
Daniel The Hell Crawler

Have you ever think whether hell or heaven is real? Have you ever comprehend whether you will experience the end of the world? And if you are like me, and believe in the end of the world,will you believe me when I said that the end of the world is real and it is not because of nuclear war, it is not from a zombie apocalypse and it is also not from war between nations, it is because of a game..The Game. Follow the journey of the protagonist as he try to survive in this god forsaken world and learn where will his destiny take him,to a life of damnation or to the saving of his planet..

Maiedluffy · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Me, Sir Twight and a not so famous novel...

The world is in chaos right now. Barbershop closed down, restaurant closed down, workers laid off, rent unpaid, people get kick off from their house by the unscrupulous landlord. It is pandemic right now and everybody suffer from it. My condolences for everyone that got affected with it. I live with my uncle slash sensei and I always worried that he will get affected with it because he is already old and as we know about this virus, it affect older people more than younger people.

Sigh... About the tenants that get kick off from their home, my heart is with them. And for the landlord, all I want to say is..What the frick man, time is tough right now, why don't you leave the tenants alone and give them some consolation in the form of one-month rent free or something, maybe even two-months. But who am I to get angry with the landlord, I'm just a guy who is living with his uncle and work with him as an apprentice blacksmith to pay him back for his care all these years. If you combine all my years as apprentice with this pandemic year, I have been his apprentice for 7 years already.

I don't even know if people who work as long as 7 years still got to call themselves as apprentice anymore. Maybe I will start calling myself senior apprentice blacksmith, or even senior regional manager, like the devine title of my idol, Sir Twight that work in Dundling Muffler Tissue Paper Company. Damn, he must be rich right now, with people start panic buying tissue paper left and right in this pandemic right now. Senior Regional Manager must get high commission, right? It is like he can predict this pandemic and start working in tissue company all those years ago just to profit massively in this crisis. What can I say, as expected of my idol.

I always like his personality and the way he do things, my way or no way at all. I always feel angry with all the side character in the series that always look down in my idol and cannot see his true worth. Don't they know that he always teach them valuable lesson without asking for a bit of money from them all.. Like that time when he teach them to escape burning building by burning the damned building in the first place.. Genius, I tell you. Who even in their right mind can think of that incredible plan. He is like a mastermind that always thinking 2 or 3 steps ahead of you. How can I teach all my sorry-ass colleagues to escape from burning building? Ohhh yess.. I need to burn the building first. Wow.. So classy, thinking outside of the box.. Impress yet, lowly peasant.. Hahahaha.. Opsss.. Sorry I'm fangirling so hard right now and forget our first conversation. What is it? Ahhh, yes.. The pandemic. Let's get back to it.

If you ask me , is it apocalypse right now? Is it the end of the world right now? Nahhh.. I don't think so. I really hope it will slowly cease to exist and I heard all the rich people and the government has already started to create a vaccine for this pandemic. Like my idol, Sir Twight that always find positive aspect to every situation he got himself in, I also had that same attitude and I think after all this is over, we will all get over this and come out stronger and more prepared than ever to face any challenge that may come our way, whatever they may be. We can survive this.

I thought that after this, whatever destiny or fate or even God that want to toss a crisis our way, we can definitely survive them all.. What the frick man, we survive the pandemic. What is the worse thing that can happen other than that.. Today is my free day because my uncle want to rest and I started to do my daily reading, to be more specific, daily webnovel reading. That is one of my hobbies, after blacksmithing. Even the reason I like blacksmithing in the first place is because of the fantasy element factor from my favourite fantasy webnovel, Diary of Daniel, The Suffering Hero.

It is not a famous work and even the author only has one work to his name. Even the view count is not great. It cannot passing even one hundred view limit. Maybe it is because the grammar has many mistakes as I think the author is not a person who speak or writing in English language. But his storyline in the novel , his feeling that he embedded in his novel, his suffering that he experienced to help his planet, Autharum. Make me love the novel to death and always read it daily. Hell, even his name is the same as me,Daniel. But I'm sure as hell don't want to experience the same things as him. I stumble across his novel when I get injured from my blacksmithing work a little over a year ago,and I got hook and continue reading his work ever since. One thing that I don't like with this novel though, his update release is never consistent. Sometimes as high as 1 month without a chapter, nothing, nada, yillek. What the.. Do you think you are Eichiro Oda or something, creator of one piece , he also like to take a long break, but that is him, not you.. You don't get to take a long break, maybe a little coffee break for your effort but 1 month without a single chapter is too much, my friend.

The last chapter that I read is when Daniel get attacked by a group of crazy mermaid hybrid that have fish lower body and the head of a bat, and then, hiatus. Hmphh.. Let's check whether the author will deign us with a new chapter or not, motherclucker author. Fufufufu..