
DanMachi: Death (Hiatus)

OC will arrive in the Danmachi world a year before Bell. This will also involve a new Familia. It will be a Familia of the goddess who reincarnated here Death. The Primordial Goddess Death with her own Familia. Powers will include but are not limited to transformation into poisonous creatures. A gun that shoots magic. Possession. Decay kind of like Tomura from MHA. Then lots of poison.

JokerHighJack · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation

A soul has been walking for a thousand years. The soul has been walking in this underground green glowing atmosphere for what felt like a thousand years. While he was walking on the sidewalk he would look on either side and see other souls in agony. It was weird as he kept looking the more information he could get about the soul and what they did previously.

It got to a point where a simple glance and he could see the depths of their soul and what they had done and what they are. All different types of humans and mythical souls of creatures were present. Some people were completely innocent as well but others did despicable acts that were horrifying to the thought.

The soul just kept on walking. In all actuality the soul had a goal he saw a huge opening in this cavern like place. But sadly he has been walking to it for the thousands of years he has been present in this zone.

However just as he thought he was still extremely far it seemed as though he teleported into a new place. He looked behind him and saw the entrance he had been walking towards for so long. The soul then turned back around and saw a throne. It was made out of bones. But not like the throne that Sukuna sits on in JuJutsu Kaisen. It was far more elegant and well crafted.

Sitting on top of the throne was a beautiful woman. Who at the same time looked extremely dangerous. While she was extremely beautiful she gave off a Revy from Black Lagoon vibe. The soul was focusing on her and trying to understand why he could not see her soul. Or at least some kind of personality. He could only see her body.

The Beautiful lady started to walk down the steps towards the soul. Each stepped echoed and reverberated throughout the cavern. Once she was right in front of the soul she started to laugh and then quickly tried to stifle it.

She then said "Sorry Sorry I noticed you were trying to see my soul and then when I got closer and saw the confusion on your face I couldn't help but laugh."

The soul just kind of stood there not exactly sure what to say as this woman was giving off too many different vibes.

She then said "Anyways I have noticed you for a long time and to clear your confusion as to why you can't see my soul is that you are simply inside my soul right now. Also it's nice to meet you in case you don't know I'm the Goddess Death."

The soul just nodded and said "That makes sense but I did not expect to be inside your soul."

Death nodded "Well everyone who dies either reincarnates or ends up here. Although you are the first one to walk around both willingly and freely. Do you know how you got here?"

The soul shook his head "I don't even know how I died or if I died. I just remember being here and walking to that entrance. I mean I do have concepts of human and monsters as well as tv shows and movies. But I don't remember my life. Yet I remember so much of entertainment and how worlds work like the economy and politics and so forth."

Death smiled "I see well I have a plan you will be helping me out too. How would you like to reincarnate into the world of Danmachi."

The soul noticeably brightened up "That would be fun but how would that help you?"

Death gave a wry smile "Well I have just been sitting in my own soul for eons now because of how bored I got. So I was going to go with you and have you be my first Familia member as for some reason I feel like their is a connection between us that even I do not understand. After all very few beings can look into a soul the way you can. Gods can see souls sure. But to fully grasp and understand everything about ones soul is only something I can do. So I would also like to spend more time on you and research you in a way."

The soul nodded "I see well do I get any powers or anything like that."

Death shook her head "Don't worry I will bestowing powers onto you. The only thing you get to choose I suppose is your age, what you look like and that's it. I will take care of everything else as I will be going with you."

The soul was sad a bit but was still thankful for the opportunity "What about the world of Danmachi do we not need money and other equipment."

Death shook her head again "Don't worry I will take care of everything. After all I'm Death. What kind of primordial Goddess would I be if I did not get what I want."

The soul nodded "Well I guess we are going to change a lot of events in that universe."

Death started to laugh a bit and then it turned into a sinister like grin "It's going to be so much fun. Now for your name age and body."

The Soul the said "Let's go with Lawliet Umbra."

Death giggled a bit "A fitting name for someone in my familia. Okay now your age and body."

Lawliet then said "I want to be 17 a high human and look like Manjiro Sano 'Mikey' from Tokyo revengers."

Death smiled "I like how you picked your race as well good choice. You will live longer that way."

Then with a snap of deaths fingers Lawliet then had a body. He was relatively tall and muscular.

Death then said "Not bad Not bad now turn around so I can give you falna."

Lawliet "Fine but don't do anything weird."

Death rolled her eyes "Whatever."

Lawliet Level 2


Endurance: C700

Dexterity: C700

Agility: C700

Magic: A900

Abilities: Deaths Blessing, Decay, Poison Touch, Basilisk, Possession, Soul Scour, Paralysis Breath, Poison Zone.

Deaths Blessing: When killing any kind of opponent experience given 5x higher. If the opponent is killed while unaware of the danger experience given is 10x higher. Works on any being.

Decay: The ability to touch something and for it to start rotting. Works from flesh to machine.

Poison touch: The ability to poison anything you touch might take multiple tries to work. Poison can also be put into weapons.

Basilisk: The ability to transform into a basilisk. Will have the same abilities like upon eye contact enemies will be paralyzed. Also extremely poisonous fangs.

Possession: The ability to possess any creature. Only the creatures will power can stop you.

Soul Scour: The ability to look at anyone's soul and know every detail.

Paralysis Breath: The ability to shoot a paralysis gas out of your mouth. The stronger the opponent the more gas it will take.

Poison Zone: The ability to make the whole area extremely toxic and venomous. As the user gets stronger the zone will get bigger.

Death nodded "Not bad Not Bad. I would expect nothing less from someone who would take some of my abilities."

Lawliet then quickly turned around "Let me see."

Lawliet then started to read and got more and more excited "Now this is going to be fun. So what now?"

Death smiled "Now we go to Orario."