
Danmachi no System

This story follows the story of Raizel a young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of Danmachi , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong monster and start his own adventure . Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

chapter 13

The next days when Raizel wakes up, he finds himself on an unfamiliar ceiling, he could also sense a familiar sensation pressing and rubbing him, The only thing that changed was the cat ear and the tail that was swaying around.

Raizel was surprised and could not control himself from patting the cat's ear, instantly he hears a purring sound from the cat girl.

She didn't seem to wake even after patting her like his, and more she was enjoying it, Raizel could stop himself from pairing her more, it an addicting feeling.

After coming back to his sense, he discovered that he was on a bed in a tent, he also didn't know why the person he saved was sleeping here with him too.

After checking his injury, he able to see that he mostly recovered, as Raizel wanted to get up the cat girl seem to sense him and slowly begin to wake up.

She lifted her head while rubbing her eyes, immediately she sees Raizel who was also looking at her, blinking her eyes, she screamed: "Hero-sama, You finally wake up!!!!" before hugging him.

Raizel was immediately hugged with a familiar sensation of softness, causing him to be drawn betwen her two mountains.

Her cry seemed to echo behind the tent, alerting the people who were outside.

Raizel was surprised by her scream as for him it not he wanted to save her but he just wanted to have a worthy fight before the level up, as raizel was thinking he immediately sensed strong people entering.

The curtain of the tent was lifted and three people entered, as Raizel see them internally he was immediately shocked, as the person who entered some of the core members of the Loki familia. As Raizel regained his calm and was preparing himself to thank them for their help, he was interrupted by tiona who rapidly approached him.

"You wake up hero-Kun."

Raizel was surprised by how excited she was and just replied "Thank you for helping me, My name is Raizel Etrama, nice to met you".

Tiona smiled widely and introduced herself. "Hello, it's nice to meet you~ I'm Tiona Hiryute, the adventurer who goes by the alias 'Amazon'. Your fight with Goliath was exciting, you stand like a hero and battled a powerful enemy! Let's be friends from now on."

" I heard you saved a damsel in distress..." Tiona looked towards the catgirls that were giving her somewhat hostile looks. "Was it one you saved !?" Seeing how the girls were reacting, Tiona saw that the catgirl was extremely interested in Raizel.

"Tiona, that's enough. We're here on business, so find time to talk later." A taciturn voice cut in before Tiona was able to speak further. Raizel noticed it was the green-haired elf, Riveria. Raizel was surprised at how beautiful her face was, the only default was the seriousness of her, who create a barrier for the male to approach her.

Tiona was dejected a bit but turned to Raizel before rejoining the group. "Hey, Raizel let's meet up sometime, and drink okay?"Raizel nodded and Tiona stood with the rest of her group.

Raizel looked toward the group of legendary persons of the Loki familia, as Raizel was thinking, Ais who stayed silent until now walked towards Raizel while frowning " Why you so familiar?, Did I know you ?".

Raizel who was not prepared was momentarily surprised before replying " No, I don't know you, It only been one week since a arrived at orario. I only hear the story of you thought the fame of the Loki Familia"

Ais who hear his reply was left even more confused, Lefiya seeing Ais like seemed to be concerned with Ais.

Riveria seeing Ais like that immediately invited Raizel and the catgirls to a banquet.

When Raizel arrived at the banquet, Finn immediately approached him " Your fight with the Goliath was truly splendid, How come we never from someone like you ?"

Raizel" I only joined a familia recently, as I didn't come from orario" without telling more.

Finn continued to talk to Raizel a little trying to fish more information before leaving, Gareth comes offering a drink to raizel while talking of his fight with the Goliath.

Like that the Banque begins, Raizel as a guest was gladly welcomed also with his handsome face he quickly become popular with the female of the Loki familia, while the guy ignored him. He was seated on the left side, at his side were the energetic Tiona and the catgirl Solami.

Solami was completely throwing herself toward Raizel, making him embarrassed, when he recalled their meeting he could but feel that it become troublesome and also a little regret.


After Solami arrived in the tent of Raizel and approched Raizel who was still lying in the bed while saying"I was told in my tribe, that if I take a liking to a man, I have to quickly offer myself to him, so we can be together forever " confusing Riazel before she suddenly moved her face down and her sweet-smelling red lips pressed tightly against his mouth.

"Nmh…nnnhhh!? Hh…ngh, hhh…"

He felt the sensation of the soft flesh pressed against his and a warm sticky liquid flowed into his mouth. Then her tongue slid in, stirred up their mixture of saliva, and licked all through his melting mouth.

"Nn…suck, slurp…lick, slurp…nhh…"

She gave off a perfume-like aroma that enveloped his nose, traveled from there to his lungs, and finally seemed to permeate his brain, inspiring his male desire. The softness of her lips and tongue ruled his sense of touch and each of their movements caused his crotch to rise on its own.

"Njh, slurp…suck, nbohhh…suck, kph…"

Also, all the saliva flowing from her mouth stickily coated his lips, passed through them with a wet sound, and bubbled up between their tongues. It was so pleasant, he felt a tingling in his brain and his tongue went limp. The sensation of it all flowing back into his throat filled his body with heat.

"Pwah! Hah, ah, ah…"

The intense kiss continued for a dozen seconds if not more, but it finally came to an end. The sweet flavor of her saliva had permeated his mouth and that was enough for pleasure to burst in his brain.

Solami raising her head and looking at the golden eyes of raizel "Let's mate darling and make a baby "

Shocking Raizel, of course, he was shocked from the advance of someone who he just saved, but he was also not a monk if a cute girl like solami wanted to enjoy some fun he would be more than happy as payback for saving her but he still strengthened himself to stop.

As Raizel and solami were having a hot moment, Tiona comeback to escort them to the banquet stopping them in their course.


Raizel could see the love of Solami for him, he could also understand a little.

He saved a desperate girl, and he was also handsome and strong so of course, she could fell for him, but Raizel was more shocked by her advance.

Like that the banquet continued until a crazy wolf come back.

Bete arrived quite late at the banquet and when he arrived he sees the group of Tiona and Ais and Solami all seating near Raizel, and immediately tried to start a fight with Raizel.