
Danmachi: Bell Cranel adventurer extraordinaire!

Someone suddenly finds himself in Bell Cranel Body. What will he do? Hopefully something fun.

some_random_dude1 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

oihfoihfnklawnuiaegh (this tittle meaning is too profound for a simple mind like you to understand it)

sorry for not uploading any chapter lately, but it's been a busy week for me.

It's why I uploaded 3 chapters at once on Sunday.

anyway, let me use this note to answer some of your questions.

1. what about Hestia?

she will be mentioned soon, but Hestia herself will appear at Ganesha's party just before the Monsterfilia festival.

2. there are no more questions.

btw, Want to see Lefiya in the next chapter? because there will be Lefiya in it! and the hostess of fertility, with all its maids and Mama Mia! Possibly *spoiler* as well! ugh...I'm gonna try to make Bell interactions with them realistic, don't I?


{wooden slab}. (A/N: thank you "ENASNI" for the Idea)

Bell blinked at the pop-up screen. It seems like his good luck has run out, now it's time to go back to the trash items.

"oh well, I can't complain, can I?" Bell stretched and stood up from his bed. "the last 3 lottery spins are already good enough for me to stop complaining for a while." He said to himself and walked up to his wardrobe. The only clothes in it being his armor set, a black shirt with long sleeves, and a black pair of pants...of, and boots, can't forget the boots can you? after all Bell is not an Amazonian to walk barefoot.

" *gasp* Bob! " he yelled when he saw his pet rock looking at him. "don't look you pervert I'm naked!" and that's the story of how Bob the rock had a boot thrown at his face, causing him to fall off from the table in Bell room.

Tragic, I know.

'wait, hold up...' a sudden realization hit Bell like a truck. 'I don't remember taking my pants off...now that I think about it...I don't remember putting my armor set in the wardrobe either!' there could only be one explanation, and it made Bell shudder a little when he thought about it.

Loki did it.

A lone sigh escaped the boy lips. He shook his head and started to put on the black shirt and pants combo...together with boots. Don't forget the boots. Boots are important :v

why the hell am I focusing so much on footwear? IDK.

"Alright, Bob, I'm decent now." The boy declared and picked up the rock from his bedroom floor. When he put him back on the table, he took notice of the paper laying on it. It was his status update! after a quick inspection of the piece of parchment, Bell noticed two things.

1. being ganged up and stabbed by monsters is worth the status increase! for now...

2. HOLY SHIT! his magic stat is about to enter the SSS rank!!!

The original Bell managed to reach a triple S-rank too but as a level 4! And yet here he is, a reincarnate who will soon reach that rank in his magic stat as an lv1...

(A/N: SS is from 1000 to 1199, And SSS is 1200+)

"My magic stat is bullshit." just like the sky is blue, and the grass is green. Getting over the shock from seeing his magic stat point, Bell took a quick glance at his skills and saw that nothing changed.

He also noticed a little note from Loki at the bottom of the page...

"Momma likes what she saw~" he sighed at this.

---meanwhile in the dining hall.---

"YES!" Loki yelled out of nowhere, startling the members of her familia around her.

Both captain and Vice-captain ignored their goddess, who at this moment is doing a victory dance on the table. In all honesty, this is still considered tame compared to Loki's usual shenanigans.

(A/N: you guys want a chapter that is focused on Loki everyday life?? Who knows, maybe i will explain her random reactions like this one, or when she clicked her tongue and teleported away from Bell when she was molesting him?? hmm,... maybe.)

"what's her deal?" Bell questioned as he put his plate full of pork and potatoes on the table and sat beside Finn

Everyone around him shrugged and let out an "I dunno" sound.

Although he was still confused, Bell decided to follow the example of his seniors and ignore the dancing goddess.

"So! Do you guys have any plans for today?" Bell asked the two high-ranking familia members.

"train some of our men and finish filling up paperwork." Finn responded casually. For a moment, Bell could swear he saw a flash of despair in the pallum eyes at the mention of paperwork.

"I'm going to the guild to notify them of the next expedition we will be going on soon, and then come back to help Finn with the paperwork." The elven princess shared her plans for today, and let out a sigh at the mention of paperwork.

'will this be the one where they let a bunch of minotaurs escape from the lower floor?' the boy briefly wondered. "well, my plans for the day is buying some clothes, and visit a bunch of bookstores to buy myself a way to pass the time when I don't go dungeon diving." he always loved a good book after all.

"speaking about dungeon diving. Do you want to go with us on this expedition?" seeing Bell's gobsmacked face, Finn quickly added "only down to the 18th floor. You will help fight until the 6th-7th floor, and then continue as a supporter to the safe point on the 18th floor where you will wait until we get back."

"It's how we help level 1's gain superior exelia. We allow them to fight until they reach a floor beyond their capabilities where they will serve as a supporter until we reach the safe point." Riveria added her own two cents as Bell calmed down once he realized they will not drag him to the 50th floor or something.

"oh, alright." he visibly relaxed. "when are we going then?"

"3 days from now, a small party already went ahead of us in order to prepare everything needed on the 18th floor." The pallum said, causing Bell to realize something.

'so that's where Aiz, Bete, Tione, and Tiona were going!' the boy thought as he recalled what happened on his way back from the dungeon yesterday. He didn't voice his realization, as he felt there was no need for it.

"well, since we still have some time to speak, why don't you tell me just what happened yesterday on the training ground?" The elven princess said causing Bell to grow uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"I have this cool new spell that can be mixed with other spells and I wanted to see how it would react to my arsenal." He mumbled high enough for Riveria to hear him. "and I might...got a little too excited."

'a little?' Finn thought, as the image of bell throwing spells around while smiling like a psycho showed in his mind. "personally I was more impressed by that spell raw power when you didn't mix with anything else." the image of the crazy magic scientist Bell was replaced by the shredded dummy, ground, and wall. The aftermath of the Rasengan making contact with its target.

"yeah, the Rasengan is already overpowered without any help from other spells. But I need to figure out how to throw it at my target because without a ranged spell mixing with it, it just floats above my staff...or palm." Bell frowned, a spell caster is supposed to help their party from a safe distance, closing that distance often means death. But to be honest, he I already messing his build by farming the Defense stat.

Falna is similar to a videogame status, but it doesn't necessarily follow its rules. If he would try hard enough, Bell could become a Tank Mage! a mage that tanks hits, and deals magical damage!! because why not? all he needs to do is have an ungodly number in his defense, and magic stats!

no matter how ridiculous the character build may be, it's possible if you put some time to gather points for the right stats, and spent enough time learning the necessary knowledge.

a Barbarian that is also skilled as a Ranger!

a healer assassin.

literally fucking anything. Who is to say that a mage cant bench press a building? give him enough points in strength stat, a couple of level-ups, and viola! you got yourself a mage that is also a bodybuilder with biceps bigger than your head!

But Bell is not aiming for that, he wants to be a mage! Just a mage, nothing else...

'right?' the boy briefly wondered.

"I can't blame you for training, and bettering your abilities." Riveria sighed as she said that. "but please, hold yourself back so you don't destroy half of our equipment and training arena." Bell was amazed at how it could be possible for Riveria to look like she aged 100 years but still seem young and healthy.

damn those knife ears, they have all the good genes!

"Sorry, I will try my best to not do it again!" yes, Bell will try to do his best, but he didn't promise that such a situation will not happen again. He will try to contain his inner crazy magic scientist, but who knows for how long he will be able to keep him chained up??

wanna make a bet? I bet that it will happen again in a weak or so.

After Finn and Riveria finished their breakfast, they both went on to do their jobs, leaving a bored Bell. 'well, might as well go now.' The boy thought as he finished his breakfast and made his way to the Entrance/exit of the Twilight Manor, and from there, he started to wander the streets of Orario.

"pallum, elf, some kind of animal person." He murmured as he watched the many people on the streets and noticed that this...was all the races he could find... kinda boring if you ask him. "oh, an amazonian." he said as he saw a brown-skinned beauty with a toned body walking through the streets.

Are amazonian considered another race? If so, why? No matter how he looks at it, Bell sees Amazonians as human. Humans that have a certain genetic quirk causing them to be born female, and have a better than normal physical abilities. Having them considered a completely different race is stupid, but he doubted anyone would understand his way of thinking.

"Barbara clothing shop" Bell read out loud and smiled at the simple straight-to-the-point name. Why give complicated names when you can just go for simplicity? "well, let's see what's inside" Thus he entered the store

"Welcome to Barbara clothing shop! I'm Barbara how may I help you boy?" said the woman that looked like she goes to the forest just to have boxing matches with grizzly bears for fun.

"The clothes I'm wearing are my only normal attire, the other is my armor when I'm adventuring into the dungeon." Bell started. "I think you can see the problem Ms.Barbara." enough was said, no other words were needed.

Judging by the mix of pity and horror in the woman's gaze...yes. She did see the problem.

"boy." She began. "how money do you have?" Barbara crossed her arms as she saw Bell counting on his fingers.

"47 multiplied by potato, with the extra photosynthesis for VAT..." his math skills transcended the mortal realm. "I've got enough." to prove his claim Bell slammed a pouch of coins he had in his shoulder bag prepared just for this occasion.

Did I mention that he took his shoulder bag with him?

meh. Who cares? Small details are not that important for a story.

Reader: umm. actually-


*hides gun away* So, umm. Where were we?? AH! yes, Bell is buying new cloth- Holy fuck, he already bought them!

"Bye, Ms.Barbara!"

"come back again if yer need more clothes brat"

how the fuck is he so quick?! and if he is... I pity Bell future girlfriend...

"Quetzalcoatl Book store." The moment he read that, Bell immediately went into the building for obvious reasons. And unfortunately, much to his disappointment...she looked nothing like the Quetzalcoatl from Fate/Grand Order. It pained him, but it is what it is.

but she is still beautiful!

The goddess's hair was not hair at all, it was a bunch of many tiny green feathers, and while she does have normal skin, there are some areas where there was a bunch of scales on it. It looked similar to Natsu when he enters his Dragonslayer mode, but with yellowish/greenish scales instead of red.

her hair...uhh, feathers(?) ended around her shoulder, her features were god-like (pun intended!). Bell would have no problem with calling Quetzalcoatl the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

"hello" The goddess stopped reading her book and saw that a bunny-like boy was standing on the opposite side of her desk. "can you-"

"I'm not interested."


"Sorry, kid. I just like older guys." the goddess shrugged "Man who start to have their hair turn grey kind of old."

"How did you even know I was gonna try to flirt with you?"

"I'm a goddess kid, enough said."

Bell had no idea how that is supposed to explain anything. It was like a fantasy novel saying "magic did it" when it tries to explain a plot hole. She was a goddess, that's all he needs to know. She knew his intentions just because she is a divine being.

Bell wanted to know the mechanics on how that works, but he doubts the goddess would tell him. Does she even know how it works herself?

Dejected, Bell started to wander around the store, taking a couple of novels, a bunch of books about magic, and around 10 smut stories...those were for Merlin... The look that Quetzalcoatl gave Bell when she cashed those was not something he will ever forget. It will be one of those memories that your brain reminds you about when you try to sleep.

<the Magus of Flowers offers "random magic created by Merlin ticket" in exchange for "smut x10">

with anime tears streaming down his face, Bell accepted the deal and used his ticket.

he could not help but wonder. "was this worth it?" such embarrassment...He wonders what Quetzalcoatl thinks of him now... A dude walks up to you, tries to flirt with you (unsucessfully) and the next time you see him (5 min later), he is carrying 10 smuts in his hand...

"This was totally-"

<penis enlargement magic>