
Danmachi no System

This story follows the story of Raizel a young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of Danmachi , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong monster and start his own adventure . Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapitre 8

When Raizel wakes up, it already daytime, after taking a bath and eating his breakfast at the inn, Raizel decided to head toward the guild.

Raizel chooses a good location for his inn, as the guild was not too far from him, he just has to walk for about fifteen minutes.

After fifteen minutes Raizel noticed a building that had dozens of people coming and going in groups of differing sizes. From what he could see there were three floors and the design of the architecture made it stand out from all the surrounding buildings. Raizel knows that he arrived a the Pantheon the main building of the guild.

Raizel after entering looked around hoping to see someone from the anime, as he wanted to know more about the guild and see if he could befriend Eina or Misha, as he only they were the only member he remembers.

"Excuse me, Sir, may I help you find something?" spoke a sonorous voice from behind Raizel.

When Raizel turned his head in the direction of the voice he sees a beautiful Half-Elf with a slim body, pointy ears, shoulder-length brown hair, and emerald-colored eyes, she was wearing a uniform of the Guild.

Raizel was surprised to see her now, instantly he recovered his calm and said "I'm sorry, and yes, this is my first time in the Guild and I'd like to register as an Adventurer."

Eina was surprised by the young man, she also seemed to surprise him, which amused her, after a second she recovered.

Smiling at the thought, she turned to the young man. "Welcome to the Orario Guild Main Office. My name is Eina tulle, may I ask for your name young sir?"

Raizel with a smile on his face decided to introduce himself as well.

"My name is raizel estrama"

Eina directly invited raizel to a private room and arranging her document to begin to explain the about adventurer and the dungeon before she asked some simple question.

"May I ask what level you are and which Familia you belong to?"

Raizel could see the seriousness and passion from Eina, so he complied and told her

"I am Level 3 and I don't belong to a Familia at his moment" replied Raizel whit a serious tone.

Eina was a little shocked by the revelation of his levels and immediately after she begins to ask him, about this previous familia, and information.

Raizel didn't evade and answered all of her questions, so she could help him to the best of her capability.

After raizel answered all of her questions, Eina finally was able to comprehend the situation, as raizel could not level up anymore, he decided to come to orario to find another familia, because of that he was not know, he didn't have an alias.

Eina begins to offer some advice. "If you'd like, I can arrange for you to meet some of the Familia that is recruiting, I think you will be suitable in any familia because of your levels. In the meantime, you could also go inside the dungeon"

Raizel was surprised by the revelation, and immediately take a serious face and begin to listen.

Eina was pleased to see raizel listening attentively to her and continued "The biggest difference between being a freelance dungeoneer and becoming an Adventurer is the number of benefits you receive from the guild. For freelancers, there is a 20% tax on all items and loot drops they sell to the guild."

While explaining, she had handed a roster of all the currently recruiting Familia to Raizel. He couldn't recognize the majority of the Familia on the piece of paper, and after a minute he finds a the bottom a familiar name, Hestia familia 0 members

Raizel raised his head toward Eina and said "Can you contact The goddess, Hestia?"

Eina was surprised by his choice, as in the roster, they were also familia like the Loki familia or the Hephaestus, who was more suitable to him. Eina could not understand but it ultimately his choice, she could only advise him on the different familia.

After his small interview, raizel decided to head toward the dungeon, as he wanted to know how was the dungeon, but before going to an armory shop, to buy a new weapon.

After buying a new spear and he also buys some dual potion as he was warned that even by Eina that even if he was a level 3, he had to be careful.

After buying all the necessary equipment, he departed in the direction of the dungeon, when raizel arrived on the first underground floor of Babel. In the center of the room, he sees a ten-meter-long hole that leads straight into the Dungeon. Along the circle are gentle stairs that spiral down into the Dungeon.

Raizel after entering the first floor crossed the path with his first dungeon monster, a kobold, and goblin, as he directly finished them, passed he continued in his sprint, he could kill any monster that he finds earning his core.

After his killing spree, he arrived at the middle floor known as the Cave Labyrinth, at the 13 floors, the environment completely changed Starting from the 13th Floor, the walls, ground, and ceiling become made of bedrock, still, raizel continued to head down could see a more complex layout which includes intertwining upper and lower tunnels. The light becomes darker and the air seems to be moist. Vertical holes leading to the deeper floors appear randomly fortunately by the advice of Eina, he brought a map of the middle floor.

After going to the 13 floors, he begins to return as he wanted to pass to the hostess of fertility at the night, but before going he passed to the guild to change his loot earning him at least.100.000 valis.

When the guild staff sees the amount of his loot, he immediately called Eina, after being scolded by Eina for an hour, he finally was able to go home, when he thought back how Eina looked when she was mad at him, and how he was chased when he teased her about how she was worried about him, raizel could help but laugh.

He also able to learn why Ais was always had to so much time to find a good sword, as the spear he brought could not even last even a second when he began to use it at max of his power.

After coming back from the dungeon, raizel headed to his inn where he takes a bath and changed his cloth after he decided to tour the city as he wanted to know more about the city where he could spend his life. He also wanted to try his luck to find more about Hestia's situation.

Raizel after thinking about the possibility where he could find her, raizel decided to start by looking for her at Hephaestus place. After looking for her in a few shops of Hephaestus, he concluded that he was already quicked out.

Raizel dejected decided to head toward the abandoned church, after arriving he could see that it like in the anime, a dilapidated church after he could not find a trace of Hestia.

Raizel could hide his disappointment, so just find a small pond where he seated contemplating the future, as raizel was thinking about his future a melodious resounded in the dead night.

"Hello young man, are you looking for a familia ?"