
Danmachi no System

This story follows the story of Raizel a young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of Danmachi , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong monster and start his own adventure . Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

chapter 10

After nearly half an hour traveling by foot, Raizel and Hestia finally arrived at the 'Hostess of Fertility. It boasted a smaller size than the inn he was staying in, it was still a two-story building made of stone.

As Raizel and Hestia entered, they were quickly

Welcomed by Anya.

"Welcome to the Hostess of Fertility~nya Will you two be dining in tonight~?" in front of Raizel and Hestia appeared a cheerful young girl with brown hair and eyes and cat ears and a tail of the same color.

Raizel was surprised by her cheerful attitude and replied politely "'We would like to dine-in tonight. I've heard great that the food there was the best and that the fruit liquor was also delicious"

After hearing raizel talk about their pub like that, Anya takes a smug face before saying " You are right nya, we have the best food and drink for the adventurer, You know how to pick a great place, I would like to befriend you, what your name nyaa? My name is Anya "

Raizel and Hestia who were guided to an empty place by Anya just replied: "My name is raizel estrama, Nice to met you, Anya".

As Anya wanted to continue talking to Raizel, she was quickly interrupted by the petite goddess Hestia "Rai quickly let's go, lets seat and order drink" while taking the arm of raizel before glaring at anya.

As Anya wanted to continue paster the young man, When she was interrupted by having a voice from behind the bar "Anya stop, you are embarrassing the boy. Take his order and get back to work, or I'll find someone else to take care of him!"

After the voice sounded, Anya assumed a more professional stance and bowed slightly towards Raizel. "I just wanted to talk to you more nyaa, I just couldn't help myself~nya."

As she excused herself, a beautiful female elf with sky blue eyes and green hair also come "Anya, you have to apologize first and also mama mia told me to serve his customer "

As the elf turned toward Raizel and Hestia "I am sorry for anya, Estrama-san, Am Ryuu, I will take your order "

Raizel turned his head and nodded towards Mia Grande. She was the Proprietress of the 'Hostess of Fertility. She was around 175cm tall and had filled out in various areas due to her age. She had brown hair and eyes that both seemed to glisten in the taverns' light. He could also sense her hidden strength, Raizel know that she was one of the rare levels, 6 adventurers.

After receiving the menu from Ryuu, Raizel quickly scanned it with Hestia before ordering"Give us two glass of your fruit liquor and two plates of roasted meat, also can we have two of your tonight special please"

Ryuu was surprised by his order and after she turned toward Hestia who was still surprised by the amount of food Raizel ordered.

"Okay, His will be all for Etrama-san, and how about you goddess-sama"

"I also want two glass of your fruits liquor, it will be all elf-Kun"

"Alright, please wait for a little Etrama-san" before taking her to leave.

As Raizel and Hestia were waiting, the two begin to talk about his plan for the dungeon, they talked about how further he wanted to dive into the dungeon, which Raizel just told her that tomorrow he wanted to reach the 18 floors.

As the two were talking, mama mia approached their table with the fruit liquor in her hand "Goddess Hestia, it only been two week since came with Godness Hephaestus, have you finally able to find a member for your familia " before turning her head toward Raizel, studying him.

Hestia immediately raised her proud chest before taking the arm of Raizel and introduce him to mama mia" Yes, it the first member of my familia, Raizel Etrama, so we are holding parties, so mia can you give us a discount"smiling at Mama mia.

Mama Mia hearing his instantly changed subject "I have to go now, Godness Hestia, Ryuu will be serving you in a few minutes, Also you have to come more often with Godness Hephaestus" leaving Hestia pouting and complaining to Raizel.

Soon Ryuu arrived with the rest of the food and drink, the two soon started eating and drinking.

When Raizel takes a mouth of the food, he fell completely in love with the food, and he even takes a second-order, his voracious appetite stunned the other adventurer and the staff of the hostess of fertility.

Like that Raizel and Hestia continued drinking until late at night.

As Raizel and Hestia were a little drunk, they did a little too much so they easily gained attention.

As Raizel was going to order the third plate from one of his favorite roasted meat, ryuu arrived at his table preparing to take his order, when a group of adventurers tries to find trouble with Raizel.

Adventurer A" Can you shut up a little, There some people who want to drink haha, are you a pig, you have the attention of all the female personal thought you just a nobody, I am levels 3 and the other level 2 "

Adventurer B and C" You can just get out and let us drink with these pretty girl ahahaha "

The first adventurer turned toward Hestia, land after Ryuu starting at them with lust. joined by the other two completely ignoring the presence of raizel.

Adventurer A" How you girls try a real man, not just a pretty boy, we can also comfort you".

Raizel at first was not troubled by his remark as he will not fly into a rage like some young master just because he was insulted but he was quickly irritated with the behavior of this adventurer toward his Goddess and Ryuu.

The pub was already plunged into an icy atmosphere, people were watching the play take place.

Hestia and ryuu were already frowning, oblivious that they were irritated by the manner of this adventurer.

As the adventurer wanted to talk more, he was interrupted by the icy cold and killing intent of the voice of raizel "Shut up, another word and it will be your last sentence of life"

The inside of the pub immediately become even colder, people at the first and second levels could feel a chill filled them, it was like being naked in winter, only his bloodlust and killing intents sufficed to shut up all the noise in the pub, they could practically smell the blood of his prey, the only people who were not affected were Hestia and the employee of the Hostess of fertility.

The adventurer could sense danger but was too proud to be humiliated like that, so he swallows his saliva and reached toward the hand of Ryuu"Wh....." he could even finish his sentence when he sees Raizel rise his hand and before he could understand what happened to him, he dropped on his knees.

Raizel"You can't touch the skin of an elf-like that, don't you know?" he didn't kill him, he only used shigan on him on multiple locations, as the other two was coming at him, he didn't change and just used Shigan rendering them unconscious.

His ferocity to dispose of this adventurer left the other stunned, as the only one who could see him move was probably the employee and mama mia.

Ryuu immediately take the adventurer who caused trouble for her outside before returning "Thank you for your help Etrama-san"

Raizel was a little surprised by her and just said "Sorry if I intervened before you could, as you are already strong and don't have me to step in but I was quite mad for their language toward my goddess".

Hestia was already drunk and was sleeping with her head on the table.

Mama mia who was happy to have a customer like Raizel offered him some drink and after a little more than five drinks, Raizel completely passed out.