
Danmachi: I have a Simulator!

Yami travels to the world of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? and join the Familia of Goddess Hephaestus! Simple synopsis: The Mc have a Simulator system where he can simulate through different world to obtain different power to become stronger. He can also travel to different world to conqueror the world and invite familia from other world! Ps: For More Chapters You Can Visit My P@tre0n: p@tre0n.com/LazySeeker

Novelette_Seeker · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 122: The Sensational Orario! Conference Of The Gods!

"Ottar, do you understand the specific situation?"

On the Tower of Babel, the goddess of love and beauty is shaking the red wine glass, doing what she does day after day, year after year, overlooking the whole of Orario.

Not far behind Freya, the sturdy Boaz almost merged with the shadow.

He was silent, and the resolute expression on his face was like a stone statue, just to protect the goddess whom he respected very much and regarded as the highest.

"Freya-sama, I already know the specific situation."

Ottar responded truthfully, without the slightest emotion in his words.

Freya nodded slightly, not surprised by this answer, "Then, what do you think should be done to introduce this 'hero' into my boudoir?"

"I'm sorry, Freya-sama, I don't have any good solutions for this. According to the existing information, that man is powerful and can kill Udaeus with ease. His strength is at least not inferior to Finn, even on par with me, it is not wise to use force, and it will be against the Hephaestus familia and the Loki Familia."

"That's a real headache!"

Inquiring from the mouth, in fact, Freya already had a general idea in her heart.

She is very confident in her beauty. As the "Goddess of Love and Beauty", Freya is confident that no human being can be immune to her charm.

What's more, Freya enjoyed the pleasure of slowly catching her prey.

"Since you can't use force, then let's start from other aspects. I really want to see quickly, what is the secret deep in the child's soul!"

Thinking of the dazzling colors, the expression of the goddess of beauty became amused.

"Ottar." She gave the order directly to Ottar.

"At your command."

"Go tell my 'daughter, let her have more contact with that child, if it can develop into a more intimate relationship, that would be even better."

"I understand, Freya-sama, follow your will!"

Freya is planning to give away her 'daughter, but Yami, who is the person involved, is completely unaware of this. He is currently concentrating on building his own weapons and armour.

As Hephaestus said, the 'Black Sword of Udaeus' is indeed a high-grade material, heating it alone is a troublesome thing, let alone reforging it to shape it, Yami has already hammered it for a day and a night, but still haven't been able to fully shape it.

If it wasn't for his great strength and amazing physical strength, he simply wouldn't be able to support such a long period of high-intensity forging.

Looking at the blade that had shrunk a lot, Yami sighed helplessly.

"It's really a long way to go!"

"Hey, I was really surprised to hear you make such an exclamation when I first came here, so are you in any trouble?"

The door of the forging room suddenly opened, and Tsubaki's figure suddenly appeared.

She was completely different from when she was in the dungeon. At this time, Tsubaki's upper body was only covered with a piece of white cloth, and she also had a faint smile on her face.

"Why did you come?"

The movement in his hand didn't stop, Yami was still hammering the rough sword in front of him repeatedly.

"What other reason, of course, is to come and see you, kid. I thought it would be difficult for you to handle this big sword, but it seems that your forging level is no longer what it used to be."

Looking at the unfinished rough origin on the forging table, Tsubaki's eyes shone with relief.

Is there anything more comfortable than watching your own kid become better little by little with your own eyes?

"This material is indeed more difficult to deal with than imagined, but at most it will take a little more time. I can still handle it. You shouldn't be here just for this matter, right?"

"Of course, there's something else to tell you about you."

Speaking of this, Tsubaki's face suddenly showed a smile of the director.

"You boy is very famous in Orario recently. Almost everyone is discussing you. You have broken the record of the fastest upgrade surpassing the sword princess of the Loki Familia, and you have killed Udaeus alone. It caused quite a stir, I'm afraid you have entered the sight of the gods now."

"Isn't this what was expected?"

Listening to Tsubaki's words, Yami's heart didn't fluctuate at all. Even without the other party's reminder, he could probably guess the recent events.

Therefore, after leaving the Tower of Babel, he directly returned to the station, plunged into the forging business directly, and ignored the outside world.

Since he can't get enough great achievements from the dungeon to upgrade, his strength will change very little. In order to be able to get through the real simulation as soon as possible, he can only work hard on other aspects, such as the weapon in front of him.

As for other things, he put it aside and plant to talked about it later!

Tsubaki was immediately disappointed that she didn't get the expression she wanted to see.

"You are really calm about this, but this seems to be your style of acting. During this period of time, you should keep a low profile, and try to enter the dungeon after Hephaestus-sama finishes dealing with gods affairs! "

All jokes aside, there will still be plenty of reminders that should be given.

Yami can naturally hear Tsubaki cares about him.

He smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, Captain, I don't have any other leisure time during this time, and dealing with the equipment in front of me is the first priority. After all, I hope to create shocking equipment as soon as possible and embrace the goddess as soon as possible!"

"You kid is really... as unprincipled as usual!"

Tsubaki rolled her eyes angrily, and she didn't know what she thought of. Tsubaki's cheeks were also slightly rosy, but under the illumination of the fire, Yami didn't see anything unusual.

"Then I wish you to realize your dream as soon as possible!"

"In addition, regarding the handling of this great sword, do you really not need my help?"

"No need at all. I can handle it myself. Although it will take a long time, I will deal with it wholeheartedly. It is a blacksmith's shame to waste high-level materials!"

"It's good that you know, then I'll go first."

Satisfied, she waved her hand at Yami, the dark-skinned lady who had devoted all her youth and enthusiasm to forging, finally turned around and left.

Clang! Clang!! Clang!!!

The only sound left in the room was the beating of forging hammers.

After leaving Yami's forging room, Tsubaki left the station directly, and climbed up the Tower of Babel with a clear purpose. Starting from the fourth floor, they are all floors rented out by the Hephaestus Familia members for commercial activities.

In fact, Hephaestus usually lives in the Tower of Babel, which is also because the Familia's blacksmiths generally like to work in the shops of the Tower of Babel.

Skillfully passing through the corridor, Tsubaki immediately came to the Tower of Babel, which belongs to the highest floor of Hephaestus Familia.

Enter it, push open the door, Hephaestus, who is still wearing daily clothes, is standing in front of the mirror at this time, without any expression on her face.

"Hephaestus-sama, I have already told Yami about the general situation, but that kid's mentality is much better than we expected, and he doesn't have any worries at all, so we should be able to relax."

"Is that so, then I'm relieved."

Hephaestus breathed a sigh of relief, and then her expression became serious.

Looking at herself in the mirror, thinking about the next thing in her mind, this normally gentle red-haired goddess showed a firm look on her face.

She raised her hand to caress the right half of her face, as if thinking of something joyful, she chuckled lightly.

"Hephaestus-sama, it's almost time."

"Ah, I see, then let's go meet those guys!"

Putting down the palm covering her right cheek, Hephaestus turned her head and walked towards the door, while Tsubaki followed her solemnly.

A person and one god carried a strong murderous aura.

"No one can take my child away from me. If that happens, I will not hesitate to bet on the entire Familia!"


No one else heard their proclamation, but the wind circling Orario was blowing wantonly, as if announcing the coming of a storm.

Along the way up the Tower of Babel, the room dedicated to the divine meeting was soon enlarged.

At this time, many well-known adventurers had already gathered outside the door, including Ottar the 'King' from the Freya Familia, Finn the 'Brave' from the Loki Familia, and Shakti Varnma the 'Staff of the Elephant God' from the Ganesha Familia., etc., even Yasfi al Andromeda, the 'omnipotent' of the Hermes Familia who is often absent from Orario, appears here.

It seems that the sensation caused this time is indeed not small.

In fact, the more critical point is that compared to adventurers who only know gossip, the gods know significantly more information.

Most gods are very curious about Yami's situation.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the Loki Familia had just returned from the expedition the day before yesterday, and today they suddenly held a divine meeting. The gods wanted to know the specific situation.

By the way, they also want to find something that makes them happy from this matter.

"God Hephaestus!"

The moment they saw Goddess Hephaestus and Tsubaki, all the adventurers outside the door saluted respectfully. Everyone's eyes showed a faint luster, and it could be seen that they all had their own thoughts.

However, Hephaestus is not interested in thinking about these things now.

They have already arrived at the door, and the next divine meeting is the most important thing.

With a calm nod in response, Hephaestus stopped and said softly to Tsubaki beside her, "Tsubaki, just wait for me outside."

"I understand, Hephaestus-sama."

The next moment, Goddess Hephaestus stretched out her hand and pushed open the door of the meeting room, and walked straight into it.

The gods who arrived in the meeting room early looked towards the door almost at the same time, and when they saw that it was Hephaestus, their faces suddenly showed joyful expressions.

Of course, many gods showed strange smiles.

"You are here at last, Hephaestus, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"If you don't want to wait, you don't have to wait. After all, I didn't propose to hold this meeting. If you feel uncomfortable, you can leave here now, and everyone will save a lot of trouble."

Taking a panoramic view of the changes in the expressions of all the gods on the scene, Hephaestus first nodded slightly to the gods who had made good friends, and then walked straight to her position, and then said incomparably indifferent words, which made many gods smile froze on their faces.

They never imagined that Hephaestus, who is usually in a neutral state, would be so tough today. Her attitude changed too quickly, making it a little difficult for the gods to adapt to.

However, after thinking about the situation the other party was facing, they guessed something.

The scene turned cold in an instant, and many gods who wanted to get some news through chatting also chose to give up after seeing Hephaestus's face that refused to be seen thousands of miles away.

Anyway, the God Council is about to start, so let's discuss these things later!

Hephaestus, or her Hephaestus Familia have a great career, and it can be said that they are the backbone of Orario's Familia. They can't afford to provoke them, but there are always people who can provoke them. If you want to come to the god who is keen on excellent souls, he is willing to.

They will definitely not let go of such a high-quality potential stock, and everything will be revealed by then.

Perhaps, they can also fish in troubled waters inside!

Ever since, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Even though Hephaestus, who is the protagonist of today's god meeting, has arrived, there are still many gods who have not arrived, so now they still need to continue to wait patiently.

About ten minutes later, the closed door of the venue opened again.

"Hey, it seems that everyone has arrived, so let's start the meeting now~"

Loki, who was dressed very casually, put her hands in her pockets, squinted her eyes, and walked into the venue of the Gods Conference with her whole body loose, her voice with an accent seemed very weird.

And beside her, the well-dressed Freya walked in gracefully, causing many male gods to lose their composure. After all, the current gods have their divine power all sealed.

So they are completely incapable of resisting the "charm" ability of the God of Beauty, almost indistinguishable from ordinary people.

However, today's Freya doesn't seem to want to pay attention to other gods.

Her eyes were fixed on Hephaestus, and the red-haired goddess also felt this. She raised her eyes unnecessarily, and the eyes of the two goddesses happened in mid-air.

They met without any words, but the other party seemed to have seen each other's inner plans.

"Morning, Hephaestus, you're here~"

Loki's 'untimely' cry interrupted the atmosphere of the scene in an instant, which also caused Hephaestus and Freya to stop looking at each other in an instant. The two goddesses smiled as if nothing happened.

"I don't want to come either, but others probably won't agree. Compared to participating in this kind of boring meeting, I actually prefer to stay in the Familia and appreciate my children's work more.

Well, let's talk about you, I saw Finn when I came in, but why are you here just now?"

"Ah, actually, I came earlier, but I left for a while because of something."

"Oh I got it."

Hephaestus's eyes were full of deep meaning, and she glanced at Freya at the side without any trace.

The goddess of beauty didn't seem to notice her gaze, and went straight to her seat gracefully and sat down. Loki also stopped talking with Hephaestus at this time.

So far, all the gods participating in the Gods Conference have been present.

The number of gods sitting at the round table at regular intervals is more than thirty if you count them. These are all Familia whose strength is recognized.

Only those whose strength is comparable to high-level adventurers are eligible to participate in this kind of meeting.

And those gods with weak strength, it is impossible to be invited at all.

Originally, Hestia was not qualified to participate in this kind of meeting, but because of the establishment of her Familia, the children under her command gained a lot of fame in a short period of time relying on their strength.

This also made the little-known goddess who was originally a poor goddess come into everyone's sight.

Although it is her first time to participate in the Gods Conference, Goddess Loli obviously knows what the conference is for.

"Then let's begin—"

There was a sudden long-drawn voice in the venue, and the originally noisy round table suddenly became silent.

The person who made the sound was Loki. She stood up slowly, her scarlet hair fluttering, her eyes narrowed into slits, giving off a very cunning feeling.

"Today is a temporary meeting of the gods, so I have been temporarily appointed as the master of ceremonies, so please take care of me in the next period of time~"

There was a burst of warm cheers and applause at the scene, and the whole venue can be said to be unprecedentedly grand.