
Danmachi: making automatons

a guy gets suddenly transmigrated in danmachi as welf crozzo with a few admittedly broken perks, how well will he fare?

koss01 · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Ch1. Is it wrong to tinker in the dungeon?

Mc specifics:

Name: Welf Crozzo

Age: 17

Height: 184cm/6'0"

Weight: 77kg

Powers: peak human physique, artistic mind, automaton creation, mana pool.

Items: basic adventurer gear set (x1), precious stone - low quality (x10), bag of holding (m^2), primitive MRA (x5).


With a jolt, I woke up to see what could only be described as a typical fantasy city. Well 'woke up' would be the wrong term as it felt more like a sudden epiphany that turned on the "real" me.

Yes, you heard that right it seems like my original personality and memories were in some type of sleep and the bod- my body was actually on autopilot, you may ask why this is happening, well that is easy to answer I became a SI in an anime you may have heard about called danmachi or for those of you who are retarded enough to say the long name: 'is it wrong to pick up girls in the dungeon'.

Some of you opportunists out there may want to know how I found myself in these circumstances, well my answer would be: I have no fucking idea, tho I can only assume it was because of that Reddit post I answered that asked about what you would want a SI story in danmachi to be like for you.

And I in my infinite wisdom decided to actually answer with a well-thought-out scenario in which I would eventually be op but not lose my "humanity" per se.

So out of all the options I had available, I decided to go for a golemancer or artificer build because I am too much of a coward to go and tangle with actual monsters in the belly of what the fandom can only theorize is a monster mama with a hate boner for the divine and by extension those blessed by them.

Back to the situation at hand, what powers did I choose for my fun little adventure you ask? Well a few actually first and foremost being a peak human body, and I am talking about Captain America but more jacked, why did I pick this power in a world where a kid of 10 years old can get a blessing and become a building tier powerhouse you ask? Well, that would be because I do not want to get a blessing, which ties to the second power I decided on, the mana pool. With this hopefully, I will not need to actually get a blessing to learn magic or be capable of using it since it will allow me to be able to train and use magic without making a deal with the devil or in this case the divine.

If you have not yet noticed I am not very comfortable having a god or goddess poking at my soul because as a transmigrator that would be plain stupid from what I know of the lore upon getting a blessing the patron deity gets a memory pack of the life of whoever they bless, and yes I used to have a goddess before called Phobos why nothing happened back then I can only assume it was because of my sleeping personality or whatever that my original life was hidden..

Anyways back to powers, as for my last 2 powers I decided on something that would fulfill my cowardly needs but also be useful those being automaton creation, and artistic mind, think of them as me having a grandmasters amount of knowledge on making automaton and a bastardized Gamers Mind but with the purpose of making me a sculpting genius. Or that's what I was aiming for but it seems artistic mind does a lot more. I can apparently play the piano now, neat.

Now back to myself, I am now welf crozzo which was also chosen specifically for this body's ability to use the bs skill of crozzo blood. For those of you who are ignorant, this is one of the most broken skills in the anime and allows the owners to become something like mobile WMD factories. You see in this universe crozzos apparently had a boner for big fuck you explosions and invested all their talent on making them bigger more fuck you'er explosions which is a shame in my opinion after all as someone who has read about the Fate franchise even if only in fanfics I have a shit ton of ideas to make broken ass swords, though I would have to get around the breaking after one use limitation. Which in hindsight, isn't even that big of an issue as apparently blacksmithing is an art and now I am a certified genius at it. Though I still need to learn.

Now back to reality, where the fuck am I? According to my memories, I just came to orario and it seems that I am here a good couple of years before Canon as right now I am in the maze known as Daedelus street, I should make my way to the abandoned section of the city and set up base there, I'm thinking of making an underground villain lair, why villain lair? Well fuck you that's why I like cool shit and secret bases are cool as fuck just ask nick fury.

After walking for almost half an hour I finally made it out of that hellscape that makes streets in Brazil look organized, now standing in front of a decrypt building that looks as if a missile hit it from above, and thinking about it, it was probably some adventurer that got launched to the roof during the whole evilus shtick, I think it's perfect for my current needs.

Looking inside it seems like the typical medieval/fantasy pub with the wooden tables and everything, exploring a bit I find it has a wine cellar that is too big for it to be just that, neat. Though this building is almost run down to the ground that will not be a problem soon enough however I will have to keep it looking broken from the outside since I don't want any unnecessary attention from having a good-looking building in the middle of the destroyed section of the city.

Since it is still early and there is light outside I decide to use my abilities and make something. What comes out in the end looks like your everyday cat but it is made of wood and has slightly fluorescent eyes, courtesy of the gem inside where its brain would be.

This little guy will be my gatherer/intel collector, seeing as it is made from wood even if the gem is currently powering its entire body it has a LOT of leftover energy to use as processing power. From what I can guess it is almost as smart as a normal human, and since magic is bullshit, my abilities more so, I made it capable of transmitting data to me directly, be it images information, or even something akin to audio recording.

Putting down the cat/automaton/golem I decide to name it.

"From now on you are to be called whiskers"


Wow, that information thing is really surreal almost as much as the fact that I just essentially created a robot with more capacity than whatever AI my old world was able to come up with when I was alive there.

"From now on your task is to go around the city undetected and collect whatever scrap metal or precious-looking rocks you can find"

[task confirmed]

Did I just send little whiskers to potentially rob people of their jewels *snort* and or metal? Yes. do I care? As long as it doesn't tie back to me no. I mean I am in another world without anyone to rely on and even though I have admittedly op abilities I am nowhere near safe I need to make stronger golems fast if I don't wanna suddenly die. Well maybe I'm exaggerating a bit as my strength is comparable to a level 3 with my peak human body perk but still, caution never killed anyone the lack of it on the other hand? You get the idea.

Now next in line is making this place livable, I decide to create another golem this time spider-shaped with little multitool pliers tipped with some metal I found lying about randomly. Crude as it may be it'll have to work, I need to also buy a forge and start training my magic sword-making skills as well as producing parts for my golems, I can already see myself making living suits of armor to protect me or maybe a xenomorph made of adamantium with a magic sword that gives the wielder invisibility as it's tail, shit this one is good I'll write it down on my to-do list when I am set up entirely.

Finishing my newest creation I decide to name it but unlike the adorable Mr.Whiskers this one needs to be named with functionality in mind.

"From now on you are called droid1"


"Ok your task is to use whatever scrap or wood you find within this building and make the basement decent enough to spend the night"


Watching my little spider droid go up the stairs to disassemble whatever was up there fills me with a sense of satisfaction knowing that in enough time I will be able to create masterpieces of magic and metal able to cleave through the toughest monsters the dungeon has to offer.

After pondering about my future self and his godly creations for about 20 minutes I see mr whisker come back into the cellar holding in his mouth a ruby the size of my fist, and I just kept staring at it for a few minutes thinking of how fucked the guy who lost it is until a big grin forms on my face.

"I can use this, I can definitely use this."

What do you want to create with that big ass ruby you ask? Well, I want to make myself a good assistant and or butler, and seeing the quality of the ruby that my artistic mind informs me is high-grade I begin to make a schematic for a humanoid golem in my head, however using this ruby to make a golem out of wood would be a waste only a retard would do. So I will have to wait for a few days until I get my forge and some materials set up and create a body for my soon-to-be Alfred.

"Ok, good work Mr.Whiskers now I want you to go and bring back more shiny stones, though your highest priority is not

being seen or tracked if that is impossible abandon the task and run around the city until you lose any pursuers."


Now Mr.Whiskers is indeed made out of wood but don't let that fool you the little guy is almost as fast as a veteran level 2 combined with him having the physiology of a cat it makes him the perfect build for a city like orario with countless alleys and walls for him to maneuver about. However, caution is necessary, seeing as he was able to bring a big ruby back without being spotted by the merchant caravan he snagged it from I am not too worried.

Now back to the cellar, the spider droid is doing good work with renovating our little abode. It seems he bade one of the tables as a makeshift bed and used some of the leftover stools and bar to create a small workshop, though I will need to buy tools and renovate it with better materials it will do for a while we are still in the early game if we go by gamer terms so I am not too worried about it.

Like this with Mr.Whisker going back and forth every hour or so bringing back some low-quality gems, and with the spider droid ordered to organize the materials he can salvage upstairs my first day in another world came to an end, though I do wonder how are the peeps that lost precious stones feeling like right about now.


-Random merchant POV-

Wiping some sweat from my eyebrows with a handkerchief I think carefully about what I want to say to the scary half-dwarf woman in front of me.

"W-well you see, uh the blood ruby miss Tsubaki ordered was stolen a few hours ago" I manage to say under the furious eyes- eye of miss Tsubaki

Hello, my name is Tevyn I am a merchant trying to make it in the adventurer city of Orario like many others, however different from them I deal in a more lucrative business, that being jewel trading. Being capable of procuring high-quality gems for different crafting familias takes me up the proverbial ladder of merchants by a few steps. Now why am I in this situation right now you may ask? Well, that is because of the Hephaestus familia captain ms. Tsubaki is a level 5 adventurer known to be the best smith par lady Hephaestus herself in Orario.

She had placed an order for a very rare gem called a blood ruby that can only be obtained in the kaios desert and can be as expensive as 5 million valis, to an adventurer that may not seem much however to a merchant that does not even have the blessing of falna that is almost an entire year's worth of profit.

"What do you mean stolen?! Didn't you have level 3 guards with you?! How could it possibly be stolen?!" the famed cyclops sits up from her desk and smashes the table with her palms making it creak under her strength.

as ridiculous as it feels saying it I have to: "U-uh i-it was a c-cat-"

The scary woman reaches out with her hands and grabs my collar while yelling: "What do you mean a cat?! What the hell are you talking about?! How could a cat steal a precious gem with level 3 adventurers there?!"

"W-well y-you s-see it w-was a v-very fast cat." I manage to stammer out while being shaken with the strength of a level 5 adventurer.

Looking to my side for help I see one of the guards that were there step forward awkwardly trying to detach my collar from the Amazon lookalike and say: "Uh captain it was indeed a really fast cat but when we got closer to it chasing it we noticed it was actually made out of wood."

Stopping the shaking 'thank heavens' miss tsubaki asks in a serious tone: "Made out of wood? Are you sure you did not see wrong?"

"Yes ma'am we can swear it was not a normal cat it also had a dim green glow coming out of its eyes." the guard says carefully, what does he mean green glow?

Looking back at Miss Tsubaki I can see her suddenly have a serious expression for a few moments before turning to me and saying: "Ok, I believe you."

Thank god! "D-does that mea-"

She cuts me off without me getting a chance to finish: "You will be reimbursed for the traveling costs and the time it took for your travel."

"What about the gem?" I have a bad feeling suddenly.

She looks at me pointedly, it's not even my fault! "What do you mean the gem? I don't have the gem so I won't pay for it."

'I have to get back at least the costs' "B-but it took-"

"The guards will escort you out and give you your payment get out of my office now." the look she is giving me promises pain so I decide to not proverbially kick the dragon's nest.

Sigh "Yes Miss Tsubaki"

Walking out of the familia building I think to myself, 'This day can't get any worse.'

and as I am close to my carriage I see my assistant come rushing to me breathing heavily and saying "S-sir the cat came back and took another gem!"

Ok, there is still hope it was a low-quality one.

"What did it take?" I ask wearily.

"I-it took the forest emerald.." he said with a defeated expression.


"Indeed sir."

And thus another day of being a stone merchant ends.


So this is like 2.7-ish K words, I wanted to write more but I am debating on continuing this or not.

Honestly, any feedback would be appreciated.