
Danmachi: Bell Cranel adventurer extraordinaire!

Someone suddenly finds himself in Bell Cranel Body. What will he do? Hopefully something fun.

some_random_dude1 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Fight! FIGHT! F I G H T !!! ....oh, damn! she is naked!

so...Russia officially started a war...fuck...


"hi Bob" Bell said as he passed his pet rock sitting on the table but not before sprinkling some bread crumbs. After all, he is a good owner, keeping his pet well-fed is the bare minimum of what he should do.

Bob: :)

The soulless eyes of the rock shined with boundless love toward his owner. His affection was the same as the one a Dog would hold for his master. Bell however was too busy putting on his casual clothes to notice this. A simple white T-shirt with black pants.

And flip-flops.

They are comfortable and are a deadly weapon! Getting slapped by a flip flop feels like getting slapped by a flaming lightning bolt covered in acid! Bell still remembers the first time he was hit by one...

'I'm sorry momma! I will never look at a chocolate bar again!' A shiver went down Bell's spine.

Moms are scary when they want to be.




"I wonder how she is doing."

Ah, yes. One of the cons of reincarnation!


In his first life, Bell had a normal family, he was not part of the cliche where he was that one sibling that was abused or neglected. He wasn't that one sibling that the rest of the family simply didn't like. He had...a normal relationship with them!

He had a little sister. She was a little shit and both she and Bell usually greeted each other with a "sup bitch" or "hello fuckface". All in good nature, none of them took it seriously and both got a good laugh out of it.

His father was an introvert, and it never ceased to amaze him how he hooked up with his mom who was a total extrovert. His time spent with his father was usually with a movie, sometimes playing together on a co-op game on a PlayStation together. Any trip with him was usually something calming, like camping, or going fishing.

His mother (as stated previously) an extrovert. She liked to party with her friends and it wasn't an unusual occurrence for his dad to bring her back home once she gave him a call and ask for a lift. Interactions with her were...interesting?The memory of when he woke up with the biggest hangover of the century after his 18 birthday party was still fresh in his mind. And the one who encouraged him to drink more than should be humanly possible and safe was none other than her.

See? a completely normal family

(A/N: you call that normal?)

'did I die?' Bell thought.

He didn't remember how and why he got transmigrated, he just remembers going to sleep in his bed and then waking up as the anime character from Danmachi. Did he fall from his bed and landed awkwardly thus somehow snapping his neck? That was one of the endless possibilities. What is happening to his body on earth? How did his family react to it?

heartbroken most likely.

A lone tired sigh was released by the boy. Wondering about such things is useless, there is nothing he can do... not to mention it's painful to think about it...

"Alright, enough sadness for today! Spin the daily lottery!"

{do you wish to use your daily spin x2}

"two of them?" Bell blinked. "Wait, I didn't use my daily spin yesterday!" After his lesson with Lefiya, her help with creating a new spell, and going to the hostess of fertility, Bell completely forgot about his lottery system. He had no excuse, he just forgot.

But hey! at least the spin was still there! The system save it, it was not lost!

and just like that, this system is less of an asshole than one of the thousand others from fanfictions on webnovel.

"yeah, used them both." 2 pop-ups materialized in front of his face, and Bell waited patiently for his disappointment.

{kazuma first pantsu!} (A/N: thank you "BarknoBite" for the suggestion. I will start to use the more valuable suggestions from the readers soon)

Bell didn't even attempted to catch the damn thing. Once it hit the floor he burned it with a {Fire Bolt}.


'Fusion!' The boy thought confused. No knowledge appeared in his mind, he didn't feel anything other than normal. Did he get trolled and gained nothing? This requires testing.

"Fusion!" The boy yelled at his blanket. The next thing he saw, was the blanket merging with the mattress. HOLY SHIT HE CAN FUSE THINGS TOGETHER!

"Fusion!" he yelled and aimed at 2 of his books laying on the table, only for nothing to happen. "uhh...maybe it doesn't work on books?" He took two pairs of pants from his wardrobe and tried to fuse them...nothing.

Two chairs? nothing.

two blank pieces of paper? nothing.

A writing feather, and a pencil? nothing.

A horrifying thought made its way to his head. "w-was that a one-time thing only?" his eyes became dead. He could not believe that he wasted such an opportunity, such a good power. A long and regret-filled groan escaped him as he realized how much he fucked up.

taking his magic staff, Bell raced down toward the training area, showing off his legendary skill of running with great speeds while wearing flip flops. It amazes me that he didn't even trip once. Such skill goes beyond the mortal limit...

"GOD DAMN IT! {Thunderlance}!" Almost everyone in the training jumped up in surprise at the sudden scream and lightning strike hitting the nearby dummy. All Loki familia members looked at the newby bombarding the dummies but ultimately he was ignored and left to unleash his wrath on the training dummies...

For about 3 seconds, as a black-haired cat-girl jumped right in front of one of his spells and swat it to the side with the flat side of her rather thin blade.

"What?" Exclaimed the confused Bunny-like boy as he saw this. "What??" He exclaimed again as he saw the cat-girl charging at him with her sword pointed at him and with a grin on her face. "WHAT!?" He exclaimed for the final time as he evaded the blow by jumping to the side.

"what did I do?" he asked as he once was forced to duck in order to evade a slash that would normally decapitate his head.

"nothing," The cat-girl said and gave Bell a radiant smile that even Flame Hashira Rengoku would be impressed by.

The grip on her blade changed with a blink of an eye, now with a reverse grip, she tried to stab Bell who was in too much of an awkward position to dodge the attack. The boy eyes widen, his mind automatically went through all spells in his arsenal to find one that would help him in this situation. Fortunately for him. He found one.

"{Shock Wave}!" The air distorted as the invisible shock wave soared through it in all directions around Bell. In the Novel, this spell was able to easily crush full plate armor, and it certainly lived up to its name as the ground around him cracked and dust went up into the air.

The black-haired cat-girl was pushed back, and despite being hit with the spell she showed no visible sign of pain or weakness. She seemed to calm down and exit her battle stance, thus allowing Bell to study his attacker.

She wears a black and white outfit along with dark brown boots. Her hair ended around her shoulders, her eyes were the same color as her hair. The only armor that she was wearing was the gauntlet on her left arm, probably her dominant one, thus the one she uses to wield the sword.

Sticking a thumb in her mouth and ran it along with her teeth and gum. When she was done, She examined the thumb and noticed a trace of blood on it. It was barely noticeable, something only the observation power of a level 4 could notice.

"So...umm. Can we talk this out?" Bell asked, his voice making the girl focus back on him and smirk. "I should have kept my mouth shut..." Taking up an offensive stance once again, the cat-girl exploded into motion forcing Bell to react in kind.

"{Magic Hand}" Six ethereal blue hands shot out forward toward his attacker. Five of them were sliced up without a problem...the sixth one had a surprise. A spiraling sphere of energy was hovering mere millimeters above the last {Magic Hand}, and when the cat-girl tried to slice it up, her blade snapped when it connected with the maelstrom of energy. The shock was visible on her face as the Rasengan inched closer and closer to her. Seeing the opportunity in his opponent's confused state triggered by the loss of her weapon, Bell began chanting.

"O Flames, Become A Hail Of Arrows That Shall-" The Rasengan hit its target causing the cat-girl to be launched into the distance. Bell followed her with his gaze while not breaking his concentration. "-Decimate All Beneath Its Rain" With the chant being completed the air in the entire training ground became hot and dry. Bell visualized the {Fire Arrow} magic circle in his mind and pushed his Mind into it.

A total of 50 fire arrows manifested above the still downed cat-girl who widened her eyes at the sight.

"{Hail of Flaming Arrows}!" with the spell name being declared, every projectile hovering above the cat-girl descended on her and caused an explosion of fire that temporarily blinded everyone who looked at the explosion.

When everything that was left was smoke, Bell realized that he just bombed someone and possibly killed the cat-girl. But those thoughts went away when he heard a loud laugh and saw his assailant step out of the smoke unharmed....and naked.

It seems like Bell burned her clothes, but the catgirl herself doesn't seem to be bothered by it, much to the approval of everyone who was spectating the fight.

"Damn rookie, that was amazing!" The comment fell on deaf ears, Bell was too busy trying to burn the image before him into his mind.

"turn around, I want to see that booty." The boy said shamelessly and much to his surprise the girl actually did it but rolled her eyes while doing so.

"Fine. Treat this as your victory reward~." She sang with a teasing voice while turning around and striking a pose, a smile present on her face as she winked at the other spectators.

'I'm touching myself tonight.' -all male adventurers in the training ground.

"Had enough, or should I-"

"I give it a 6/10. Thanks for the view and goodbye." Bell said as he bowed and walked away like nothing ever happened. Causing the Girl to splutter in indignation, her face going all red with anger.

"6/10!?! I'M AN 8! YOU HEAR! ME!! I'M AN 8 AT THE VERY LEAST YOU BUNNY-LOOKING VIRGIN!" She was having none of that. The cat-girl began to run after Bell, and the boy himself smirked.

'All according to keikaku' The boy thought as he felt the naked girl jump at him and pin him to the ground while she shouted in anger, and demanded to change her rating.



find out in the next episode of...

...whatever the fuck this is!