

"Hey, baby." - He texted her on Whatsapp, early in the morning.

She received them while still waking up. It's still 8 AM. She then replied to him, "Good morning :)"

While half-asleep, she is smiling ear to ear receiving his text in the morning.

"Good morning to you. How are you doing today?" - He replied.

"I'm good, today is a cleaning day for my house. I just ordered someone to clean my house. Like Go Clean :) It's from the app." - She replied.

He then asked her, "That's cool, how was your night?"

"It's peaceful. How about you?" - She replied.

He replied, "It's night over here... I would be going to bed soon, just working on some stuff."

She replied, "Hahaha... the opposite. How was your day?"

He replied, "Hahaha yeah... wasn't bad."

She then replied with concerns, "Are you stressed out like yesterday?"

He quickly replied, "Nope. Asides cleaning of the house, do you have other plans for the day?"

She replied, "That's good. Not really...."

He replied, "I see... You are free today..."

She replied, "Yes..."

He then asked her, "Do you have any recent pictures? Would love to see your pretty face."

She attached her recent picture with her artist without hesitation to him, "<attached: 00000243-PHOTO-2020-03-04-09-46-58.jpg>"

She then asked him back, "Do you have yours?"

She thinks that this a good opportunity to ask for his selfie, just like what Mark is recommended to her.

She then added, "How about a selfie? Can you do a selfie with a silly face and a peace sign?"

It took him a while to send her this selfie but then he sent it to her without any message. He just attached the picture to her, "<attached: 00000247-PHOTO-2020-03-04-09-51-14.jpg>"

When she saw it, she jumps with joy and shouted up to her lungs, "OMG! HE'S REAL! HE'S REAL! YES! YES!" Like she just jumped with joy and she quickly replied, "Aww... you are so handsome <heart emoji>"

Even though she feels that he is real due to the picture he sent her, her logic still was unsure either or not the picture is really him.

But then he quickly replied, "Thanks, baby. Already blushing."

She then replied, "Hahaha."

He replied, "So, tell me have you had breakfast?"

She quickly replied, "Not yet, I'm fasting until 12 o'clock."

He replied, "Oh I see... do you have any personal picture?"

She was confused at first but asked him, "Like just with my self?"

He quickly replied, "Yeah"

She replied, "Sure, <attached: 00000259-PHOTO-2020-03-04-09-57-34.jpg>...<heart emoji>"

He was happy to received the picture from her, "<Love emoji, kiss emoji, heart emoji> You have a lovely smile. Already feel like give you a kiss on those lips. <kiss emoji> You are beautiful, baby."

Receiving this text makes her flattered and she's just replied with a nervous laugh, "Hahahaha...." because all of this was too soon for her but then she added, "Thank you, baby."

He senses this as, "You're smiling... it seems that you don't want to give me a kiss?"

She immediately sent him a kiss emoji to make him comfortable and not arising suspicions towards him.

She then replied, "Here's the kiss... hehehe"

And they did a virtual kiss emoji over Whatsapp.

She then added, "Are you going to bed soon?"

He added, "Not feeling sleepy yet. I would tell you when am about to sleep."

She replied, "Ok. What are you up to now?"

He replied, "I just finished replying my mails."

She replied, "I see, you've been busy then."

Two seconds later, he replied, "Am done. Now I'm talking to the love of my life."

She thinks this is too fast but she just goes with the flow, "Isn't it too fast? or you just know?"

He then replied, "I feel this deep down."

She replied, "Aww...." then added, "Are you ok with me being like overweight?"

He's like, "Really don't mind. Just live healthily."

She's happy with his answer because she's feeling insecure about her body weight.

She then added, "It's funny that your profile picture in Whatsapp, you are crushing the globe but not crushing Indonesia and yes I eat healthily."

He laughs, he then added, "I guess because someone special is in there."

She's longing to hear his voice again, "Aww...Normally, you would call me at this hour. I miss your voice."

It's been a while since he last called her. At the beginning of their courtship, he'd normally call her every day at every night but lately he's been abstaining.

He then replied, "Same here, baby. Baby, I would give you a call later in the day. I have to go rest my head now. It's almost 11 PM here."

She replied, "Are you feeling sleepy yet?

He replied, "Yes I am. Would give you a call when I wake up."

She replied, "Okk... Have a good night rest."

He then added, "And do have a nice day baby, I love you. <kiss emoji>"

She smiles, "Thank you baby, <kiss emoji>"

He replied, "Bye"

She hates when he says 'Bye' so she just replied to him, "See you soon."

Then he went offline. Her world feels dire without him. It's like the more she talks with him the more she's longing for him. It's like she's attached with him. It's like she just craved for his attention and affection.

The remaining question still exists up in the air, "Has she fell for his trap? or he just genuinely care about her?"


Lunchtime arriving, she ordered some food through Grab, her favourite is Chicken Pressed Mozarella. She felt tired at that time after her concert, so she decided to have a massage at her apartment.

She texted him "I will have massages later in the day, so today is about enjoying my self :)"

He answered, "Hahaha... that's not bad. It's good to give yourself a nice treat once in a while..."

He texted her 6 hours after she messaged him about the massage thing.

"Yayy.. you are awake... hahaha... agree." - She replied.

He replied, "Yes baby, I just finished saying my morning prayers. So I decided to chat you up. Literally the first person I'm talking to."

She replied, "Aww...that's so sweet. What are you praying about? Thanks, baby."

He replied, "So what have you been up to? It's evening over there."

She didn't tell him the truth about the fact that she went to a Matchmaker agency just because she didn't have anything better to do. She chose to lie to him because she doesn't know how to say about this things to him. The matchmaker agency is really expensive, so she just didn't go for it. She just went there for something to do. She felt bad that she is lying to him. This is the first time she's lying to him.

On her way home, she texted him, "Yes, it's 5:31 PM. I'm currently in traffic. I just got out. To find dragon fruit juice. Haha."

He then replied, "Are you hanging out with friends today?"

She replied, "Nope, just by my self."

He replied, "It's all good. So the agents are done cleaning the house?"

She replied, "Yess... and I'm happy now my house is clean."

He replied, "I love people that are clean. It's one of the qualities am talking about."

She replied, "Aww... thank you."

He replied, "So where you able to get the dragon juice?"

She laughs because yes, she did got the dragon juice but the reason why she went out it's not just because of the dragon fruit juice. She gets the juice from the cafe at the Matchmaker office.

So she replied to him, "Yess... I'm happy now, hahaha... But stuck in traffic. Jakarta traffic is really bad. So what are you up to? I got massages in an hour. "

He then replied, "Wow. I normally take a little stroll."

She arrives at home 30 minute after the traffic. She feels hungry. So she goes to a pork rice shop near her apartment.

She then sent him what she was eating for dinner, "<attached: 00000351-PHOTO-2020-03-04-18-10-22.jpg>" with the caption, Pork Rice and Boiled Eggs.

He then replied,"I love pork..."

She replied, "Nice... Then you'll love this." while attaching the second picture on her Whatsapp chat.

He then asked her, "What is this? Did you make this? I can see the rice."

She quickly replied, "Nope, I didn't make this. Yes, it's rice with pork skin and pork meat. It's my dinner. I bought it from the shop."

Then he went offline for about one hour. She then texted him, "You must be really busy today :)"

After a while, a good thirty minutes without reply, he then texted her, "Baby, I'm so sorry, I had an emergency meeting with my colleagues. This morning. I had to step out early. I would really love to have a taste of that. It looks appetizing."

She quickly replied to him, "It's ok... :) Hopefully everything settles?" and added, "Great, when you visit me, I'll take you :)"

He replied, "Yes, I am done."

She replied, "Have you have your breakfast yet?"

He replied, "Nope, just had coffee. Are you back home?"

She texted him while having massages. He then replied to her, "Ohhh great... I wanted to talk to you now but I don't want to interrupt your peace so maybe when you are done and settled from your massage, we can talk. This is fine, yeah?"

She quickly replied, "Ok, I'll let you know."

She finishes her massage one hour later and thought of him.

She then texted him, "Heyy... I'm good now. Just finished."

He then calls her immediately after she texted him that.

They talked about random stuff but mostly about how they felt towards each other and about their day. After a good one hour call, they hung up, and she texted him, "Good night, nice chat x"

He then texted, "Same here baby."

She replied, "I like when you laughed, it's cute. I feel like we are connected when you laugh."

He then added, "Awww... I feel the same way. I love you, baby."

She is blushing and added, "Aww... I love you too. <kiss emoji>"


Two love birds.

Same feelings.

The games that they played

Where this could lead her or them next?

Everything seemed normal

Just like how it is


Logic says different

She still doesn't know what awaits her in the near future with him

They grow closer and closer each day

Would they become intimate to each other over the phone?

or Would her logic try to make sense of everything?

We would know soon.