reflux was to trie to stab mercilessly his spear against its head, the wolf who sensed the danger immediately avoided while retreating, thinking that his opponent was not easy prey.

When he was stopped Raizel didn't escape as the wolf was faster than him, so the only thing he could do was fight.

Seeing the wolf approaching him again, Raizel realized he was far physically compared to the wolf and his stamina was running low. Raizel tried multiple times stabbing the wolf, he tried to target the stomach or the neck but the only thing he was able to do was do damage a little the wolf at the pelt.

The wolf seemed enraged and immediately bounced on raizel pressing him under him preparing to bit him to death, just as raizel was cursing the god for giving him such bad luck and attempting the last moment of strength in despair.

As raizel was gathering his strength the wolf didn't wait and opened his jaw wide, as he was just two centimeters from the neck of raizel he was interrupted by a rock, when he turned he saw a tall and muscular man with long, red hair that goes past his waist, yellow eyes wearing a white sash around his torso brown belts can be seen around his waist He also wears two leggings that go past his knees.

The wolf seeing two people hesitated a little, before trying to escape however raizel didn't miss his hesitation and when he just turned to escape raizel trusted his spear in his abdomen led the wolf to howl in agony, before it died instantly, his blood splashing covering raizel face.

Raizel was tired, he could only hear the sound of his heart still beating in his chest and his vein was burning with adrenaline just as raizel wanted to turn to thank the man for saving him he was suddenly attacked by a vague of drowsiness instantly after his vision turned dark.

The only thing he remembers was the man approaching him.