
Danmachi: I have a Simulator!

Yami travels to the world of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? and join the Familia of Goddess Hephaestus! Simple synopsis: The Mc have a Simulator system where he can simulate through different world to obtain different power to become stronger. He can also travel to different world to conqueror the world and invite familia from other world! Ps: For More Chapters You Can Visit My P@tre0n: p@tre0n.com/LazySeeker

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Chapter 00108: One Life Kills Two Lives?! 

[Your Conqueror Haki is the first to lose the contest. After all, it has just awakened and can only be triggered unconsciously and cannot be effectively controlled. However, Kaido's conqueror has no effect on you. ]

[Your change made Kaido realize something immediately, coupled with his strong strength, he already knew that he could not make you his subordinate, but your strength also aroused his worry, so he wanted to kill you on the spot. ]

[However, the thunder fruit and the swordsmanship of the great swordsman make your strength very terrifying. ]

[In the end, Kaido inspired the human-beast form of his devil fruit, and his defense power was improved to a higher level. Coupled with the infusion of conqueror haki, the pressure on you suddenly increased. Even if you have an armament haki defense, you can still feel severe pain and gradually fell into the downwind. ]

[You have experienced the power of the Four Emperors, but you didn't want to run away, but tried your best to resist Kaido's offensive, and in the constant battle, you learned how to use your conqueror haki. ]

[After all, the man in front of you is the best teacher in the entire One Piece world!]

[You and Kaido fought for three days and three nights, and there was still no winner, but through this fierce battle, you learned a lot from it, but in a short period of time, you still couldn't bridge the gap between you and Kaido.]

[Your observation haki covers a wide area, but Kaido can foresee the future. Your armament haki has learned advanced use, but Kaido's armament haki has extraordinary strength. You have successfully awakened your conqueror haki, but Kaido's conqueror ability can entangle and attack. ]

[Coupled with monster-like defense and recovery capabilities, Kaido is a berserker with double A speed and terrible fighting skills. You are gradually suppressed in all directions and can only struggle to support. ]

"Am I going to lose?"

Looking at the words on the white screen of the system, Yami didn't feel the slightest strangeness, but nodded lightly as a matter of course.

He had guessed this situation long before starting the fight.

Although the person who traveled through the simulated world is powerful, his swordsmanship has not only reached the level of a great swordsman, but he also possesses a supreme weapon such as the supreme sword, and even swallowed the thunder devil fruit, but his strength has been greatly improved in a short period of time. So it is still a little difficult to deal with the real strong.

After all, his current shortcomings are still obvious.

First, there is the problem of his two haki. Although the scope of his observation haki has become very broad under the boost of the thunder fruit, it is still not top-notch, at least it has not reached the unforeseen level.

There's also his armament haki, even if he has learned the high-level application methods such as 'Internal Destruction', your physical strength is not top-notch. Compared with Kaido's physical strength, he is also at a disadvantage.

On the contrary, the Conqueror Haki unintentionally aroused during the battle was a little unexpected.

Yami himself didn't expect that he actually has the so-called qualifications of a king, but the time is too hasty, so that now it can only be triggered unconsciously, and it can't help at all.

Even though the sword attack is sharp, it is completely offset by Kaido's defense and recovery ability.

It is really difficult to win under the ebb and flow.

However, this is not without chance!

"Four Emperors is really scary!"

After an analysis, Yami's eyes were also flickering with lingering fear, but he quickly recovered, "But it's a pity, although the current 'Me' is probably at the level of Admiral, and is slightly weaker than Kaido, but the gap is not impossible to make up."

"Then take advantage of this battle and let's talk after one dies!"

It seemed that he had heard Yami's innermost words, and the process began to change instantly.

[You fought against Kaido for another seven days and seven nights, and your injuries worsened again, but because of your tyrannical vitality support, you persisted tenaciously until now, and at the same time, you also left Kaido with large and small sword wounds, one of which can even see the bones. ]

[Your behavior finally aroused Kaido's anger, he began to explode with all his strength, and the moves named by him were displayed one after another. You swing your sword to resist, but you were teetering in the terrifying moves. ]

[Suddenly, Kaido seized the gap where you were exhausted, and the 'Rising Dragon · Bagua' instantly hit you. In a hurry, you circulated all the power in your body and integrated all your energy in your sword and collided with Kaido again. ]

[The terrible fluctuations affected the entire Wano country, a large number of rocks cracked, the ground collapsed, and even the sea water around Wano country began to churn. ]

[In the collision of the strongest move, you are the first to lose the formation]

[Your chest was pierced by the terrifying power contained in Kaido's head, and a big hole appeared instantly, but the blade in your hand also hit Kaido's body, leaving a deep bone wound on his chest , while slashing with the power of the sun's fire and lightning, constantly wearing down the opponent's body. ]

[You are seriously injured and dying, and Kaido is not feeling well at this time, but his tyrannical defense saved his life. ]

[The big hole in your chest affected your actions, and the piercing pain made you almost stop breathing, but you forced your breath to stop your heart from beating, the blood in your body stopped flowing, and the wound completely stopped bleeding. With a ferocious face, like a ghost returning from hell, you rushed towards Kaido again. ]

[The other party was frightened by your facade, and did not recover until after several sword strikes, and then an angry expression appeared on his face. ]

[The mace slams towards your body, but you have no defense at all. But you don't want your attack to be in vain since it's quite fierce so you choose to exchange injuries with Kaido in a desperate attitude. ]

[This kind of reckless approach made Kaido amazed, and then this guy showed a frenzied expression on his face, and he also abandoned his defense and entered a similar state of madness.]

[You both didn't use any armament, some were just fist-to-flesh fighting. ]

[Half of your face was smashed with a mace, Kaido's waist was also pierced by you, your left calf was blown out, and Kaido's left arm was only left with a skeleton. ]

[The battle continues in another way. ]

[Finally, since forced your heart to stop beating and your blood couldn't circulate normally. You lost your strength due to lack of oxygen. You were hit by Kaido's weapon and flew out. You fell on the ground and completely lost your ability to move. ]

[But even so, you left Kaido with indelible injuries. ]

[This strongest creature, who is usually very arrogant, is looking at you with fear in his eyes, and he didn't say anything to make you his subordinate. ]

[He raised his mace high, intending to give you a final blow. ]

[At this moment, your body suddenly burst into a terrifying light, and Kaido was instantly overturned by an impact force, and the whole person slid uncontrollably for nearly a hundred meters. When he looked at you again, your body have slowly stood up, and the strange energy is treating you. ]

[Half of your rotting face has recovered, and other injuries on your body have also recovered in a few breaths. ]

[In addition, your physical fitness has been greatly improved, and even three hakis has been improved to a higher level!]

[You feel unprecedented strength!]

[Regarding your changes, Kaido's eyes widened in horror, and he felt like he had seen a ghost. ]

[You who have greatly increased in strength, in order to express your gratitude to Teacher Kaido, you attacked him without hesitation. With your body restored to your heyday and became stronger, the terrible attack made Kaido almost impossible to resist. ]

[The original injury made him very uncomfortable, coupled with the physical exertion, he was suppressed by you in an instant, and the situation between you has been reversed. ]

[The terrifying slash hit Kaido's body, causing him to feel pain and at the same time a large amount of blood splashed out. ]

[Kaido scolded you in his heart for not talking about martial arts. ]

"Good guy, it's really tragic!"

When he saw that half of his face was smashed and his calves flew out, Yami's whole face began to twitch uncontrollably, as if he had already experienced that kind of pain.

It's just that he didn't expect that the orange talent he got was so powerful, it can heal even broken limbs, and there will be such a big jump in strength, it's really unimaginable!

Isn't this a proper Super Saiyan?

"Unfortunately, this talent can only be used once, but the passive effect of increasing vitality still exists. This kind of change is acceptable, but it is a little pity for Kaido. 

Thinking of this, Yami's expression became very strange.

It was obviously a life-and-death battle, and the other party was also very moral and fair, but it never occurred to him that he could be resurrected with full blood after almost dying, and he became even more powerful.

To be honest, even Yami himself feels slightly unwell.

However, isn't this what fighting is?

Using all available means to achieve the final victory, possessing this powerful talent is also Yami's own advantage, just like Kaido's terrifying defense and recovery ability.

Winner takes all, loser dies! 

Apart from this point, there is probably no other explanation.

But judging from this development, probably the first Four Emperors to be killed will appear soon!

[Your strength has become stronger, and at the same time, your condition has returned to its peak. Today's Kaido is no match for you. Your swordsmanship can always leave terrible injuries on him. ]

[The severe pain made Kaido want to resist, but the strength that has been overtaken, coupled with the exhaustion of physical strength, can't affect you at all. The 'Yami' in your hand is waving quickly, and the dense sword net wrapped Kaido in an instant. ]

[At this moment, the man known as the 'World's Strongest Creature' finally realized the threat of death, and immediately turned into a green dragon and flew towards the sky without any hesitation, trying to escape under the cover of the clouds. ]

[As for Wano Country, he can't even care about it now!]

[However, you don't intend to let him escape. Your observation haki has already seen this scene in advance, and your blade imbue with top level armament haki swung out with all your strength, terrifying slashes filled the entire sky, and attacked Kaido. There was a look of horror in his eyes, and he wanted to dodge. ]

[The slash flew over in an instant, grazed his body, cut off a large piece of meat, and even cut off the dragon horn on Kaido's head against Kaido's body, but it did save his life. ]

[Kaido let out a roar, his eyes flashed with anger, but his reason remained, and he plunged into the clouds and disappeared. ]

[In this regard, you feel very sorry, but the other party is the Four Emperors after all, and also the one that is not so easy to kill. The thunder fruit can only make you levitate for a short time, and cannot fly, so Kaido wants to escape, you have no way to take him, and can only watch him leave. ]

[You put your attention on Wano Country, and killed all the remnants of the Hundred Beasts Pirates. ]

[Your strength shocked everyone, Orochi previously died in your hands, then Beast Kaido also lost, the closed Wano Kingdom was liberated by you, and all the samurai expressed their gratitude to you.]

[With the support of Sukiyaki, the previous ruler and Hiyori, the princess of Wano, you have become the new ruler of Wano Country. The residents of the whole country have expressed their awe to you and at the same time offered you enough loyalty. ]

[Most members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates were eliminated by you, but many of them who were willing to surrender were left by you to assist Kozuki and manage the entire Wano country. Although you have become the ruler, but you has no interest in it. ]

[Of course, the candidates for surrender must be valued by you, and they are basically limited to women. ]

[You released Yamato, Kaido's daughter. The latter didn't care about you defeating her father and destroying the Beast Pirates, but she focused on you and was determined to defeat you. In the future, she will go to sea to pursue her dream. ]

[Although her strength is quite strong, she is not your opponent. You successfully defeated her. ]

[In the following days, Yamato will come to challenge you almost every day, and then you will beat her up, and after a while, she will return to her original appearance. ]

[At the same time, Kozuki Hiyori also often hangs around in front of you. ]

[In the sixth year, the development of Wano Country is booming, the people's happiness is very high, and the relationship between you and Yamato and Hiyori is getting closer and closer. ]

[The news about you defeating Kaido and occupying the Wano country has spread throughout the world, which immediately caused a sensation in the entire sea. A new emperor of the sea was born, and all parties have different ideas. Even if you killed the Celestial Dragons, but the navy doesn't dare to attack you, you have gained precious development time. ]

[You didn't choose to leave Wano Country, but stayed on this island and started to train with great concentration, digesting your new obtained strength, and at the same time devoted yourself to studying the method of using conqueror haki. ]

[In the seventh year, your strength has steadily improved, and even your swordsmanship has become stronger. ]

[In the eighth year, some pirates came to Wano Country recklessly and challenged you, but you didn't need to do make a move. Most of the pirates, Black Maria and Ulti under their command, could handle it. And even if they were stronger, with the existence of Yamato, he don't need to worry about it at all. ]

[You continue to train with great concentration. ]

[In the ninth year, you successfully mastered the conqueror infusion and officially became the top powerhouse. Now if you meet Kaido, even without your orange talent, you can still defeat him. ]

[You are almost at the apex of One Piece world. ]

[In the tenth year, with the help of many people, you married Yamato and Hiyori, and your married life is very happy. ]

[In the eleventh year, Wano Country ushered in an uninvited guest, known as 'the most ferocious criminal in the world', Monkey D. Dragon. ]

[For his arrival, you were very surprised, but you still gave him a warm welcome. ]

[Dragon showed you his intention of coming. It turns out that he wanted to lure you into his group because you had killed the Celestia Dragons, to launch an attack on the corrupt world government and to overthrow this evil organization. ]

[You didn't feel any surprises. From the moment you saw Dragon, you knew the other party's intention. ]

[If it was before, you would probably have agreed to cooperate with Dragon, but now you are not alone, so your heart is full of worries. At this moment, Hiyori and Yamato appeared beside you. ]

[The two hold your left and right hands respectively, and give you strength with gentle eyes. ]

[You understand that they will support all your decisions. ]

[So you no longer hesitate, you agree to cooperate with Dragon to overthrow the world government together. ]

[Under this goal, the entire Wano country has entered a state where all the people are soldiers. With the advanced thinking in your mind, the revolutionary army has gone much smoother. ]

[But you know the power of the world government, so you start to make other preparations. ]

[In the twelfth year, your strength improvement becomes slow, you temporarily stop your ​​​​crazy trainining, and plan to go to sea to complete other things. ]

[After you have discussed with everyone, Hiyori will stay in Wano Country and manage the country with others, and you will take Yamato to leave Wano Country for half a day before heading towards the Grandline. ]