
DanMachi: Divans Trials (Dropped)

Oofdiditagain · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


After laying Davin's body on a couch to the side of her office Hephaestus could be found sitting at her desk fiddling with <Flames Embrace> and she didn't notice Davin get up he spoke "I'll be entering the dungeon today Hephaestus" before attempting to leave the room only to be stopped by Hephaestus "No, I will have you join a party to venture into the dungeon, Your the youngest master smith I have ever seen and your attention to detail is impeccable..."

"Alright, But I still have things I want to take care"

While Divan went off to complete his daily quest Hephaestus called Tsubaki Into the room


When Divan finished his daily quest he made his way to the paratheon to sign up as an adventurer after entering the guild hall and doing various paper work afterwords he left to walk around the city


Back in Hephaestus' office "Tsubaki I understand about the ring but he is a prodigy when it comes to blacksmithing, I can't risk him falling to the dungeon when he may be able to contest against me smithing"

"Hephaestus-sama, they is no need to gather level 3s to escort a level 1 through the dungeon just tell him to stay in the upper floors until he has the strength to move forward on his own smothering him won't let him grow, and if you honestly feel that the ring will do as he says then trust your instincts that's all I have to say on the matter" Tsubaki then quickly turned around and left the room


'Clearing the first floor won't hurt right?' As Divan sat on the lowest floor of the Tower of Babel at the entrance to the dungeon he dismissively shook his head before resolving himself and entering the dungeon, after a few minutes he ran into a small group of goblins as soon as they saw him a notification popped up

[Bloodlust Detected

Kill All Enemies 0/7

Reward: -

Penalty: System will stop hosts heart]

Seeing the notification he felt like his heart really did stop but was quickly got pulled back into reality when he saw the goblins club closing in on him willing for his weapons the <Sharp Shortsword> Appeared in his right hand as mana clouded around his left taking the form of a shield, using the shield to parry the club he stabbed the goblin through the chest as another goblin appeared to his left changing the shield to a sword he brought his arm back beheading the goblin as he brought his right arm downwards cutting off an arm of another goblin as this repeated itself until the last goblin fell another notification popped up

[Enemies Dead]

Letting out a sigh of relief he decided to continue through the dungeon

{16 Hours Later}

'*whew* that was fun' Wiping the sweat of his brow divan willed his stats to show up as he trekked out of the dungeon


Level 1

Race: Kitsune

Strength: B-805

Agility: A-915

Perception: A-935

Dexterity: A-923

Magic: S-1025

Innates: Augmented Reality (SS), Will of One (SSS)

Skills: Parry (I), Flash Step (Sealed)

Developmental Skills: Master Blacksmith (E), Swordsmen (C)

Magic: Magic Manipulation (C), Mana Armory (Sealed)]

Before he could celebrate on the meteoric rise of his stats a notification popped up

[Large Amounts of Bloodlust Detected

Kill Enemies 0/200

Rewards: Random Skill, All Stat Up (X3)

Penalty: System will stop hosts heart]

Just as he pulled his attention away from the notification the walls seemed to rip as goblins and kobalds came pouring out, manifesting a bastard sword for both of his hands he darted forward and started slashing in wide arcs claiming the lives of monsters with every swing as he was mercilessly swinging his blade various monsters managed to land strikes causing cuts and scrapes to start to appear all over his body as he backstepped to get out of the encirclement he sent a glance over to the notification


Seeing the the number keeps rising he resolved himself to whatever wounds he may receive, dashing directly into the mob (Monster party) he continuously swung his blades covering himself in various goblin bits and blood, after a half an hour he stood upon a pile of goblin bodies that were slowly disintergrating into magic crystals, as he looked over his body checking his wounds he found various cuts along his torso and arm, visible gashes on his legs from goblin and kobald bites but there was a kind of fullness permeating through his body, 'Stats'


Level 1

Race: Kitsune

Strength: SS-2500

Agility: SS-2832

Perception: SS-2815

Dexterity: SS-2789

Magic: SSS-3125

*Warning Host will forcibly enter sleep mode to protect body due to over saturation of Elixia

Time Left 20s]

As soon as Divan saw the warning he bolted towards the exit forgetting the mass of magic crystals, just as he passed a small party he lost consciousness and fell grandiosely on his face


A little while after the events in the dungeon Hephaestus heard a knock at her door "Come in" as the door opened to show Tsubaki with a deep frown she spoke out "Divan was found unconscious near the entrance to the dungeon with wounds all over his body, they said that he won't wake up and have called you down to check his status" letting out a deep sigh as a frown marred her face Hephaestus replied "Alright come with me Tsubaki"

When they arrived at the bottom floor of the Tower of Babel they went to the clinic side and asked for Divans room number, after finding his room they entered to find Divans mangled body covered from head to toe in blood, after removing his shirt and rolling him over Hephaestus checked his status just to go wide eyed as her jaw dropped


Level 1

Race: Kitsune

Strength: SS-2500

Agility: SS-2832

Perception: SS-2815

Dexterity: SS-2789

Magic: SSS-3125

Innates (Not Visible): Augmented Reality (SS), Will of One (SSS)

Skills: Parry (I -> E), Flash Step (Sealed)

Developmental Skills: Master Blacksmith (E), Swordsmen (C)

Magic: Magic Manifestation (D -> C), Mana Armory (Sealed)]

As Hephaestus copies the status onto paper to show Tsubaki "I honestly don't know how he grew so quickly, I'm going to level him up I don't even understand how his body didn't explode from..."

Realizing the reason he didn't explode from over saturation by going into a faux comatose state she quickly did the level up process while Tsubaki was going over his stats


Level 2

Race: Kitsune

Strength: I-10 (2510)

Agility: I-10 (2842)

Perception: I-10 (2825)

Dexterity: I-10 (2789)

Magic: I-10 (3135)

Innates (Not Visible): Augmented Reality (SS), Will of One (SSS)

Skills: Parry (E), Flash Step (I), Vital Targeting (I)

Developmental Skills: Master Blacksmith (E), Swordsmen (C)

Magic: Magic Manifestation (C), Mana Armory (I)]

{(A/N) (****) is total stats, Minor details may change feel free to make suggestions}