
Danganronpa Plus

Of all 16 Branches of Hopes Peak Academy the best student from each branch was summoned by Mr. Naegi the headmanster to start a new project. Sadly it didn't go as planned. The sixteen students find themselves in a killing game they have no choice of playing.

Jahvaughn_Coley · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Danganronpa Plus

Chapter 9 – Hope Has Arrived

(Protagonist Change: Alisa Cruez >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Monoplus)

"He knows too much now" Monoplus grinned.

"This is fantastic; I finally get to kill one of these bastards Upupupupupuh"

"I hate them; I hate them so much it's a struggle just to talk to them. But I need to keep my cool for now. I can't reveal my true identity yet"


"Hopes Peak Academy"

"I won't stop until that place is demolished and forgotten".

As I was talking to myself I watched all the students exploring the new areas of the school that I made available to them. "Hmm who should I make kill next?" I wondered. I saw how Alisa, Cj and Shawn were getting closer by the day. Jeez I wish my creator could give me the order to kill those three"

I spent the whole morning watching these stupid kids and waiting for something interesting to happen. Nothing on the monitor screens appealed to my interest. I started licking myself just to kill some time and suddenly I heard BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

The alarm system went off and I was a bit surprised by it. "Is someone trying to invade again? I wonder who it is this time. Upupupupuh my wolves are ready whenever they are"

I used my signature flash step and instantly went to the last wall of the school. I stood on top of it only to see countless armed men some in kimonos, some in black suits and some looked like they were from the military. Just kidding I can count all these men in seconds if I want to. About 1500 people... Guns, bazookas, tanks, and jets, they had it all and the man in the middle of all these people is the Ultimate Hope Izuru Kamakura.

"Wow, the hope guy's here. I guess I better send all my wolves if I want to win this one" I thought. Izuru and I locked eyes on each other and he shouted. "Monoplus! Let go of those children or else I'll have to rip you to pieces and take them by force".

"You say that but you're going to use force on me anyways even if I let them go" I stated.

"Of course, it seems fitting since you've killed four of them already" said Izuru.

"Izuru I know you're the greatest of all greats but you're out of you league here buddy. Go home before you get hurt" I teased carelessly. "Upupupuh I know I'm pushing my luck here but who cares. He can't reach this high to hurt me". I blinked for a split second and something touched me from behind. I got startled and turned around just to see Izuru right behind me.

"AAAAAHHH! How did you get up here?" I screamed. Izuru grabbed me and said "My name is Hajime Hinata. Now tell me who's controlling you".

"Controlling me? Oh no I can't tell you that he'd be pissed" I said wiggling my body around. Hajime exhaled deeply and kicked me from off the wall making me land harshly on the floor. The length of the border wall is roughly around 4000 kilometers so the fall was pretty high but I still got up and dusted the dirt off me. I looked up at Izuru and shouted "You'll pay for that!"

Before I knew it I was surrounded by men in kimonos and black suits holding guns in their hands. "Haven't they learned anything from the last attack they did. Guns aren't affective against me"

A man with an eye patch who's known as the Ultimate Yakuza cleared his throat then started shouting through a speaker he had with him.

"Hajime! This puppy has multiple spares so watch out for them!" he shouted. Hajime nodded before being on his way. Fuyuhiko raised his hands as a signal for all the fire jets to go inside the school grounds.

The pilots saw the signal and acted accordingly. They flew the jets above the walls and tried to swoop down but ended up crashing into something.

"What the!"

The jets flew up and again and swooped down but no use. I giggled and said "If I were you I'd tell them to stop". Walls aren't enough to keep someone trapped so I decided to put up an invisible barrier to cover the entire campus. They won't get through it" Fuyuhiko ignored my warning and told them to keep trying. They did it once again but this time when the jets made contact with the invisible shield it started melting rapidly. Within seconds half of the air crafts were half gone and they started to fall from the sky with their pilots either dead or about to be dead. Fuyuhiko quickly send some of his men to go and check if anyone's alive from those fallen planes.

He then picked me from the floor and demanded "Alright then jackass how come you were able to enter and leave the school as you see fit. Start talking!" I wasn't planning on answering his question seriously so I told him "Did losing an eye made you blind. Izuru went inside the campus just fine from climbing the wall and jumping from it. That's the only weak spot" I giggled knowing that it was a lie. "The invisible barrier has a time limit. It can only stay up for like an hour and need three hours to charge up" I thought to myself.

A while hair woman ran up to Fuyuhiko and said "There are only two survivors from the plane crash. What next Master? He sighed and threw me to the woman. "Make him talk for me. I know he's not telling us everything I want to know about this wall. If you can't get it out of him I expect you to kill him" ordered Fuyuhiko. Peko nodded in reply and carried me far away from the wall to torture me.

She stabbed me in the eyes and sliced off my tongue and even plugged up my ears with two daggers. "I don't see the point of this. I'm not feeling any pain, I'm robot. Just kill me already" I said starting to get annoyed. "As you wish" said Peko. She cut me in to many fine pieces and walked back to her master.

Now that I am dead one of my spares inside the Headmaster's room woke up with all my consciousness, memory and intellect intact.

Since I was in the headmaster's room I checked the monitor screen and saw that Ricardo was inside the dojo while everyone else was inside their rooms doing nothing in particular. "Jeez that Ricardo better leave there soon".

I checked the cameras that are placed at places the kids aren't available to go yet and saw Izuru walking swiftly keeping an eye out for any danger that may suddenly arise. "He has two walls to get through in order to see those kids. Seeing that he climbed the tallest one of them all in an instant I better plan this carefully".

I decided to wake up another spare of me and told him "You know what we must do right".

"Upupupupupuh, this is getting exciting" giggled the other me. The other me then woke up another spare and told him "To keep an eye on the children and make sure that they don't see Izuru". "It's amazing how Izuru easily invaded this place. I really hope we can kill him" the other me grinned.

The three of us had different duties. I took the job on stopping The Ultimate Hope while another me goes out there and send as many robot wolves as possible to clean out the army outside while the last spare stays here and monitor the teenagers. Before I went and encounter Izuru I flash stepped to a room below the trial grounds and whistled. Many robot wolves came running towards me with hungry looks on their faces. I giggled and told them about Izuru being inside campus. We charged after him.

By time we encountered him he had already jumped over another wall. "His athletic ability isn't human. It's very heartbreaking seeing the walls I spent so much effort into building is being treated like it wasn't even there".

"So you carried friends this time. Not like it matters. I'm going to save those kids in the end. I've already see the future I'm grabbing" said Hajime walking towards us. "Go Get Him!" I shouted. The wolves did just that and charged Hajime from all angles. Hajime dodged and hit all of them simultaneously. He took some steps back and pulled out a gun and aimed it at me.

"Those won't work…."

Before I finished what I had to say Hajime pulled the trigger and a dim blue light came out of the gun and pierced my skin as if it was human flesh. Seconds after that before I could even scream from the pain my circuits felt like it was starting to fry and my body started to move on its own. "I made this gun myself on Jabberwock Island. It disables any electronic devices or objects. In a minute or less you'll be long gone. Better hurry off to another spare" said Hajime. He kicked me up the air and by time I touched the floor all the wolves were defeated.


I woke up in another spare and started over again in the headmaster's office. "Jeez that guy is too strong. Oh boy he's forcing me to start playing dirty".

I looked at the other me staring at the monitor screen and asked him "What do you think I should do?"

He turned around and replied "That Ricardo fella is pretty stupid. Go and frame him".

"Frame him?"

"Yeah bring him here and make Hajime think that he's you know what" he giggled. I liked the sound of what he's saying.

I checked and saw that Izuru is just seconds away from running pass the gardening room then the dojo. I flash stepped my way to the dojo and dragged Ricardo to the head office as fast as I could and made sure that Hajime didn't notice me.

When I dragged Ricardo inside the head office he looked around confused. "Uhh Monoplus what am I doing here?" asked Ricardo puzzled. The other me went in hiding while I talked to Ricardo.

"You were about to be murdered in a gruesome way so I put a stop to that person's meddling plans" I stated. "What? Really?" said Ricardo shockingly.

"Yeah, are you surprised? This motive is the best one yet, why wouldn't they want to kill?" I teased. "But, how can I believe you. Why did you save me from my death then?" asked Ricardo. "Idiot, I have a target, I want no one but my target to die. I targeted Mark and Zoey to die first. I failed on making June and Cj die next and I don't want to fail my targets a second time okay. Don't think it's because I felt anything towards you" I stated.

"Stay here until I say it's safe" I ordered. Ricardo nodded and asked "This is the head office right? Are you sure you want me to see the monitor screen and those spares of yourself you have right there on the table?". "No problem, I'll wipe your memories of them anyway" I grinned and disappeared.

I appeared in front of Izuru who was looking inside all of the room he sees. He was checking the library to see if anyone was in there until I came. "You're getting annoying. You know you can't beat me" said Hajime. "And you know you can't get rid of me by killing me right. You have to kill the mastermind behind this whole thing" I responded.

"Mastermind huh, you want me to walk into your trap is that it. The word mastermind isn't enough for me to listen to you. I don't care who the mastermind is now, first thing I need to do is get all these kids out of here" said Hajime.

"Yeah but how are they going to climb those walls or even jump over them. They aren't you you know. You'll have to stay and wait with them until help from the outside arrives" I said.

"Who do you take me for? I'll simply throw them over" said Hajime kicking me in the face. "Ouch"

Izuru didn't kill me this time, he just walked passed me and continued his search. "No one's outside at all. They must be in there dorm rooms then" said Hajime to himself. "There's nothing I can do now, he's out of my reach. I just hope that my creator can do something about this" I sighed. I wonder how the other me at the outside is doing.

Fuyuhiko stayed at the back and watched as how his soldiers were being massacred by those robotic wolves. Only a few like Peko and Akane were killing a few of them. "Damn it, why are these things so hard to kill. You shoot them with a bazooka they still get back up, you burn them, they're fire proof, and bullets are useless on them too. The guns that Hajime made on Jabberwock island works on them but they take too long to shoot. By time it's ready the wolves had already bitten you. Where the hell is that four eyed bastard when you need him" Fuyuhiko complained.

The blonde princess in military uniform hit Fuyuhiko on the head and said "Why are you just watching? You're their leader aren't you? Let's go".

"Where to?" he asked.

"The tanks are ready" she answered. "Sweet" Fuyuhiko smirked. The two of them went inside one of the tanks that were a good distance from the battlefield and gave it a test fire. They shot the black wall and it cracked. "What! Just a crack? That wall should be destroyed from that shot" said Fuyuhiko. "It's very thick, you'll have to shoot it over and over again" said Sonia.

The mastermind who was currently inside his dorm room knew what was happening. He's watching everything being played out on his MonoID and laughed. "Yes this is perfect!"

"Come Hajime, please come and save us all. We've been waiting for you for so long. I knew you guys would make it this far eventually Heheheehehe"

"Now, when they see this shining hope disappear I know for sure that they'll give up on everything. That's if they haven't already" said the mastermind.

Ricardo was still inside the head office and also saw what's going on. He saw me running after Hajime, he's seeing everything that's happening outside of the school grounds and he's also seeing a certain person laughing while watching the events taking place on their MonoID.

He went on his knee and held his head. "This is too much"

He tried to exit the head office to let everyone know what's going on but the door wouldn't budge. He was stuck inside. "Fuck!" he shouted angrily.

Back to me.

I followed Izuru wherever he went. He decided to save the dorm rooms for last and was checking every room around campus and in the main building. On the fourth floor of the main building he checked all the classrooms and even rooms that weren't opened yet he decided to bust the door open for those rooms too. He knew very well that no one was inside them but he did it anyways. He stood in front of the headmaster's office and looked at me.

"Is this where you stay?"

"No! You can't go in there!" I shouted desperately.

"Shouting makes me want to go in even more" said Hajime.

I sticked my tongue out and swung it at him. Hajime dodged it then stomped on my face effortlessly. "I wonder what could be in here that's so important for you not wanting me to see. Heh not like it matters, you can't do anything about it" said Hajime confidently. He stomped on me over and over until we felt a sudden shake. The floor began to shake and it startled me for a moment.

"It looks like they're trying to destroy the wall. It's only a matter of time till everything you stand for collapses" said Hajime. He tried to open the door and realized that it was locked. He kicked it open and saw someone he didn't expect to see.

He saw Ricardo on the floor rubbing his shoulder. He was most like close to the door when it got kicked away. Hajime asked "What are you doing here? Don't tell me that you're the mastermind".

"Oh no you figured it out" I said depressingly.

Izuru looked me in the eye then said "I'm just kidding. You're Ricardo right. I know you're not the mastermind relax. I'm here to save everyone".

Ricardo jumped for joy and said "Thank goodness you're here. Things have been really terrible between us ever since Flora's death". "I know, sorry for taking so long to arrive. I haven't checked the dorm room yet so let's go and save everyone" said Hajime. Ricardo happily nodded but when he saw me he stopped for a moment.

"Monoplus are you just going to let us go like this?" he asked.

"What else can I do? I'll just be wasting spares if I try anything" I said annoyed.

The two of them left while I stayed in the headmaster's office. "Hmm, enjoy the feeling of hope while it lasts. You guys aren't going anywhere" I said to myself.

The mastermind knows what to do.

While Hajime and Ricardo walked to the dormitory Fuyuhiko and Sonia were outside the school busting the walls with large missiles fired from the tanks. After rapid shooting the wall finally started to look like they were getting somewhere. Just hit the same spot over and over again and the crack will become even bigger. While they were shooting the other me along with my wolves were fighting off the soldiers and were pushing them to retreat.

A sudden plane arrived at the scene and four familiar faces exited that train. Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami, Kyoko Kirigiri and Gundham Tanaka. "What's Gundham doing here? I thought he said that he had no interest in coming to help" said Fuyuhiko. "He was obviously lying. Behind that sketchy face he's a real softy" said Sonia. When those four left the plane many animals of all kinds. Bears, lions, elephants, tigers all came charging out surrounding Gundham.

"NOW THAT I'M HERE THIS IS WHEN THE BATTLE TRULY BEGINS!" shouted Gundham. "God this guy's a pain. Because of him I had to sit beside of an elephant. Next time I would rather walk" said Byakuya. "Hehehe, but we made it. Now we can focus on saving those trapped kids" said Makoto rubbing his eyes. "I warned you about your sleep didn't I Naegi. If you ever fall asleep on the battlefield don't count on any of us to watch over you" said Kyoko. "I'll keep that in mind" Makoto replied.

"But I wouldn't dream of it. Zoey killed someone because of me. Because of my dumb decision to start over Flora's life she committed murder. I can't let these deaths continue" said Makoto. "I swear it's like every motive is meant to hurt you specifically. The mastermind behind all this must hate your guts huh Naegi" said Byakuya.

"Well what about you, your daughter is within reach" said Kyoko.

"Ha, it's been nice without her around. I took over her company Cruez's Path while she was gone. I have to say it was pretty fun. Sadly I'd have to give it back to her once she's saved. Or…"

"No Byakuya, stop what you're thinking" said Makoto.