
Danmachi Fanfic

as a wise monke once said " she left because she a poo poo head, just remember monke loves you"

Cooldud · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs


Freya: good morning, darling.

Akira without even thinking it twice jumped out of the bed, because he was still in the nude his dick was hanging out moving with the rash movements he made, also because of his movements the blanket was blown showing the nude body of Freya.

She wasn't surprised by the sudden movements of Akira instead directed at Akira a sultry smile, Akira was looking at her dead in the eyes showing how serious he was but either way some of his doubts could still be seen lingering in his eyes.

Freya: fufufu, you don't have to panic, darling.

Akira: Don't call me darling, and also nice boobs.

this made Freya chuckle but Akira didn't even twitch, his normal easy-going attitude was nowhere to be seen instead was a serious one, seeing him so serious made Freya blush a bit, Akira took account of her reaction but he didn't say anything about it instead he asked.

Akira: Freya, I want you to answer me seriously, did we do it.

Freya: what do you mean?

Akira: did we do it, Freya.

Freya: fufu, aah you mean "that", you were so rough with me.

Akira didn't respond instead looked at the ceiling of the building, he was in complete silence and because of his somewhat long hair there was a shade on his face making it impossible for Freya to see his expression, this continued for a while making Freya a little bit scared so when she tried to explain Akira shouted meanwhile crying buckets.


Akira fell to his knees, his tears were falling to the floor making the wood wet, this continued for a while because Freya was perplexed by the unexpected response, soon enough she recovered and seeing how comical Akira looked couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

Freya: pff, darling we can do it whenever you want.

Akira: Nah, sorry right now ma dick is sore I can't even feel it, but I'll take that in mind.

Saying that Akira stood up from the floor and taking his clothes he was going to use his father's technique "I'm gonna buy some milk" with that in mind Akira went to the door, well he tried if he wasn't stopped by Freya.

Freya: fufufu, why are you leaving so soon.

Even though Freya was laughing, she was oozing a terrifying aura and had a crazy glint on her eyes, seeing that Akira gulped and meanwhile sweating a bit he said.

Akira: I was going to the . . bathroom! yeah to the bathroom.

Freya: what is a bathroom?

Akira: uh, never mind. I'm going to the river to wash myself.

Freya: really?

Freya asked meanwhile oozing an incalculable amount of bloodlust, Akira was nervous because of it but either way nodded, because of it the bloodlust of Freya disappeared like nothing ever happened and let Akira pass.

Akira didn't even think about it, he walked by the door reaching the main room of the house of Freya, her house could be said to be big with four rooms in total, Akira walked to one chair close to him and using it to support himself he started dressing himself,

starting with the socks Akira quickly started dressing himself, the shoes, belt, the underwear, and the pants where what Akira could achieve before hearing the steps from the upper floor from freya.

fearing that she might change her opinion and make him stay, Akira decided to leave the house without putting the shirt, taking the shirt with his hands Akira started walking towards the main door.

Akira wasn't stupid, seeing the look that Freya directed to himself sended shiver through his spine, even though his father left him at a very young age his father still could tell him something very important.

"never stick your dick in crazy"

Even though he wasn't the best father Akira engraved those words for the rest of his life, so Akira didn't think about it anymore instead he opened the main door leading to the outside, because of the after effects of being drunk the sudden hit from the sun made him a little bit wobbly and dizzy.

He was using his hands to cover the light of the sun, and meanwhile doing that he stood quietly just by the door of the house because of how dizzy he felt, closing his eyes Akira started stabilizing himself, because of how dizzy he was Akira didn't hear the approach of a certain red beauty.

Hephasteus: Akira? what are you doing on the house of Freya, half-naked.

Hearing the voice nearby Akira forcefully took a hold of himself and looked at Hephasteus, seeing the same glint and the same aura Freya made Akira panic even more, he quickly made a poker face and meanwhile doing a somewhat forced smile he respond

Akira: hahaha, i was just protecting myself from the scorching sun, a-ahahaha.

Akira started laughing awkwardly to try to distract Hephasteus from the topic, Hephasteus knowing that the sun today was really hot somewhat believed Akira but before she could say anything from inside the house a sultry voice could be heard.

Freya: darling? why are you still here?

Hearing Freya, Akira heartrate increased exponentially out of nervousness but before Akira could say anything Hephasteus glared at Akira coldly, feeling it Akira slowly turned around locking eyes with Hephasteus.

Hephastus: Akira, did Freya just call you darling?

Freya: huh? aah so it's you, red haired bitch.

Hearing the voice from Hephasteus, Freya made a smug face, quickly taking hold of the arm of Akira and pushed it against her boobs, seeing that the glare from Hephasteus become even colder and made Akira panic even more.

Akira: a- ahahha, i can explain.

Freya: what do you need to explain to the red haired bitch, darling.

Hephasteus: shut up, you cheap slut.

Following both the goddess started insulting each other with a toxic tongue making Akira sweat buckets from sheer nervousness.