
Danmachi: I have a Simulator!

Yami travels to the world of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? and join the Familia of Goddess Hephaestus! Simple synopsis: The Mc have a Simulator system where he can simulate through different world to obtain different power to become stronger. He can also travel to different world to conqueror the world and invite familia from other world! Ps: For More Chapters You Can Visit My P@tre0n: p@tre0n.com/LazySeeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 124: Beautiful Girl Blocking The Way!

Three days later.

Hephaestus Familia resident forging room.

Yami put down the hammer in his hand, and his eyes fell on the forging platform. A blade glowing red had already been forged. He spent a long time beating the 'Black Sword of Udaeus' into what it is now. It can be said that he did not sleep for four full days and four nights.

But fortunately, such high-intensity efforts are not without gains.

"It's finally a success. It's time for the finishing touches. I hope you won't let me down!"

With hot eyes shining in his eyes, Yami directly stretched out his right hand and held the long sword that had not yet finished cooling down. Even the terrifying temperature, under the protection of armament haki, still couldn't hurt him.

Then there is quenching and grinding, which is also the most important part of the forging process.

Especially quenching, whether it is one second longer or one second less, will have a great impact. If quenching cannot be effectively mastered, then this weapon will be considered useless.

Put the blade into the quenching pool, a large amount of steam rises, the temperature drops rapidly, and the quenching ends quickly.

However, it's not over yet!

Yami put the blade flat on the grinding stone, and began to sharpen it vigorously, removing some minor flaws on the blade in his hand, and at the same time grinding it into the shape he wanted.

It took another whole day to finish grinding the blade in his hand.

So far, this carefully crafted blade has finally come out!

Rinse the water once, then throw it into the plant ash, the water was sucked dry, and a pitch-black blade materialises in Yami's hands. There was still a slight residual temperature on the handle. Much better than the ones he has used before.

The weapon made with the 'Black Sword of Udaeus' has the same appearance as the Nichirin sword Yami used before, but the whole body is pitch black, which looks strange and ominous.

As for whether it has reached the level of the first level of armament haki, is not particularly clear.

But at least Yami is very satisfied with his work.

For a long time to come, this blade will become his sword, perhaps after being continuously nourished by his armament haki, it may produce unexpected changes.

"Then strike while the iron is hot and continue to forge the armor!"

After forging for a long time, Yami's state is not very good. This kind of long-term work with high concentration is no easier than going through a big battle. Even at this time, he can still forge the armor before his state completely declines.

So in the next few days, Yami continued to forge.

It took almost a week before his closed door was opened again.

Holding a brand-new light armor in one hand and a brand-new weapon in the other, Yami's unkempt appearance has completely lost his previous handsomeness.

He hurried back to his room, took a hasty shower, then lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

the next day.

Waking up after a day of sleep.

Not long after his eyes were opened, there was a loud noise in his room, and the hunger in his stomach was almost unbearable.

"I'm so hungry. It seems that I really haven't eaten for several days. Although my physique can withstand this kind of high-intensity work, the feeling after the end is really not so good!"

Scratching his head lightly, Yami got up straight, put on his clothes, then left the room and walked towards the kitchen.

At this point in time, his observation haki still did not perceive the aura of Kocho sisters.

Having said that, it seems that it has been a long time since he saw the two girls. The two sisters also go out early and return late every day. In addition, Yami is too busy, so it is really not easy to meet each other.

But for the next period of time, he probably has enough time.

In addition, the thing promised to Ais seems to have to be fulfilled.

"There are really too many things to do every day, but it doesn't matter, I'll take my time one by one."

Shaking his head lightly, Yami simply prepared some food. The only thing he wanted to do right now was to have a good meal as he was already hungry.

As for the rest, wait until his stomach is full.

After gobbling, Yami finally ate and drank enough, belched in satisfaction, cleaned up the mess on the table, and returned to his room.

Excellent weapons and excellent light armor are lying quietly on the table.

Reaching out to pick up the blade and the light armor, Yami's eyes flickered with a faint strangeness.

"Not to mention, it's quite a sense of accomplishment to create this kind of equipment by myself. I can understand why Hephaestus and Tsubaki are so enthusiastic about this kind of thing. This is not just a piece of equipment, It is also the countless painstaking efforts of the blacksmith, just like his own child!"

"Then take this opportunity and let Hephaestus give it a good evaluation!"

As he spoke, Yami put the light armor in his backpack, and at the same time inserted the black knife into the matching scabbard, then pinned it around his waist, and left the room straight away.

Today's Orario is rarely liberated from the red sun, and in the sky full of dark clouds, light rain drips down quickly.

Yami didn't pay attention to the slight rain, and didn't use his strength to cover himself, but just sniffed the air with the fragrance of earth, walking on the street full of medieval flavor in Orario.

Even if it is raining, there are still businessmen on both sides of the road, some adventurers who are resting, and some gods who have nothing to do and come out to hang out on rainy days.

As soon as his front foot stepped out of the station, Yami immediately captured the weird atmosphere around him.

Many adventurers and ordinary merchants looked at him, pointing their hands non-stop, and at the same time gathered together to discuss in a low voice.

If it is an ordinary person, it may be difficult to hear any words clearly because of the noisy environment, but for Yami, there is no concern in this regard. He has also become extremely clear at this moment.

"Is that guy supposed to be the 'monster rookie'?"

"Sofer your voice you idiot! He is a high-level adventurer who can easily defeat 'Udaeus'. If he hears us talking about him casually, who knows if he will do anything."

"Indeed, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful. It's unbelievable!"

"Really, as a Lv.2 adventurer, it is too exaggerated to be able to defeat the Lv.6-level 'Lone King of the Labyrinth'. No one has ever been able to do such a thing , if he can really upgrade again, wouldn't it mean that he will become the strongest adventurer?"

"I really want to see his true strength!"

There was a lot of dialogue going on and on.

Yami received all the words with a calm expression, a little surprised in his heart, but there was no slight change on the surface.

Based on the voices of these people, he guessed something.

"It seems that I am too obsessed with forging, and actually handed over this matter to Hephaestus-sama, but at least now, it seems that no extreme situation has happened, and it should have been handled almost, but I don't know if there will be tricks behind the scenes..."

After roughly collecting a wave of information, Yami withdrew his observation haki.

For now, the situation is pretty good.

Even though his strength is exposed, it seems that the gods didn't make it difficult for him, maybe because of his strength, or because Hephaestus is too tough, making the gods afraid, but no matter which one, it's a good thing for him.

He just hopes that he doesn't get into too many troubles in the future!

As the drizzle fell, Yami walked through the alley, ignoring the sight of his surroundings. He chose to change to a road without too many people, and it was also the road that needed to pass the slightly famous tavern, 'The Mistress of Abundance'.

What he never expected was that there seemed to be more people on this road.

Because of the rainy day, the tavern is very lively today, even standing outside, you can hear the noise from inside, coupled with the large number of adventurers gathered outside the door, this caught Yami a little off guard, and plan to use his observation haki again but quickly changed his mind.

"Forget it."

Shaking his head slightly, Yami didn't want to waste any more effort.

"Mr. Yami?"

Suddenly, the side door of the tavern opened suddenly, and a girl with short gray hair poked her head out, and directly stopped Yami who was galloping towards the Tower of Babel.

Turning his head subconsciously, he saw a sweet-looking girl in a maid's outfit walking cautiously towards him. The girl's movements were very elegant, holding an umbrella in one hand, and holding her own skirt in the other hand, running to him.

"That's great, Mr. Yami, I almost missed it!"

Looking at the girl with a happy and surprised expression in front of her, Yami's pupils shrank slightly, and then quickly returned to normal.

He was thinking about this just now, has she already made a move?

The speed is really fast!

Yami's thoughts kept changing, he looked up and down the eyes of the girl in front of him, and then smiled politely, "So it's Miss Syr, what's the matter with calling me suddenly? It's raining now, if you accidentally catch a cold, it's not good for you."

"What's more, if Miss Syr's admirers know about this, they will definitely not let me go, so you'd better go back to the tavern to shelter from the rain."

Very reasonable words, revealing the politeness among friends.

"That... May I ask Mr. Yami, are you going to the underground city?"

Seemingly unaware of Yami's alienation, Syr showed a sweet smile as always.

Not to mention, the girl's slightly flushed cheeks, coupled with her soft voice, and that delicate smile, all reveal the elegant charm of the girl in front of her.

No wonder she can be admired by many adventurers, it does make sense.

This kind of gentle and considerate girl can often arouse a man's desire to protect. However, Yami, who is very clear about the details of this girl in front of him, will naturally not be confused by this very purposeful behaviour.

He wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

"No, Miss Syr, I won't enter the dungeon, but will go to the Tower of Babel to find Hephaestus-sama, and I need to discuss some matters with her."

"So you're going to find God Hephaestus? Then I won't hinder you, but please accept this."

While speaking, Syr directly delivered the things in her hands.

It was a cloak. It was made of completely unknown material, and it was pink. Even at a distance, Yami, who had five keen senses, could smell it. The escaping scent from the cloak was unique to girls. The fragrance seems to be the other party's personal fragrance.

Did she come here just to give him this cloak, or did she want to establish a deeper connection using this cloak?

Yami suddenly had a guess in his heart.

It seems that Freya is really following him!

He couldn't believe that without Freya's signal, Syr would take the initiative to get close to him, and was willing to give away her personal belongings. This is undoubtedly a fantasy

What's more, the Syr in front of him might be Freya herself!

"It's really troublesome, although I'm not afraid of Freya using force, but if she uses other means, such as deleting other people's memories, it will be embarrassing."

"Tsk, being targeted by such a goddess is really not a good thing. "

"It seems that my plan is going to change slightly."

Yami kept thinking in his heart, but he still didn't forget to respond on the surface.

"Thank you very much, Miss Syr, you are really helpful, I will treasure this cloak well."

Hearing this, Syr immediately showed a bright smile, and her face became more and more rosy, "You're welcome, Mr. Yami, I heard about you from other adventurers. If you have time, please come and sit in the tavern. "

"Ah, I will come when I have a chance in the future."

"Then I won't interfere with you, Mr. Yami, and don't make God Hephaestus wait in a hurry. Besides, just call me Syr from now on. I look forward to your visit."

After her words fell, Syr quickly turned around and ran towards the tavern.

Watching the girl return to the 'Mistress of Abundance', Yami's expression sank instantly, and his brows frowned involuntarily.

"Let's ignore this matter for now, I hope that God of Beauty will not do anything outrageous, otherwise, even if it is risking being punished by the Adventurer's Guild, or even being punished by all, I will not choose to sit and wait for the price of the judgement of the gods…"

Even though Freya is very beautiful, Yami doesn't like this goddess.

Just the other party's complicated and explosive experience makes him not excited.

Therefore, Yami would not mind if it was just this kind of temptation and everyone lived in peace. After all, Syr and Freya are one person, but they can also be said to be two people.

It's okay to make friends with Syr, but Freya...forget it!

This kind of goddess, he is a mere ordinary human being, but he is really unlucky to enjoy her attention.

Glancing at the cloak in his hand, Yami no longer hesitated, and raised his hand to put it on his body. The rainwater falling from the sky was completely covered outside, and the effect of blocking the rain was outstanding.

Unexpectedly excellent.

No more hesitation, turned around and accelerated towards the direction of the Tower of Babel.

And in the place that Yami didn't see, that is, the second floor of "The Mistress of Abundance", in the darkness, a girl with a delicate face quietly revealed a beautiful smile

Trotting all the way, the Tower of Babel was enlarged in a short while.

To be honest, Yami has been in Orario for a long time, but he really hasn't visited this most iconic building, and this is his first time climbing the Tower of Babel.

Although he had never been there before, under the guidance of his observation haki, he was still able to reach his destination easily.

It was at this time today that Yami realized how rich and powerful the Hephaestus Familia is. There are several floors of shops belonging to the Familia, which is really too deep.

Many adventurers wandered around these floors, choosing their favorite weapons and equipment by the way.

However, compared with Hephaestus's weapon shop on Adventurer Avenue, the weapon shop in the Tower of Babel is obviously more luxurious, and the weapons and armor on the shelves are also more luxurious.

Sophisticated, suitable for almost every level from the first level adventurers to the lower level adventurers.

But the price is a little too scary.

Generally speaking, if you want to buy a fairly good weapon, you need at least tens of millions of valis to start, which is completely a burden for ordinary adventurers.

After learning about this situation, Yami was also very grateful.

Fortunately, he successfully joined Hephaestus Familia, otherwise, he might be secretly worrying about obtaining powerful weapons and equipment now!