
Danmachi: I'm Leveling Up In The Dungeon

This is a story about fighting monsters and upgrading. Aston, who traveled the world to solved the mystery of his birth, plunged into the dungeon without any hesitation and began the road of defeating monsters and upgrading. However, it seems that, unconsciously, there are more and more beauties around me. How is this going? I'm here to fight monsters and upgrade, not to meet beautiful women like the red-eyed rabbit!!! #### t/n: I am not the author of this ff, I am just translating the raw chapters. original: https://b.faloo . com/1337512.html Patreon.com/METARLN

Metarln · Anime & Comics
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167 Chs

Chapter 39 – Cooperation

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"The Shop refreshes new items at midnight.

However, Aston didn't specifically wait until midnight.

After all, they had to continue exploring the maze tomorrow.

It wouldn't be good if they didn't rest well.

So, after separating from Ryuu and returning to his own tent, Aston practiced the Void Furnace meditation for an hour before entering dreamland.

Early in the morning, he was awakened by Tiona.

As for the reason, it was obvious – Tiona was eager to enjoy the delicious food Aston made, and the others were also eagerly waiting.

He had no choice but to get up and help.

After preparing breakfast, Aston sat aside and checked the Shop that refreshed last night.

As he guessed, the Divine Blood Elixir was refreshed.

Moreover, the items today were very disappointing, to the extreme.

Three iron swords, two long spears, and the remaining four items were slightly better but still not great.

The keys to Fairy Tail Celestial Spirits, Naruto World's Shuriken Throwing Technique, Hunter x Hunter's Leolio's small knife, and the Returning Spirit Elixir from the Dungeon Encounter world.

None of these items were useful, which greatly disappointed Aston. He closed the Shop directly, joined Ryuu's group, and enjoyed the food with them.

"By the way, Aston, how much can your Requip space hold?" Tiona, holding a piece of grilled meat in her hands and not caring about her appearance at all, asked Aston as he joined their group.

When Aston promised to take on the supporter's role, he informed them about the Requip Magic.

Since this wasn't some extraordinary secret, Tiona and the others knew that Aston stored things in the Requip magic space.

In reality, he was putting things into the system space.

"It can hold a lot; my space is quite large. It can probably fit a reception room like yours." Aston explained with a smile.

"Hey, it's really big."

"If someone from our Loki Familia had this magic, then during expeditions, one supporter would be enough." Hearing that Aston's changing space was so large, Tiona was incredibly surprised and said.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Tiona's head received a little shock.

"Stupid Tiona, even if there's such a large Requip magic, one supporter is not enough. If many people need new equipment during battles, how can one person handle it?" After giving her sister a punch, Tione said.

"Uh, you're right." With a bump on her head, Tiona grinned and did not retort.

Tione was indeed right; one person could not handle supporting so many people during battles.

The main combat power in the Familia expedition was not just first-class adventurers like them; there were also level 3 and level 4 Familia members who were the main force.

One supporter definitely could not bear such a heavy responsibility.

She hadn't considered this fully.

"By the way, Aston, from now on, when we go down to the dungeon, come with us." Tione withdrew her hand and continued to enjoy her roasted meat while saying with a mouthful.

"Ah, right, right, right, I was just about to mention that."

"Aston, next time continue to act with us. We won't charge you valis." Tiona agreed, nodded, and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Aston was suddenly stunned, looking at the two of them, wondering why they suddenly said such things.

It seemed like they saw Aston's confusion. Tione stopped her hand movements, explained, and waited for Aston's response.

"I just feel that with you accompanying us, small-scale dungeon adventures become so convenient. There's no need to sell too many magic stones at low prices to those greedy merchants in Rivira. We can also enjoy delicious food in the dungeon. After all, even without us, with Ryuu's presence, you could go down to the dungeon. In other words, we still benefit from having you with us."

"So, from now on, you don't need to bother with these troublesome commissions. We'll take you to the Lower Floors, and you can help us with logistical support. It can be considered cooperation."

"Can you accept that?" Tione explained, and when her words fell, she continued to bite into the grilled meat, looking at Aston, waiting for his response.

She really thought this way and wasn't lying.

Although Aston entrusted them to take him to the Lower Floors of the dungeon, they were just adding one more person. Aston could easily handle this area's monsters on his own. Moreover, he had shown his strength, and even before resting last night, he could already handle three monsters at once.

This meant that Aston already had the strength to venture into the Lower Floors. Adding that powerful attack that killed Goliath, he was undoubtedly on the same level as them.

In this situation, whether he was with them or not didn't seem to make much of a difference.

On the contrary, Aston brought them a lot of help. He handled the support work, especially the delicious food he prepared. Since the first time they had it last night, they couldn't forget it and wanted to continue enjoying Aston's delicious food.

'Last night, after serious discussion before going to sleep, the three of them made this decision.'

Hearing this explanation, Aston, at this moment, also stared at Tione in surprise.

He really didn't expect things to develop like this.

He had thought of going back and continuing to post commissions to the Loki Familia.

After all, the gains from yesterday had made him extremely satisfied, and he really wanted to continue.

Unexpectedly, before he could bring it up, Tione took the initiative to invite him.

"How about it, Aston? What do you think?" Tiona, biting into grilled meat, also asked with unclear words.

Aside from Ryuu, who looked surprised, Ais's gaze also fell on Aston at this moment.

"Pleasant cooperation." After a moment of silence, Aston showed a brilliant smile.

"Pleasant cooperation." With Aston's response, Tione and the others stopped eating, smiled, and replied.

They all wanted to get in touch with Aston, wanting to figure out why Aston, with a level 1 body, could eliminate monsters on the Lower Floors.

They were very curious.

Aston's achievements were truly astonishing to them.


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