
Danganronpa Plus

Of all 16 Branches of Hopes Peak Academy the best student from each branch was summoned by Mr. Naegi the headmanster to start a new project. Sadly it didn't go as planned. The sixteen students find themselves in a killing game they have no choice of playing.

Jahvaughn_Coley · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Danganronpa Plus

Chapter 14 – Hope Finally Disappeared

Before we stood behind our podiums I asked Fei if he found out where Ricardo is hiding. He replied " I don't know where he is right now but I did find proof that he is still in school grounds".

"And that is?"

Fei showed me a dorm room key. "I found this in the computer room on the floor" said Fei. Most of us don't use our room keys. Did you check if that key was for Ricardo's door?" I asked. "Yeah but then I realized that all of our doors are the same. Any of our key can open anybody's door except for the person's who have died" said Fei. "I opened Ricardo's room so he must still be alive and I don't see why any other key would be in the computer room of all places. A room where people rarely visits" he added.

"Thanks Fei, Hopefully that will lead us to something during the class trial. Even if we solve both murders we still fail if don't find out Ricardo's location" I said getting cold feet. We stood behind our podiums and waited for Monoplus to start the class trial.

"My oh my, everyone ready!? I wonder who is going to die this time Upupupupuh" giggled Monoplus.

"Or maybe you'll get the culprit wrong this time and game over" Monoplus laughed.

"Let's begin with an explanation of the Class Trial. Your votes will be what determine the results. If most of you vote for whodunit then only they will receive punishment. But if most of you vote for the wrong person then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened and that one will be able to leave this place got it bastards and also you are only to focus on the murders first. After that is taken care of we'll move to the topic of Ricardo".

"Are we starting with Jasmine?" I asked looking at everyone.

"Yes we should, she is the one that died first" Xavier agreed. "Godammit, I can't believe we're doing this again" Terry complained.

"Jasmine died this morning after breakfast. She got hit on the head by a bat and died right then and there. It must have been an hard swing" said Paul. "Who could kill her with a bat in the warehouse after breakfast? The only person who even knew she went to the warehouse was Paul" said Shawna looking at him suspiciously.

"I'm the only one that said I saw her enter the warehouse but that doesn't mean I'm the last one. Others could be keeping secrets" said Paul. "Secrets? Yes I mustn't forget that" I said to myself. "After breakfast most of us stayed in the dining hall or went to our rooms. Those who stayed at the dining hall were me, Alisa, Paul and Terry while Cj and Shawn went to explore the new areas. Julie, Shawna and Fei went to their rooms" said Xavier confidently.

"The ones who went to their rooms are the ones to be question. They could be doing anything without us knowing" said Terry. He pointed at Shawna and said "I'm ready for this bitch to die any day now. She better be the culprit".

"Wait you guys are wasting your time checking morning alibis. The murder didn't take place this morning" I stated. They stared at me confused by my words. "Jasmine was there in the dining hall. Were you not paying attention?" Paul said. "Yes she definitely died this morning. No other time" Terry backed up.

"Nuh uh, Alisa explain to them why they are wrong" Xavier said.

"I pointed at the watch on my risk and said "If you read the MonoFile then you would see her instruction for the day. It was never to leave her room in the morning so why would she go to the dining hall" I asked.

"I was thinking that maybe Monoplus is the one that killed Jasmine for breaking her instruction" said Shawna.

"But her arms are still there intact. The punishment for disobeying your watch's command is losing an arm and possibly dying from blood loss but he never said the punishment was death" I replied. "Then she didn't break the rules" Shawn agreed with me. "I don't know, you are trusting Monoplus more than you should" said Paul. "He may be a monster but he doesn't lie to the extreme".

"Hello Alisa, we definitely saw Jasmine this morning didn't we" said Cj still confused.

"Yes, we did see her. Was that Jasmine a fake?" Terry mentioned.

"Yes a simple makeover could by me, Shawna, Sue or Julie could do the trick" I stated. "I had to dye my hair to pull that off and I didn't have anytime to do that" said Shawna. "Same here, I hate disguises" said Julie. "I didn't do that either so it might be Sue" I suggested.

"Was she at breakfast?" Cj wondered. Fei nodded no in reply. "Then Sue might be the killer" said Julie. Fei slammed his hands on the podium and shouted "Get serious people! The murder didn't happen this morning remember! Jasmine couldn't left her room so tell me what next! Don't go blaming my innocent sister!"

His sudden outburst filled the air with malice and hostility we never expected. "He was this angry the entire time. This must be what an actor have to do everyday" I sighed. "But even with his out burst I can't ignore the fact that we never got to see Sue's hair because she was burnt alive. Even after Jasmine's death and we all met up she was nowhere to be seen for me to see how she looked at the time. She could very well be cosplaying" I thought.

"Alright Alisa, her instruction was not leaving her room in the morning and she didn't disobey because her arms are intact. Then the Jasmine we saw earlier this morning was a fake. The culprit could simply kill Jasmine in her room then" said Xavier. "Before or After breakfast?" Shawna asked. "There's no way it's before breakfast. Remember the person disguised as themselves as Jasmine. It can't be any of us guys and all the girls looked normal. I even checked on my sister before going to the dining hall and she was fine" said Fei convincingly.

"Alright so the culprit cosplayed after?"

"What do you think Alisa?" Cj asked.

"I never agreed with the morning statement to begin with. Committing a murder in the morning is way too risky. It's better to do it in the night when there a less witnesses" I said. "Ah yes night makes a lot more sense" Shawna added. "But if it's the night then all of our morning alibis just suddenly became useless" stated Julie annoyed.

"Xavier your turn" I told him. Xavier told everyone's night alibi for nighttime as I watched everybody's reaction. "Look at me, trying to get someone killed" I thought to myself. I body heat jumped through the roof whenever I think of the upcoming outcome. "Stop thinking about stupid" I slapped my thighs.

"Last night up till morning Paul and I did some paintings together in my room. Neither of us are the culprit for Jasmine I'm sure. Julie was in the library reading a book last night and finally took a nap during the investigation. Terry and Shawna went to bed early while Cj said he was up playing games with Sue and Fei" said Xavier.

"How long have you been playing games for Cj?" Shawna asked.

"Up to 3 am I think" Cj stuttered. "3 am? So she ditched me for games" Julie said disappointed. "She ditched you how?" I asked surprised. "I was suppose to meet up with her midnight last night but she blew me off saying LEAVE ME ALONE I'M GOING TO BED before I could even open her door. I didn't know she was playing games with Cj and Fei" said Julie.

Julie's statement felt like a knife stabbing my chest upfront. Every word placed a thought in my mind about Cj lying. Fei isn't even saying anything to back up Cj's claim. I gulped and hope for the very best. "It can be anybody. Just don't be Shawn or Cj" I prayed in my mind.

"Cj be straight with me are you telling the truth?" Shawn asked seriously. "Yes I am" he quickly replied with the same tone. "I don't feel like you're telling the truth man. Speak up!" said Shawn. "Where's your evidence that I'm lying?" Cj asked. Shawn looked over at me and said "Tell him!"

"Julie said she didn't open the door to Sue's room. Shawna found Sue's MonoID that was on a recording feature. There was an audio set to go off at exactly midnight. It was like an alarm" I stated.

"Come on! You joking" Terry said doubtfully. Shawna showed the MonoID to everyone as proof to back up my claim. "If she made that recording and set it to midnight then she definitely was plotting something" said Paul. "She wasn't in your room. Normally people do what she did when they're planning on leaving the room but still want others to believe that you're inside" said Shawn. "Hey Fei were you really playing games with Cj and Sue?" Shawna asked.

Fei gave no reply to the answer. It didn't look like he was paying much attention after we started suspecting Sue again for being Jasmine's killer.

"If Sue wasn't in her room and even left her MonoID in there she couldn't have played any games with Cj and Fei. So Cj was lying" said Terry. "What the hell man!" Shawn shouted. Cj took a deep sigh and scratched his head a shamed. "This lie has truly trapped me in a bind" he said nervously.

"Please Explain yourself Cj. Tell me the truth" I requested.

"I didn't know Sue had plans to leave her rooms last night. I messed up there. Anyways I am not Jasmine's killer that's a fact. The truth is Fei and I weren't playing any games. We were outside watching the beautiful stars. He wanted me to teach him about the solar system because he didn't know jack shit about it. You don't have to believe me" said Cj. Fei nodded in agreement with Cj's statement. "Why did you lie in the first place?" Shawn asked.

"Did you two had something to do with the murder?" Xavier pressured. "No way, those two wouldn't participate in a killing" said Terry.

"Oh please, the motive was no class trial. Anyone innocent soul would do it" said Shawna.

"Why did Cj lie about last night? I hate to think about it but the only answer is that he had something to do with the murder. But what?" I thought. I looked over at him but he avoided my gaze. "I told Cj to never change. He is slipping" I sighed.

"Cj didn't need to lie unless he knew the time of death was last night but why would he mention Sue in his alibi if he planned to murder her. That doesn't make any sense".

"Fei help me out here. What did you and Cj do last night?" asked Xavier.

"Fei and I were together star gazing last night but there was a point in time when I left him to go to the bathroom. While I was going I saw Sue with the same bat. I asked where she was going and she bluntly replied going to kill Jasmine. I tried to convince her not to but I suddenly stopped after seeing the look in her eye. She was really fed up with this place and wanted to leave. There wasn't going to be a class trial so I let her go along with her little scheme. The culprit is the second victim Sue. I didn't tell Fei about it because I was afraid of how he'd react" said Cj looking at him.

Cj's words were nothing but lies to me. He said Jasmine would be the last person he'd kill. She helped his relationship with Julie not to be so hostile and she healed Cj's right eye and left shoulder. "I don't know what Cj is scheming but I say he's the culprit" I said seriously.

"I am? I just told you the culprit is Sue" said Cj.

"Shut up, I don't even know who you are anymore. You're changing from the sweet Cj I knew back in Hopes Peak" I said upsettingly.

"Whatever you say, I'm not the culprit" Cj replied. The two slightly glared at each other and I could tell that we will never be the same after this. Fei blurted "My sister is not the culprit! Are you deaf! My sister and I were together the entirety of this morning. The body was discovered in the warehouse. When could she have find time to move it there" said Fei.

"No you weren't with her the whole time. You were at breakfast this morning while she was in her room" said Paul. "You know your sister did it. I don't care if you're sad that she died you better shapen up for the rest of us to survive" said Shawn harshly. "That's uncalled for" Julie said surprisingly. "It's the truth, I don't have time for him to be deluding himself. I think Sue is the culprit" said Shawn.

"I say Cj, he's never lied in a trial before until now. He could possibly killed Jasmine last night" said Xavier.

"When would Cj find time to move the body to the warehouse? Warehouse closes at nighttime and I was with him after breakfast" said Shawn. "Cj is the culprit. He kept the fact about seeing my sister with the murder weapon from me last night" said Fei.

"But if Cj is the culprit then the whole cosplay theory would be ruined wouldn't it. Only a girl could cosplay as Jasmine this morning to try and mix up the time of death" said Shawna.

"He could find a way around it somehow. Like an accomplice maybe" Julie implied.

"I know I'm not helping him. What about the other girls?"

"Shawna you have no part in this right" said Terry. "No I don't" she replied.

"Hey I said this already. The culprit is Sue. She killed Jasmine" said Cj. Monoplus shouted "Oh my god this is getting no where fast. You do know that you have Sue's murder and Ricardo's disappearance to solve right. I advise you to move on from this for now since you're so close to who the culprit is. I'm sure focusing on other means will bring forth new light!".

"Sue was killed, killed by one of us here" Fei said with a straight face. You could never read that guy sometimes. "An actor at heart".

"She was burnt alive in the punishment room. She was nowhere to be seen after Jasmine's body discovery. I can vouch for Shawn and myself for not being the culprits. We were together after breakfast and even after everyone split up" I said.

"Since we're on the topic on Sue I have something I'd like to show you all" Shawna said going in her pocket. She took out a photo and showed it to everyone. It was a photo of Cj, Fei and someone who looked like Jasmine. That person was Sue. Fei was dragging Sue's hair while Cj was pushing him off of her in the photo. Fei looked consumed with rage when he saw that photo.

"You bitch!" he said without realizing.

"That photo? I can't believe it. Fei is harassing his sister" said Terry shocked. "That's not the big picture here. Siblings fight all the time. No relationship is perfect. The real problem is the background. Where are they?" Shawna asked.

"They were infront of the Punishment Building. Since when did you plant a camera there?" I stated. "Cj planted the cameras there" Shawna replied. Cj still kept his composure but you could see the sweat all over his face.

"When was this Cj?" I asked. He gave no reply so I asked again and again and again. "Cj! What the hell explain yourself" I shouted feeling my chest aching with every word. "Answer her Cj. Why are you behaving like this? Fei! Can you please tell me everything you know about this picture" Shawn urged. Fei scratched his head and responded saying " My sister and I got into a fight after I learned that she's Jasmine's killer".

"So you knew Jasmine's killer was Sue! Then why did you waste our time!" Terry complained. "I was going to confess it at first but Cj started moving strangely. Cj was supposed to keep his mouth shut the whole trial but he kept on lying and lying. I find it suspicious that he set a scene in front of a camera he placed" said Fei confused. "Lying? The truth is Sue killed Jasmine because of you! That's the truth" said Cj raising his voice.

"Okay but what about Sue? Who killed Sue?" Paul asked curiously.

"That's the thing. You have to find out on your own. Fei and I aren't accomplices if you are thinking it. Now guess which of the two are murderers" said Cj.

We all looked at Cj as if he's gone crazy. Even Monoplus gave a surprised reaction.

"So this was your motive Cj. What benefit do you gain? You just made yourself a high suspect for killing my sister" said Fei gradually getting upset. " I want to see who they will choose. Me or you as the killer" Cj said lowering his head. "Why, that's stupid" said Fei.

"To you it is, but their decision now will be the turning point from what I'm about to do next" said Cj strongly. "Well it's obvious we're going to vote for you Cj. Fei wouldn't kill his sister" said Paul. "Are you sure? That picture clearly shows Fei hurting Sue mercilessly" Cj responded. " I am not the culprit so it probably is Cj" said Fei.

"Fei after the fight with your sister what happened?" I asked wishing to know more. "I locked her inside the punishment room. I wasn't going to set her on fire or anything I just wanted her to be executed in a class trial. So I left her in there until it hit noon and Monoplus made his announcement. I locked her in and went off to my room for a while but when I met up with you guys I smelled smoke. I knew I left my sister in the hot punishment room so I feared the worse" said Fei.

After what he said almost all the respect I had for him withered away. Only a little remain because of how he casually told me what happened. His words felt like the truth and his face was had nothing to hide. Cj grinned at Fei's story and said " After Fei locked her up in the Punishment Room he flipped the switch. The room gradually became warmer and warmer until it ignited flames".

I've lost it for Cj I really have. "Cj it's been a while" Julie said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"That's the Cj I used to know back in elementary. You're the jerk that used to watch bullies pick on me. I knew you secretly enjoyed it" said Julie. "That's in the past. It's not important right now" Cj stated fanning her off.

"Alright vote, vote already. Who will it be Fei or me?" Cj urged everyone.

"The culprit is my sister. Make no mistake I hated her guts behind the scene but I would never kill her" said Fei breathing heavily. "Cj obviously looks guilty here. He's the one that murdered Sue. I find it unbelievable" said Terry.

"No joke, I expected better" Xavier sighed.

"Hey Cj! You're not really the culprit right. Spill the beans already!" Shawn shouted. "If you never place that camera in front of the Punishment building or cause a scene near it you might have escaped. That's a big might tho" said Shawna.

"I've said enough, Sue killed Jasmine and Fei killed her for revenge. Fei and Jasmine had a relationship going on and Sue didn't like it. That's why all of this happened" said Cj.

"Cj found out that my sister killed Jasmine. The girl that helped him out with his injuries and settled things with him and Julie died by Sue's hand. He wanted revenge" said Fei.

"Umm, Sue was such a darling. I can't believe she's the one that started this cycle again" said Terry. "Hehe, remember the motive. No Class Trial" Monoplus reminded.

"Fei or Cj, which one of them killed Sue. Something feels strangely familiar about what Cj is doing. Doesn't he fear death?" I wondered to myself. I then looked over to Shawna and realized that ever since her Talent was revealed she changed. She isn't causing anymore trouble like I thought she would.

"She would always want us to rush and vote for the wrong person like she didn't care about our lives being on the line. It's the same here. Cj isn't taking this seriously at all. If he was he wouldn't be playing this 50-50 odds. He's trying to pin the murder on Fei so is Cj the killer?" I thought.

"You know I could be wrong. Maybe neither of them is the culprit yeah. I cant kill Cj" I said out loud.

"What's this! Are you hesitating? You didn't hesitate when you voted for Flora or Zoey. What's the problem now?!" Cj shouted. "Shut it CJ, give her some time to decide. I already decided that I'm going to vote for Fei" said Shawn.

"Huh me? " said Fei surprised.

"Of course, you've secretly hated your sister. You and her fought in the past in a previous hopes peak branch and you are more likely to kill than Cj would" said Shawn.

"Cj's the one I'm voting for" Julie stated.

Xavier, Paul and Terry also picked Cj to vote. Shawn, Shawna and eventually me decided to pick Fei. We were outnumbered so Cj was going to be chosen as the blackened. Just before we voted Fei and Cj raised their hands up in the air and high fived each other.

Their high fived caught us all by surprised. We delayed our votes and looked at them curiously. "What now?" Paul asked tiresomely. "Nothing, you can go along with the vote. Make sure you vote correctly" smiled Fei.

'That's enough bullshit. I am not voting" Terry stated.

"Oooooh, that's grounds for punishment you know that Terry" Monoplus mentioned.

"This is just like what I wanted to do before. It took me long enough to realize it but Cj and Fei are trying to make us vote for the wrong person" said Shawna suddenly.

"Yess, I couldn't stop shaking that feeling. They want us to die so they set this up in a way so that we must die." I agreed with her. "Hey, slow down. I thought Cj was the killer. Is he not?" Xavier asked. "Maybe he isn't, what sense would it be if Cj was the culprit. He would have been more secretive" I answered. "I am getting fed up now. I just want this over with!" Terry complained.

"You are going off track. Vote for Cj" said Fei.

"No I can't do that. Shawna what do you think their reason for doing this is?" I asked curiously.

"If it's like me then they are trying to kill us because they want to stop our suffering. That's my reason for Flora's murder" said Shawna.

"Hey not cool Shawna" Cj shouted. Fei puts his finger on Cj's lips and told him to shut up. "If neither me or Cj is the one that killed my sister then who did?" he asked.

"Yeah, I would like to hear it" Cj added.

"Are you bastards seriously trying to kill us?! That better not be true" Terry threatened. Fei and Cj looked at each other defeated. " I was starting to hate the idea anyway. Yeah you're right we were trying to make you guys vote wrong" said Cj.

"We'd all get executed and be free from this place. There's no other way out" said Fei.

"No other way?!" Julie repeated. "Yes no other, we escaped this place with Mr. Naegi once didn't we? That was no dream. Here we are again. What's the point of staying here just to kill each other in the future" said Cj softly. "I understand but it's still wrong to kill us all off like that no matter what the reason" said Paul.

"When there is wrong there is right. It may be wrong to kill you off but it is right for me to stop the bloodshed as quick as possible" said Fei. Fei and Cj clapped Shawna for picking up on their trick. "Now vote, who will you vote for. A vote has to happen right" said Cj looking at Monoplus. "Yes a voting has to happen and if you manage to get the right people then we can move on to Ricardo's disappearance" said Monoplus. "Cj you're a huge pain in the ass. Anyways Alisa have you noticed something strange about when we discovered Sue's body?" Shawn states.

"Yes Fei looked genuinely surprised when he saw the fire and as did Cj. It could be that they were acting" I suggested. "Fei could act but not Cj. He definitely was surprised by the fire" said Shawn. "They weren't the ones that flipped the switch!" said Xavier. "If neither of them flipped the switch in the Punishment Room. The only other person it could have been is Sue".

"She committed suicide" Fei sighed.

"We didn't expect it. We tied her up pretty good but she still managed to get on her feet and flip the switch. I wonder what her reason was" said Cj. "It could be atonement for what she's done to my beloved but that's highly unlikely. She enjoys seeing me suffer after all" Fei said sincerely. "I want to lock you two up so bad right now" I said biting my thumbs aggressively.

"Calm down, you got it right. Sue committed suicide hooray" Cj teased.

"This change is too sudden. Monoplus you did something to them didn't you" said Julie suspiciously. "Huh what makes you think that?" Monoplus asked. " When I first saw Cj I noticed he was different from his regular self back in elementary. At first I thought he just matured and changed but he's now the same person as back then. Did you give him his photo?" Julie accused.

"Wow, BINGO!"

"I thought it was unfair that he wasn't the only one who didn't get a chance to properly look at his photo so I showed it to him. He hasn't changed that much though. He's still a good guy at heart" Monoplus admitted.

"He's right I haven't changed at all. I am just fed up with everything and everyone. Listen to me carefully people. Don't you think it's better if we just die now and end the suffering. This environment is killing our souls everyday don't you see" Cj stated. Fei nodded in agreement.

"No thanks, I rather kill one of you and get out of here" Shawna said bluntly.

"See! It's people like her who's going to trigger the next killing after this trial. Come on lets just end it" said Cj.

"I expected better from you Cj. I really do! Lets ignore these two until after the trial" said Shawn.

"It's now Voting Time. Get Ready!"

"Vote incorrectly and you won't be able to figure out Ricardo's mysterious disappearance Upuppupuupuh" Monoplus laughed. I reached my hand out for the button ready to select Sue as my vote. "At least no one has to die" I sighed relieved.

"What if Ricardo is the murderer?" a sudden thought flew in my mind.


Everyone already casted their votes waiting for me to do the same. "Wait I assigned Fei the task to find Ricardo didn't i? What if he knew where he was the entire time? He has a gift of finding important things" I thought to myself as my heart stopped for a brief moment

"Oh no! If Cj and Fei are willing to go so far to try and kill everyone then I shouldn't neglect the possibility of them involving Ricardo. I can't believe none of us found him yet!"

"Heheheh to be fair it's not like any of us was looking for him. We just ignored his disappearance until now. That could be a reason to trigger him to kill"

"It's too late Alisa. Vote already" Fei said looking deeply into my eyes. It felt like I was going to die just by looking at him. " I can't believe I was fooled by these two. What the hell happened to me? It's times like these that let me regret my last name. If I was like father then this wouldn't have missed me" I said upset with myself. I hopelessy voted for Ricardo before Monoplus did anything drastic to me.

"Alright! Votings Over!" Monoplus shouted happily.

Cj and Fei had a slight smirk on their faces while Monoplus rambled on about the two victims. They didn't laugh out loud or anything but they looked happy. As if they have done something good for us all. "You idiots!"

"We voted wrong and now we are all going to die!" I shouted upsettingly.

"Seriously, I voted for Ricardo soo" Shawna said uncertain of her choice. "You voted Ricardo!"

"I did too actually, I was hoping the rest of you would stick with your votes" said Xavier nervously.

"I was drawn to Ricardo's name so I picked it. Sorry" said Terry.

"I voted Ricardo as well. It was at the last minute I just felt like it was the right thing to do at the moment" said Paul also nervous. Fei and Cj were shocked to hear our votes and were starting to sweat all over. Fei maintained his composure but you could see the clear anger on Cj's face. He didn't even try to hide it.

"Heh I voted for Fei! I guess I'm the biggest idiot here!" Shawn said loudly.

"Why me?" Fei asked annoyed.

"You piss me off that's why. Your girl died and your sister died and look at your face. You look fine as hell" said Shawn provokingly. "I voted for Ricardo too in case you are wondering. I wonder what we call this. Luck on a whole other level" said Julie.

"I am so glad you guys picked Ricardo. It was a gut feeling but I have reasons to back it up. Cj and Fei clearly said that their aim is to try and kill us all including themselves in this class trial so why just blurt out important detail willingly push me to the track of Sue committing suicide. Nice try it almost worked. You almost fooled us to vote for the wrong person and there's no turning back. It doesn't matter what logic or reasoning you have now. We already voted so shove it up your ass" I told Cj and Fei.

Fei and Cj didn't utter a single word. They were defeated by luck and nothing more. "Upupupupupuh you bastards luckily got it right. I was starting to worry there for a second! Yes The Culprit is Ricardo Rigo. I saw him flip the switch with my own eyes" said Monoplus.

"You know where he is then?" I asked.

"Now, now tell me where do you think Ricardo is Upupupupuh" Monoplus laughed. I looked over at Fei and said "You still have this up your sleeve huh. If we get this one wrong then we'll die despite finding out the culprits. You are a sick bastard Fei! Where is Ricardo!?"

He turned his face away from me refusing to talk. I don't know why but Fei's defiance reminded me of the first time a prisoner defied my orders at prison. I was frustrated that they were afraid of me because of my father and not because of my leadership so I would be somewhat unfair at times. The guy who defied me that day died from starvation. "Last time I checked I am the one who feeds you two aren't I. Just watch how I am going to ruin you two".

"Maybe he is in the Computer Room" said Terry.

"Oh, you saw Fei going in there during the investigation" I added.

"Yes I did" Terry replied.

"I went inside the Computer Room and I didn't see Fei in there. He left before I could talk to him" I said.

"He did! That's strange because I was keeping an eye at the door for a while. I only stopped paying attention to it after you went in. I was worried about Fei. I was thinking he went inside a empty room to cry or something. I never saw him leaving that room. Maybe I missed him somehow" said Terry uncertain.

"You never saw him leave the room. When I went inside he was nowhere to be seen"

Fei and Cj lowered their heads still not willing to say a word. "Terry you might as well just saved us all. I had no clue where Ricardo was until you told us" Xavier thanked.

"What! I didn't say anything that concrete" said Terry unsure of himself.

"No, he is right. Thanks Terry, you just gave us the answer. Ricardo is in the Computer Room. A place where anyone rarely visits because the computers aren't working. There must be a hidden passage somewhere in the room. Fei knew about it and used that Passage to meet up with Ricardo. I gave Fei the task of finding Ricardo so maybe he went to warn him" I said.

"Damn it! You guys came to an answer fast!" Monoplus said disappointedly.

"Is The Computer Room your answer? You only have one chance to answer" Asked Monoplus.

"Yes the computer room. I am tired, I can't stand being in this place any longer" I said tiresomely. "Too bad huh Alisa. You thought this trial was going to end up with you not being the cause of someone else's death. It would have been better for you if Sue was the culprit eh. I wouldn't have anyone to execute then Uupupuupupuh" Monoplus teased.

"You get more annoying by the day" said Xavier.

Everyone wanted this to be over with quickly so they agreed with Computer Room being the answer.

"You are Correct! You get to live another day!" Monoplus laughed.

Cj's legs break and he fell on the floor.

"It started off with Sue plotting to murder Jasmine. Fei told me that there might be a chance of it happening so I planted some cameras in the new areas of the school. That same night she committed the murder I knew she was the culprit. She was supposed to meet up with Julie at the library but she timed a recording at midnight when they should meet. After getting Julie out of the way all there is to do is kill Jasmine with a bat. Simple. The next morning she dressed up as Jasmine to try and trick you guys of the time of death but Monoplus unexpectedly added something in the MonoFile that caught her act. The instruction of not leaving your room in the morning. I knew from the get that Sue was the culprit. I did see her with the murder weapon last night after all. I told Fei about this after Jasmine's body was discovered in the Warehouse. After I told him he wasted no time picking a fight with his sister. When they were fighting I learned many things. Better yet I relearned many things. Sue was a monster to her own flesh and blood but a kind hearted goddess to everyone else. I didn't want to believe it but she would go to far lengths so that Fei won't live happily. That's why she killed Jasmine, because she found out about their secret relationship" said Cj. Same with Flora, I thought she was a nice and kind soul but she's actually a serial killer in disguise and about Mark being a troll. I know that none of us know each other's true selves and such we can never be under the same roof for very long"

"You are straying from what I want to hear" Shawn stated.

"Yeah, anyway the two sibling were fighting and Fei obviously ended up winning. Fei dragged her in the center Punishment Room. That's where we had a surprise encounter. Ricardo was inside ready to flip the switch and kill himself but Fei managed to stop it. We didn't bother to ask him where he was this entire time. Fei came up with a idea about making Ricardo kill his sister and make it look like her death is either by Me, Fei or herself. Ricardo was hesitant at first but he quickly gave in. I don't know what his thought process was but when Fei and I saw him he was just a shell of a man. I couldn't feel his presence anymore. He flipped the switch and burnt Sue to a cripse. Because she was burnt to ashes you didn't get to see her cosplay. She didn't have time to take it off" said Cj.

Fei stepped in and said "The Culprit is Ricardo alright. He's in hiding right now".

"Upupupupupuh Ricardo I am coming for you" Monoplus said before disappearing.

He continued to ramble on about what happened.

"So that's how it is. Another death huh" I said calmly.

"This is it" Shawn sighed.

"If Ricardo dies then all hope is loss" Paul said. He was the most depressed out of everyone. "Hope has been gone when we were rescued only to be sent back here" said Cj.

"Cj! Are you saying you abandon hope now? The Ultimate Hope Fanboy" I said harshly.

"Fanboy? Mr. Naegi is the mastermind of this killing game. It can't be anyone among us so I can only think of him. I hope you're happy Hero! I can't believe I used to look up to you" said Cj punching the floor.

"The fall of hope is near" said Shawna closing her eyes.

Monoplus appeared again with Ricardo. He was blindfolded and his mouth was taped so he couldn't say anything. "Let us speak with him damn puppy!" said Shawn angrily.

"Upupupupuh Shawn how do you feel right now? I told you your efforts was a loss cause. Trying to get this group together was the dumbest thing ever. I hope you die next Upuupupupupuh" Monoplus laughed. He threw Ricardo in a hole that suddenly appeared on the floor and it closed the moment he went in.

"Sorry fellas but I cant let this one talk. He might spill the beans on some things. It seems he has been doing some naughty things behind my back. Even if he wasn't the culprit I would have executed. He knows too much to be kept alive" said Monoplus. "We can't even get a final word out of him. That's insane" I complained. 'Whatever sugar, watch the final act" Monoplus said pointing on the monitor screens.

We watch as Ricardo fell on top a bunch of Monowolves. They carried him inside a highly advanced looking machine. It was a mystery for what It does. They pushed Ricardo's body insde the machine and pressed the start button.

The machine was suddenly lit a fire with Ricardo still in it. He tried to scream out for help but his words wouldn't reach us. He was too far down. Three minutes of the burning all the ropes and tapes on Ricardo's body burnt off so he charged out of the machine looking half crisped.

"Guys I am Sorry, Please go and Check….."

Ricardo's words were cut off by the Monowolves biting his head off his body. His head flew right off with blood spraying everywhere at all directions. One wolf came with a hockey stick and shoved it up Ricardo' bottom neck that was bitten off. The wolf swung the head up and so the other wolves followed. Ricardo was long passed dead but the wolves continued to play with his body.

"Alright kids how are you feeling? Hopeful?" Monoplus asked curiously.

None of us answered him. We were fixated on watching Ricardo's corpse being used as a toy. "This execution was a bit rush sorry fellas. I needed him gone right away. Couldn't risk him ruining anything. That bastard was always unfortunate. He was the first one to encounter Izuru I believe" said Monoplus.

None of us paid any attention to him. We were all speechless seeing Ricardo's head. His shocked expression was a nightmare to see. Cj went on his knees and vomited from the sight. I was infuriated so I walked up to him while he was on the floor and kicked him over and over in his stomach.

"Cj! You bastard! You could have prevented this from happening! You could have stopped this from happening! I can't believe you. Traitor! I hate you!" I shouted furious. I was angry with Fei too but he at least attempted to help. He gave me a dorm key he found before the trial started. That could help us find our Ricardo's location too. "CJ!"

Cj took the kicks without retaliating and no one lift a finger to help Cj not even Fei. After what felt like hundreds of kick I collapse and cried on the floor uncontrollably.

"This won't happen again. I won't wait until bad things happen to fix them. I won't be like you!" I shouted in his ears. Monoplus dismissed us from the Trial Grounds because it looked like the Monowolves weren't close to finish playing with Ricardo's corpse.

This was the tragic turn that finally gave the world a message about Hopes Peak Students and the school itself.

"Hopes Peak is a Parasyte!"

"It shouldn't exist!"

"All it does it give the world misery and grieve!"

The internet blew up when everyone witnessed Ricardo's death. Back on Jabberwock Island the entire 77th class were in tears. They want to save the children as fast as they could but their man power was significantly reduced because of their last attack on the school. Fuyuhiko and Peko were genuinely worried about Terry and his probability of surviving the chaos. While in Hopes Peak Academy Main Branch Makoto Naegi gave Byakuya Togami a call.

"Hey it seems like your daughter is through with all of this. We can't let her or any of the others die! WE must strike tomorrow!" said Makoto eagerly.

"No! Where the hell is Izuru Kamakura!? I need to know that first! Without him I would just be wasting men's lives. They have families too you know" Byakuya replied strongly.

"What are we supposed to do then? They think I am the mastermind! This wont end up good if we don't act now" said Makoto.

"Are you blind Makoto? Too many has died for you to ignore the truth. Hopes Peak is done for. Permanently" said Byakuya.