
Danganronpa Plus

Of all 16 Branches of Hopes Peak Academy the best student from each branch was summoned by Mr. Naegi the headmanster to start a new project. Sadly it didn't go as planned. The sixteen students find themselves in a killing game they have no choice of playing.

Jahvaughn_Coley · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Danganronpa Plus

Chapter 7 – The Beheader?

When I left the infirmary I saw Terry and Paul inside an empty classroom talking to each other. I walked inside curious to hear their conversation. "Hey, what are you two talking about?".

They both looked at me depressingly. Paul replied "That picture that Monoplus gave me. It made me remembered something I wished I haven't". "Same for me, I remembered some awful things I did in the past. I feel bad about them but I wouldn't call it a motive to kill. What did you remember from your picture?" asked Terry. "June tore it up before I remembered anything" I answered.

"Wow, you're lucky then. Who knows what kind of messed up stuff you did in the past? I just can't believe I've forgotten these things. I didn't want to believe it but it looks like our memories have been tampered with somehow" said Paul. "Classic killing game move. I just hope we can regain everything we've lost" I said. "Regain what we've lost? Hmm I give up" sighed Paul.

"On what?" asked Terry.

"On leaving this place of course. I don't see any sign of anyone coming to rescue us and I also don't see any way for us to breach those walls" said Paul. Terry grabbed him by the collar and said "You better not making anyone else hear you say that crap. Are you an idiot?! We'll get out of here eventually. If anything you can depend on my Master to come and save us".

"You're talking about baby gangsta?" asked Paul. "Don't call him that!" Terry replied.

"He's right Paul, don't give up hope yet. There must be some other way out" I said. "Okay, starting tomorrow I'll focus on digging a hole and see where that gets us" said Paul. We went to our rooms and to my surprise two people were inside my room when I entered.

"Jasmine, Fei what are you two doing in my room?" I asked. "We're hiding from Sue" giggled Jasmine. "Why?"

"I had a crush on this guy the moment I saw him but never in my wildest dreams would I have thought we were in a relationship. Thanks to that picture that Monoplus gave us Fei and I remembered the love we had for each other" smiled Jasmine.

"Love? I don't understand. Did you two already know each other before the gathering at Hopes Peak Main Branch?" I asked. "Uhh, yeah of course. Fei said we should pretend like it's our first time seeing each other at Hopes Peak because of his sister" said Jasmine. "Okay I still feel like this is too sudden but why my room?"

"We're not going to be long. We're just going to talk for a bit and plus I trust that you can keep our relationship a secret. We wouldn't want Sue to hear about this. Can you wait outside for a minute" said Jasmine politely. I looked over to Fei and he had his normal bored expression on his face. "Is he even enjoying her company?" I wondered to myself.

"Hey Fei what do you think of Jasmine?"

Both their eyes widen after hearing my question. "I like her the most" said Fei. Jasmine hugged Fei and said "I love you too".

I left my room and thought about going to the warehouse for a drink. When I went there I saw Shawn and Olivia inside looking at hats. I joined them and picked on out for myself. I took a white hat with black stripes. Olivia picked blue one to match with her shirt while Shawn went with a black hat with white stripes. "Shawn that one doesn't fit you. Pick another one" said Olivia. "I agree".

Shawn nodded and said "This hat is a gift. I'm going to give it to Alisa. I think she'll look awesome in this".

"Oh that's very thoughtful of you"

"Yeah I know, I know. I'll give it to her tomorrow" said Shawn. After complimenting how we look in our hats we went back to our dorm rooms. When I knocked on the door I didn't get a reply so I opened it. NO one was inside so I assumed that Jasmine and Fei went to their rooms. I lay on my bed and wondered "What would I remember if I saw my photo long enough? Jeez June you took that away from me".

"June, Terry, Paul, Jasmine and Fei seemed to have remembered some important stuff. I'm afraid that one of us might remember something terrible. I hope none of us got a motive to kill" I thought. I fell asleep thinking about the motive.

The next day I heard screaming from outside my room. I yawned and looked at the time on my MonoID. "9:22 am, I thought Shawn would've waked me up by now. Jeez I bet breakfast got cold".

I continued to hear a girl's scream outside of my room so I quickly went to see what's happening. When I exited my door I saw the source of that screaming. Fei was pulling on Sue's hair as if he wanted her to go bald. "Hey what the hell man, let her go" I said. Fei nodded in disagreement and continued to drag Sue's hair and dragging her on the floor. "Ouch, ouch, ouch!" said Sue in pain. "Please Fei stop this. I won't do anything I promise" Sue cried out.

I broke the two apart and asked "What is the meaning of this?"

Fei walked away looking annoyed that I stopped him from doing what he was about to do. I turned around and looked at Sue filled with tears. "Did something happen between you two?" I asked worriedly. Sue replied "I only wanted to talk to Jasmine. That's all".

"Jasmine, why?"

"Nothing in particular, I just wanted to talk to her about something" said Sue. "This is very weird. I never thought Fei would hurt a girl especially his twin sister. Wait didn't him and Sue fought at Hopes Peak Once.

The sound of footsteps stopped my chain of thought and I looked to see who was coming.

Ricardo ran in and said "Guys bad news…."

Before he could finish his statement the monitors all around the school lit up showing Monoplus making an announcement. "Good morning folks, a body have been discovered inside Classroom C of the main building. Hurry there at once".

"A body has been discovered? Does that mean someone died" I asked. Ricardo held his head and said "Yeah I was the first to discover the body this time. It was very traumatic". "Who died?" asked Sue starting to shake.

"Go check and see" said Ricardo sweating all over.

We ran to classroom C as fast as we could. While I was running all I could think about was "Who died? Please don't make it be Shawn or June or Alisa. Scratch that don't make anyone die". These thoughts weren't in my head last time and that scared me. "Why? Who's the unlucky person" I kept on thinking to myself.

When we made it to Classroom C Shawn, Alisa, Xavier and Paul were already there with a shocked expression on their faces. I looked at what they were looking and a sudden pain in my stomach appeared. I felt like I was going to throw up at any moment.

The body that was lying on the floor before me with no head. It looked like it was cut clean off. I fell on the floor and let it all out. Never in my life have I puked so much. "Damn it, Olivia what the hell" I said in pain.

"Body about 172 cm in height and has on a blue skirt with a white top with a decent chest. This is Olivia with her head missing" said Alisa.

"Olivia? That's her clothing alright. Where's her head?" asked Paul looking around. "I've checked everywhere inside this room. Her head's nowhere in this classroom" said Ricardo holding his head. Shawn lifted up Olivia's body and shouted "Monoplus get in here".

Monoplus appeared right then and there and said "What's up loser"

"Did one of us kill her in this fashion? I find that hard to believe" said Shawn suspiciously. "Hehehe I know right. I tooootally didn't expect the culprit to do that in a million years. That felt so out of character" said Monoplus.

Before too long everyone charged inside the classroom shocked of what's before them. "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" screamed Flora.

She quickly pushed Shawn away and held Olivia's body. "No! No! No! Olivia!"

"This can't be, why her" cried Flora. Flora asked "Where's her head?" Alisa replied "We'll find it eventually. I hope we do. Monoplus can you tell us where it is?" Monoplus nodded in reply and said "No way, go figure that out yourself. Investigation begins".

"Investigation, so one of us really murdered Olivia in such a brutal way. You could've hanged her, stabbed her, poisoned her, strangle or even push her off a high place. Why slice her head? Jeez this person better not be hard to find. I have things to do" sighed Shawna. "Shut up. One of our friends just died" said Terry.

"Friends? I only consider a few of you friends. Olivia was not one of them" said Shawna leaving the classroom. "Well she's a bitch isn't she. Here's the MonoFile" said Monoplus giving them out one by one.

"One of you psychos killed Olivia Tucker in a totally unnecessary fashion. I like that and because of that I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines. I wonder which one of you did it" giggled Monoplus. He disappeared after laughing at us for three straight minutes. I stood up and looked at the MonoFile Monoplus gave each of us.

"I didn't investigate last time. I wonder if I'll be of any help" I asked myself. Alisa took my hand and said "Let's get going, no point in mourning over her death any longer. He may not have announced it like he's supposed to but its investigation time". "You recovered from seeing a body way too quickly Alisa" I stated. She lowered her head and sighed "I've seen many dead bodies before, what one would more do".

She dragged me to where Shawn was but June took my other hand. I turned around and looked at her surprisingly. "What's wrong June?" I asked. "We're investigating together that's what" said June. "Sorry but he's already taken. Him, Shawn and I will work together this time around" said Alisa. I nodded in agreement. June let go of my hand and said "Fine whatever. I guess I can't kill him now then".

Who could kill her so brutally?! Ricardo asked out loud.

"Help me find the head!" said Jasmine running outside of the classroom with Fei right behind her.

"Damn it, will we survive this. Last night something told me that the motive was going to cause another murder. We shouldn't have ignored June's warning" said Alisa softly. "Good bye Olivia, I promise I'll find your killer" she added. Shawn walked over to us and said "hey guys I'm sorry".

"What are you apologizing for?" I asked.

"I tried my best to make sure that another killing wouldn't happen but I failed. I can't believe someone would still have the mindset to kill after our time together" said Shawn with a confused look. Alisa touched Shawn's chest.

"You have a lovely heart. Do not worry; I'll be sure you'll survive this so we can start over again. I promise" said Alisa.

She looked over at me and smiled "You too of course Cj, make sure to never change from who you are now". "Please"

(Protagonist Change: Cj Coley >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alisa Cruez)

"Hmm with that being said this is quite bothersome. Investigating another murder so quickly. Mark's and Zoey's death still feels recent. What is wrong with these people?"


"First I need to check the MonoFile"

I opened the folder that Monoplus gave me and read what was in it. "The victim of this case is Olivia Tucker. Her body was discovered in Classroom C of the main building. Her cause of death is lack of oxygen and her time of death is 12:30 am".

"Lack of oxygen? I thought she died from getting her head cut clean" said Cj. "IF she died from lack of oxygen then why behead her. No wonder Monoplus said it was unnecessary" added Shawn. "Lack of oxygen huh. Why slice her head off then if she was already dead? I can understand cutting her when she was alive but when she's dead. Only a crazy serial killer would do that" I thought to myself.

Clues Added:


I walked up to Flora and asked "Can I have a look at the body?" Flora wiped the tears from her face and said "Alisa please find who did this. I'm begging you". I nodded in reply. "I won't fail".

She handed me Olivia's body for me to check. I looked everywhere for any other wounds but she wasn't injured anywhere else other than her neck. Blood was all over her clothing and when I searched Olivia's clothes I found a picture. A photo of Olivia with three little kids playing.

It warmed my heart to see smiles of young and innocent children but it went away when I looked at Olivia in the photo. "She's now deceased, they'll be sad once they hear the news". Cj slapped me in the back and said "It's rare to hear you talk out loud".

Clue Added:

Olivia's picture

"This photo, did Monoplus give it to her?" I asked. Flora stood up and said "This is the first time I've seen it. It must be her motive". "Motive huh, I wonder what she remembered. Did she forget about those kids then remembered suddenly" said Cj. "That sounds about right" I agreed.

I looked at every corner of the classroom and didn't see anything else worth checking. I left the classroom leaving Flora with Olivia's body. Where to next? Asked Shawn.

"Anywhere that has weapons" I replied. "The kitchen then" said Shawn. Cj stopped and looked inside Classroom B. "Hey uhh I don't know if this is important but look here" said Cj. We entered classroom b and saw a long empty box inside. "What do you think was in here?" asked Cj. I put my face inside and didn't smell anything strange. I checked the length of the box and asked myself "Why is this box so long?"

Clue Added:

Empty Box

This will be brought up again in the near future so let's go" I told the two boys. They followed me as we went to the infirmary where Jasmine and Fei were talking to each other. "Hey have you two found anything meaningful yet?" I asked curiously. "Something tells me that even if Fei found something mind blowing he won't tell me about it" I thought to myself. Fei showed me a pair of white clothes in a basket with blood splattered all over it. "We found this under the bed" said Jasmine. "Clothes covered in blood. This is what the culprit wore when he or she got to work".

Clue Added:

Bloody Clothes

"SO is that it? I feel like you have something else to show me" I said bluntly. Fei frowned and left the room. Jasmine ran after him shortly after. "What's the matter with him? He should share what he has with everyone" I complained. "You shouldn't be upset over that. It's not like he wants to know what clues you have so far. When it's time for the class trial you two will be on the same side anyways" said Cj. "That's if he isn't the culprit of course" Shawn added. We continued looking around the main building but didn't find anything useful at all. I sighed and thought about other places to look. "Well, that box in classroom b looks like it was from the warehouse. I should check there and also everybody's room. Might never know what you might find in there. Hmm where else, I just can't believe that there's someone who could kill so mercilessly. I should find June and see what she thinks".

"Okay Cj can you go and check all the rooms in the dormitory. Please tell me if you find anything weird or out of the ordinary. Anything at all no matter how small" I stated. Cj saluted "Okay I'm happy to help". Once Cj left Shawn and I stared at each other for two minutes before he got the message. "Listen Alisa I get it, you like me but can we focus on the investigation" Shawn teases. "Go to the damn warehouse!" I shouted getting flustered. I quickly walked away from him and opened my small notebook that had the picture of me and Shawn inside it. "Jeez why did I have to remember that of all things? Did Shawn and I remember the same thing? Did we remember our feelings? I can't stand the fact that a picture from that disgusting puppy is what made me remember something so important. Before too long I erased all those unnecessary thoughts from my head and searched for June. I looked in her room, the gym, dojo and the arcade room. The next place I decided to look was inside the library and that's when I finally found her reading a book.

"Hey what are you reading at this time?" I asked. June looked at me and threw the book at my face but I luckily managed to catch it. I looked at the book cover that. The book she was reading was called "Facts about The Beheader".

"The Beheader!" I shouted shocked to see this name.

"You know that person?" asked June. " I don't know him personally but Miss Kirigiri told me a lot about her. He's a serial killer in south America that kills by cutting victims heads off clean" I stated. "His favorite thing is decapitation"

"Neat, so you can already guess why I'm reading that book" smiled June. "If you were reading then you must think that The Beheader is among us right? That's crazy talk it's said that The Beheader is an adult man with blonde hair and silver eyes. He's insanely agile and crazy strong. He can behead you with any weapon as long as it's sharp and she takes pride in her work of cutting and slicing". June clapped and said "Well that book begs to differ. Well some of what you said was right but not all of it".

I quickly opened the book to see what she was talking about. After twenty minutes of reading I looked at June more confused than ever. "But this doesn't make any sense. Are you telling me that The Beheader is someone else entirely that Miss Kirigiri overlooked? The Beheader isn't even on her suspect list how is that even possible. The adult man with blonde hair and silver eyes should be the serial killer. There are eye witnesses when he cuts clean five people's heads" I said.

"Well that book said the actual The Beheader is a teenager who enjoys seeing the expression on people's faces when their head are being sliced off. It doesn't have any exact description but it's said that the killer is a member of Hopes Peak Academy. It didn't state which branch" said June. I dropped the book on the floor and said "I'm not going to believe this book. I bet Monoplus put it there to mess with us".

"Why would he do that? Was there any guarantee that one of us would be here reading about killers?" asked June.

I held my head as I was starting to get a headache. "What made you interested in The Beheader all of a sudden?" I asked. June showed me pictures inside the book and said "It was completely by chance. I actually had no intention of investigating so I was just going to stay here and read something. I coincidentally saw this book then look inside it. When I did I saw pictures identical to Olivia's corpse. A body with no bruises missing a head and the head isn't anywhere near the body".

"Oh I see, you think someone is either imitating The Beheader or maybe one of us is The Beheader. I came here to ask you about how a criminal thinks but I got something even more jucier" I said with a satisfied look. "How a murderer thinks? That's a ridiculous question. The moment you kill someone you stopped thinking. You don't value life as much as you used to after seeing how easy you took another. For someone like The Beheader there's no hesitating to kill someone" said June. "What do you think the motive for beheading someone in The Beheader's case" I asked. June titled her head and replied "In this situation probably to escape and in general the books said that the murderer is suffering from many mental illnesses and was born a psycho to boot. Honestly I'm surprised that a person like that hasn't revealed theirself yet". My mind then flashed on the motive photos Monoplus gave us. "The Beheader must've not …. Forget it"

"Tell me, what were you doing last night around midnight?" I asked. June blushed and said "I was writing a song". "Great, I'd like to listen to it after this trial" I smiled. "Let's see what her reaction will be" I thought to myself. June smiled back and said "Okay just don't laugh".

Clues Added:

The Beheader

The Motives

June's Alibi

"A murderer huh, this reminds me of that glasses girl who keeps annoying my father. Hehehe I wonder how they're doing now" I wondered. I went to the warehouse to see what's taking Shawn so long. When I touched the doorknob to the warehouse I heard clashes after clashes from inside. I entered and saw Terry and Paul fighting each other with actual katana.


Shawn also had a sword and was fighting with them. After looking for a while I realized that they weren't actually fighting, they were just playing. I grabbed Terry and Paul by their collars and asked "Are you two kids or something worse. Not even children would play with real swords". "Sorry but it's been so long since I've swung a blade" said Terry. "He started swinging at me so I retaliated" said Paul. Shawn dropped the sword and lifted a same looking box that was in Classroom B. "These boxes look identical to the one in Classroom B" said Shawn. "These swords were inside of them" said Terry.

"Damn that Monoplus. He added new items in the warehouse without us knowing" I argued. Monoplus appeared out of nowhere and giggled. "Oh I'm sorry; I must have forgotten to tell you. Whenever a new area is unlocked more boxed items are available inside the warehouse. You guys should've searched Upupupuh".

"Bastard we checked in here the other day and there weren't any swords inside" shouted Shawn. Monoplus's eyes went bright red as sticked out his tongue. "Come again, I'm not afraid to hurt ya know".

Monoplus disappeared.

Paul sat on the floor and said "After this I really hope no one falls for another motive so easily. I'm so done with the thought of escape". "No Paul shut up about that crap!" replied Terry.

Clue Added:


I held Shawn by the hand and left the warehouse. When we were outside Shawn apologized saying "Sorry Alisa, I know I should've met up with you a lot earlier. I won't be distracted by those two again okay". I ignored his apology and asked "What did you remember from the picture?" "Hahahahaha you wouldn't believe it but I totally forgot that I was a sucker for anime" laughed Shawn. "Anime? That's cute" I grinned. "Hahahaha"

"Why did Shawn lie? That's not what he remembered I'm sure of it" I thought to myself. We went to the dormitory where Xavier and Cj holding plastic bags in their hands.

"Found anything?" asked Shawn. Cj handed me the plastic bags in his hands and said "Ricardo said he found these in Classroom C. He picked it up before the investigation started". "These bags were inside the classroom. Do you think this is what killed Olivia?" asked Shawn. "Yeah I do, these bags are found in the warehouse. Since Olivia died at midnight then it's safe to say someone came here and get some before night time".

"Oh does the warehouse not open at night time?" asked Cj.

"Yes, how could you forget" said Xavier. "I forgot, that simple" he replied.

"Where's Ricardo now?" I asked Xavier. "He said he'll be at the dining hall to eat something before the trial" said Xavier. "Wait didn't he eat breakfast this morning?" I asked. "I don't know but he said he's very hungry now so" replied Xavier.

After finish speaking with Xavier, Shawn, Cj and I went to the dining hall where we saw Ricardo eating sandwiches. "Hey Ricardo did you eat breakfast?" I asked curiously. "Ricardo answered "Yeah I did but I'm still very hungry". Ricardo gave Cj one of his sandwiches and said "I don't remember you eating anything this morning". "You're right". Cj glared at Shawn for not taking him. "It's your fault for not waking up on time. You can't depend on me all the time" said Shawn. "Anyways Ricardo do you have anything useful for the investigation?" I asked.

"The time of death was stated to be around midnight. Funnily enough I saw multiple people outside of their rooms at that time" said Ricardo.

"Really! Who!" I asked leaning towards him. "Umm let's see, I first saw Olivia, June, Flora and Paul. Paul was busy teaching me his killer death blow" said Ricardo. "Killer death blow, you mean his signature finger stroke" said Cj. "Yeah that one, he never loses a fight with that technique under his belt. He told me that if I don't master that move in a week then say goodbye to my right arm" said Ricardo. "Damn that harsh, still don't get why you agreed to be his pupil. You're just a hockey player, there's no need for you to fight" said Cj.

"No, a time for fighting can appear at any moment so you must be proactive" said Ricardo. "About Olivia, June and Flora were they together?" I asked.

"You should sleep at night. No wonder you're so hungry now despite already ate. Be careful of Paul trying to kill you" I said worriedly.

"No, I first saw Olivia walking inside the library while Paul and I were at the dojo front. June was just out there doing nothing in particular. It's making me suspicious. Flora came to the dojo and asked where Olivia is? And I told her I saw her in the library".

"Hmm what was June doing last night?" "Earlier she was reading about a serial killer, is she trying to throw me off?" Shawn stated "If June wanted to kill someone it wouldn't be Olivia. It would most likely be a guy like Cj or Me".

"That sounds about right" Cj added.

Clue Added:

Ricardo's Account

"Hey Alisa we should ask everyone about the memories they regain from the photos. I didn't remember anything because of June but it's different for everyone else" said Cj.

"The one with the stronger motive should be the most suspicious" said Shawn. After having some more sandwiches with Ricardo we went around and asked everyone in sight about their memories. Even having to force people like Terry and Xavier to comply. Thirty minutes of gathering most of everyone's motives I learned that almost none of them are really a trigger for murder unless they are lying to us.

"Ricardo's picture of a bear reminded him of his pet bear; Xavier remembered his love for animating as well, not just drawing and sculpting. Terry confessed that he's not that good of a swordsman; he only got the title because Peko was sick on the day of their duel. Paul remembered that he beat his father at the age of ten in karate and ever since his father can't seem to look him in the eye. Flora remembered her little sister at home that needs her, Shawna remembered her love for puppies, Sue remembered her feelings for a certain someone as did Fei and Jasmine". Shawn asked me "What did you remember from your photo?" Can I see it?"

His words put me on the edge. I walked a few feet away from him not daring to show them my photo. "I'm not telling you, just believe that it's not a bad thing" I stated. "Hehehe must be something embarrassing" giggled Cj.

"I won't give up until I see it" said Shawn. Shawn was about to chase me but was stopped by Monoplus who suddenly appeared. "Boy oh boy, silver hair here sure loves to pretend huh".

"Pretend? What do you mean?" asked Shawn.

"You were sad about Olivia's death earlier but now you're totally fine. That's such a shame" giggled Monoplus. Shawn closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. "Listen here you garbage! You're trying to push me but it's not going to work. Now is not the time to cry. You know very well that if I waste my time mourning over her death then that increases the chance of the culprit getting away. I need to catch that person first then I can mourn" said Shawn.

"Oh?! Well here's a scenario for you. If Alisa killed someone and you knew would you vote for her to be executed?" asked Monoplus eager to know. Shawn looked over at me and smiled "To be honest that's cruel scenario. I hope it never comes to that. I'd have to vote for her too if that ever happens. It would be unfair for the others I've lost through this game if I didn't vote for her. Sometimes you can't let your feelings take control".

Monoplus nodded disappointedly and said "Keep thinking about that scenario okay bud, I'll be sure to ask you this again and I want a good answer". He then disappeared without saying another word. "A good answer" Shawn repeated. Sue and Flora ran up to us and asked "What was Monoplus talking to you three about?"

"Nothing he was just wasting our time" I replied.

"Since you're here Flora can you tell me about last night. What did you do around midnight?"

Flora's eyes widen in surprised and said "Oh Ricardo must have told you. Well Olivia and I were supposed to study together around 10 pm. I've waited in my room for her to come and get me but she didn't come. Two whole hours flew by and I decided to check her room. I noticed that she wasn't in there so I started panicking and looking all over school for where she could be. That's when I saw that the lights inside the dojo were still on so I assumed someone was in there. Paul and Ricardo were in the middle of training when I asked them about Olivia."

"And…and that's when umm he told me where she was. I met her in a classroom. I wasn't sure which one" said Flora.

"After that"

"We studied for a while and we went to our rooms" said Flora. I patted Flora on the head and said "Thank you very much. I promise I'll find the culprit no matter what". Flora nodded and gave me and big hug.

"Five minutes remaining until the two hours are up. It's a shame we haven't found the head" said Cj. Fei suddenly showed himself with a plastic bag with something in it. The closer he came the more I realized what was in the bag.

"AAAAAAHHH!" screamed Flora and Shawn. Fei was holding the bag with Olivia's head in it. Olivia's face was a mess. It had blood stains all over with her mouth wide open with some of the bag sucked in it with her dry looking eyes. Cj went on his knees and started vomiting again and this time even worse.

Monoplus appeared and took a picture of the head then give it to me. "I'll take this thing here, I'm sure none of you would want to look at it" said Monoplus. For once we nodded in agreement and he left the head.

Clues Added:

Flora's Account

Olivia's Head

"Why decapitate her? It's so wrong. The only person I can think now that would do such a thing is The Beheader or an imitator" I thought to myself. I asked Fei "I can count on you in the class trials right?" He pulled his hand out for a handshake and I obliged.


Every monitor around campus lit up and said "Times up, please gather at the gym all of you. It's time for another Class Trial".

Unlike last time I was crazy nervous and scared of the outcome of this trial. After seeing what happened to Zoey I just can't see myself winning even if I found out who the culprit is.

"Will it be Cj? Or maybe Shawn. Oh god please don't make it be you Jasmine, I still have much to learn. Damn it, I don't want Fei to leave me either. Hooooh Calm down Alisa it's none of them I'm sure. None of the evidence points to them but...."

"June, The Beheader?"

Shawn broke my chain of thought and held my hand. We quickly ran to the gym where everyone else were already there waiting. We all stood at the red square tile at the middle of the gym then we started going down.

While we were on the elevator Shawn looked around and asked "How are you guys feeling?" "Bad, what do you think? Jeez I hope this doesn't take long" sighed Shawna. Everyone glared at her for the rest of the ride but she didn't seem to care.

"What could she be doing that's so important in her room?" I wondered.

We finally made it to the Trial Grounds and we all slowly walked to our podiums. I noticed that Zoey's and Olivia's spots had pictures of them having an x mark on them. "So he's going to keep doing that huh, well whatever" said Cj out loud. He sat down on the floor and began breathing heavily.

Monoplus grinned and said "Uhh Cj sir, if you don't stand up in the next second you're going to be executed". "Whaaa! Seriously, that's going too far" said Cj jumping on his feet.

"Anyways it's about to begin. Who murdered Olivia Tucker I wonder? I honestly don't care much about that what I'm really interested in is what punishment I should choose for the losing side" said Monoplus.

"That damn puppy, one of these days" said Terry clinching his fists.

Monoplus cleared his throat then began explaining the rules of the Class Trial. "Let's begin with an explanation of the Class Trial. Your votes will be what determine the results. If most of you vote for whodunit then only they will receive punishment. But if most of you vote for the wrong person then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened and that one will be able to leave this place got it bastards".

Ricardo starts if off telling us how he discovered the body. "It was after I ate breakfast this morning around 8:55 am. I went to the infirmary to get medicine. I was up last night training nonstop in the cold outside so I caught a small fever. When I picked up my medicine I decided to go upstairs and take it in one of the empty classrooms. I decided to enter Classroom C by chance and that's where I witnessed Flora's body. When I saw her body I quickly ran around telling all everyone who I could find at the time"

"Wow, what a way to go eh" said Shawna.

"Alright with that being said lets' start with the cause of death" I stated.

"Okay sure thing. The MonoFile said that Olivia died from the lack of oxygen. What do you think could have caused that?" asked Xavier. "Choking, strangling or suffocating" said Shawna.

"Choking sounds right, there wasn't anything at the scene that could've been used for strangling or suffocating" said Paul.

"They could have just taken the murder weapon with them. The murder happens in the middle of the night he or she was in no rush to just hide them" said Sue.

"Yeah but I still think choking is the right option here" said Paul. "It can be strangling, there are ropes inside the warehouse after all" said Ricardo. "There weren't any ropes near the crime though. Should we really connect the two?" asked Sue.

"The cause of death is suffocation guys. Choking and Strangling are both wrong" said Shawn. He then looked at me. "He wants me to back him up? Fine then"

I agree the culprit suffocated Olivia" I stated.

"With what?" asked June.

Fei showed us all some plastic bags and I said "Those bags were used to kill Olivia. They are more than enough to kill someone. Just sneak up on them and its game over".

"Where did you find those bags?" asked Terry. "Ricardo found them in Classroom C and took them up before anyone else noticed them" I answered.

"Why would you do that?" asked Jasmine. Ricardo lowered his head and said "Uhhh forger about it. We now know the cause of death. Ha that was easy".

Someone covered her head with a plastic bag and suffocated her. She died from that alone. Then, why did she have to get decapitated! What's wrong with you" said Flora depressingly. "Yeah she's right, if she was already dead then what was the point of cutting her head off. That was uncalled for" said Xavier.

"NO normal person would do that" said Cj.

"You're right, no normal person would do that but I there is one person here that would" said June. "Really! Who are you talking about?!" asked Shawn.

"I can't imagine any of us doing something so cruel" said Jasmine. "Please don't say my name. It's not going to be funny" said Terry looking nervous. "Well you're the only one I can think of Ultimate Swordsman" said Paul.

"Shut up! Who is it you're talking about June?!" asked Terry eager to know.

"She's going for it huh. I wonder if he really is among us?" I thought while looking at everyone's faces.

"The only person who I believe would murder like this is The Beheader!" said June seriously.
