
Danmachi: I'm Leveling Up In The Dungeon

This is a story about fighting monsters and upgrading. Aston, who traveled the world to solved the mystery of his birth, plunged into the dungeon without any hesitation and began the road of defeating monsters and upgrading. However, it seems that, unconsciously, there are more and more beauties around me. How is this going? I'm here to fight monsters and upgrade, not to meet beautiful women like the red-eyed rabbit!!! #### t/n: I am not the author of this ff, I am just translating the raw chapters. original: https://b.faloo . com/1337512.html Patreon.com/METARLN

Metarln · Anime & Comics
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167 Chs

Chapter 58 – Prepare to go to the deep floors

Have you read my other translation? Give it a try!


"Hey, Aston, are your blacksmithing skills strong?" Tiona asked curiously, lying on Aston's back, watching him squat on the ground, mining ore.

As for Ais and the others, they were nearby, defeating monsters.

The reason there were no monsters around Aston and Tiona was that there were only two monsters rushing towards them, and they were easily taken care of.

Aston had just spotted new ore in the corridor, so he didn't go to help but went mining instead.

As for Tiona, she followed Aston when she saw him mining.

Honestly, after taking the breast enhancement potion, Tiona's figure really exploded.

If it weren't for Hestia's training, Aston really wouldn't be able to face Tiona's 'familiarity' calmly.

"My blacksmithing skills are quite strong," Aston replied.

"If you want, I can probably compare with Tsubaki. If you have any weapons you want, bring me the materials and I'll forge them for you," Aston said with a smile.

His blacksmithing ability was not just on par with Tsubaki's; he could compare with Hephaestus, given his master-level sub-profession skills, almost rivaling the gods of this world.

However, Aston wasn't foolish enough to reveal all his secrets.

"Really?!" Tiona was slightly stunned and somewhat incredulous.

"Really," Aston replied calmly.

"Then it's settled, I'll come to you for any equipment I need in the future," Tiona said.

"Sure, just bring the materials. I won't charge you," Aston nodded in agreement.

While they were chatting, Ais and the others had finished off the monsters and were walking towards them.

They were currently on the 35th floor, where the monsters' strength was not challenging for their team, and they were quickly defeated.

"Tiona, I know you like Aston, but can you be a little more reserved?" Tione said with a sigh of exasperation, seeing Tiona lying on Aston's back.

She knew her sister had developed feelings for Aston after getting the breast enhancement potion from him, but this was too fast.

Tiona was practically draped over Aston.

"Cut it out, you're one to talk about being reserved," Tiona rolled her eyes at her sister, who was the last one in the group who should be speaking about being reserved.

She was passionately pursuing Finn, without any disguise, blatantly.

"What did you say!" Tione frowned in annoyance at her sister's retort.

The two sisters then started to bicker.

Aston and the others were used to the sisters' bickering and ignored them.

"What should we do next, it's almost evening," someone said.

"Go back to the 28th floor?"

"Or head directly to the 38th floor?" Ryuu asked Aston and Ais.

There's a safe zone after each floor boss.

The 18th floor is a safe zone after the 17th, the 28th floor after 25-27th floors, the 38th floor after the 37th, and the 50th floor after the 49th.

"How about we go directly to the 38th floor?"

"We were concerned about Aston's strength before, so we didn't go deeper."

"Now that we know Aston's strength is comparable to ours, let's go deeper."

"Let's rest on the 38th floor for the night and officially step into the deeper floors tomorrow."

"It's a good opportunity to show you the deeper floors," Tione suggested, leaving her argument with Tiona.

"Ah, right, Aston, you haven't been to the deeper floors, let's take you there," Tiona added, smiling.

"I have no objections, going deeper is fine by me," Aston shrugged indifferently.

Although they were only five people, they all possessed first-class strength, and with ample backup, there was no need to worry about reinforcements. Indeed, they could venture into the deeper levels.

The deeper floors might seem terrifying, but with several level 4 adventurers, or even a level 5 adventurer leading a bunch of level 2 and 3 adventurers, it was possible to set foot there.

The Astraea Familia and the Ishtar Familia had ventured into the deeper levels. Although they hadn't gone too deep, they indeed had set foot there.

With the strength of these five, entering the deeper floors was no problem.

Honestly, since Aston leveled up to over level 20, especially after reaching the current level 25, the experience gained from the monsters in the lower floors was quite negligible compared to Aston's massive pool of experience points.

Heading to the deeper floors now would also yield more experience points.

Hearing Aston's response, Tione didn't speak but looked towards Ais and Ryuu. After receiving nods from both, Tione then spoke to set their next destination.

"Since that's the case, let's hasten our pace towards the 38th floor now."

The group continued their journey.

Due to the time constraint, they once again activated their fast travel mode. Tione, Tiona, Ryuu, and Ais extended their limbs enveloped in a gentle breeze, while Aston was surrounded by lightning. They sped along, rushing towards the deeper floors.

After spending about two hours, the group arrived at the safe zone on the 38th floor.

There was not a single person in the 38th-floor safe zone. The 18th-floor safe zone was very lively, especially the town of Rivira, which was bustling with people. Although the 28th floor wasn't as crowded, there were still some people.

But the 38th floor was truly deserted; the entire floor was just Aston and his group.

However, this was not surprising, considering it was a deeper floor, and not many Familias had the capability to enter these depths.

It was also not so coincidental for Aston and his group to encounter other major Familias entering the deeper floors.

"Aston, dinner, dinner!" After choosing a campsite and setting up the tent, Tiona looked forward to dinner with anticipation and urged Aston.

"Alright, alright, I'll start cooking now," Aston said, gently patting Tiona's head with a smile.


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