
Danganronpa Plus

Of all 16 Branches of Hopes Peak Academy the best student from each branch was summoned by Mr. Naegi the headmanster to start a new project. Sadly it didn't go as planned. The sixteen students find themselves in a killing game they have no choice of playing.

Jahvaughn_Coley · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Danganronpa Plus

Chapter 5 – Explore New Places

(Protagonist Change: Alisa Cruez >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cj Coley)

The Next Day



I stayed in the infirmary thinking about those too constantly. "Mark why? What was your purpose? The night when I saw you, did you already know your faith? You looked up at the stars so depressingly" I thought to myself.

"And as for Zoey, being eaten by dogs is a savage way to go…"

Just the thought of remembering what happened to Zoey fills my eyes with tears. The person beside me Terry saw me looking all depressed and said "You shouldn't hold it in just because I'm here. I'd cry a lot today and stop crying tomorrow".

"Cry today and don't cry tomorrow. Easier said than done, if I think about what happened I don't think I can hold in my tears" I cried covering my face. Terry tapped me on the back and said "Not with that attitude".

Jasmine walked in on us and said "You two should be better by now. Go to your rooms and get some sleep".

We nodded in response to her. Before we leave Jasmine asked us a question that surprised all of us both. "How are you two feeling?" asked Jasmine. "My arm isn't hurting like this morning thanks to you" I replied. "Yeah same here" said Terry Jasmine lowered her head and said "That's not what I meant; I'm talking about what happened yesterday. Are you two handling it well?" asked Jasmine looking tired. "Wow, I guess I'll survive" said Terry pinching his cheek. I nodded in agreement with what he said.

Jasmine smiled and said "Good, there are times when I'll behave like the Ultimate Nurse so don't be surprised by a question like that". Terry and I both nodded in reply. The first grin I've made after Zoey's death yesterday. Terry and I went to our dorm rooms still feeling a bit gloomy.

"Is this it Pistis? Will I be here forever?" I asked myself as I stayed on my bed thinking.

"Someone actually murdered another, someone actually got executed. Monoplus means business after all. I knew that we were in a killing game but it feels like I'm only just realizing that after those two died". I inhaled deeply and exhaled.

While I was taking a breather I just remembered what Zoey told me before she died. Something in the top drawer in her room. I stood up and quickly went to Zoey's room to see what it was she wanted me to have. When I entered I saw Fei already inside looking at a pendant necklace in his hand. I ran up to him and asked "What are you doing in here Fei?" I asked curiously. "I heard Zoey's last words to you. Something about looking in the top drawer in her room. I was curious about what she had in there so I came to check for myself. I was going to remind you about it later on today after I take a good look at it" said Fei casually. "You heard her whisper, your sense of hearing is more dangerous than I thought" I stated.

Fei threw me the pendant and said "That's what's precious to her. She should've died with it if you asked me".

I opened the pendant and saw a picture of Mr. Naegi with the word lucky under his face. "This must be her lucky charm or something. This picture of Mr. Naegi is back when he was known as the Ultimate Lucky Student" I stated. "Yeah, I wonder why she didn't keep it on her" asked Fei.

"She was going to commit a crime, maybe she didn't want Naegi to help her in any means" I guessed. Fei scratched his head and said "Anyways you should keep it. Zoey did tell you to take it after all". I nodded in agreement and put the necklace in my pocket. "I thought you were going to wear it now" said Fei. "No not yet" I replied. We both left Zoey's room and mind our own business from there. For the rest of the day nothing special happened. The entire campus was empty; everyone was inside of their rooms thinking about what happened yesterday.

When night time announcement played.

"IT is now 10 pm friends. It's now night time so be careful and have sweet dreams. I look forward to seeing you all alive and well tomorrow Upupupupuh"

Hearing Monoplus's voice is like hearing words from the devil himself. I went straight to sleep without any delay. "If I die tonight then too bad".


The next day Monoplus shouted through the monitor so loud everyone started to wake up if they like it or not. It was 8 am and he had a special announcement to make.

"Good morning everyone"

"I have some good news, the wall has disappeared, isn't that wonderful Upupupupupuh"

"Now you can go out there and see what's beyond those walls " said Monoplus. The screen blacked out after that.

"The wall disappeared? That's absurd! I better go and check" I told myself.

When I went outside the first thing I did was to look at the very back of the compound where the dark wall was supposed to be and to my surprise Monoplus was right. The wall really did disappear and if you look farther you'd see another dark wall a farther distance away.

"Looks like that wall disappearing gave us more grounds to cover" I thought to myself.

I looked beyond the where the walls were at first and saw new buildings areas to explore. "This is just like what my father told me when I was younger. Whenever Mr. Naegi and his friends successfully survive a Class Trial a new part of the school was open to them. This is similar to that without a doubt. Who is Monoplus? Why do they want to resume this madness that ended years ago" I wondered to myself.

"Yo!" said Terry walking towards me.

"I don't know how they did it but they somehow moved the wall even further" sighed Terry. "Yeah, it's puzzling me too honestly. How could anyone do this overnight and while we were asleep" I said. "We should go check the new spots. Let's go" said Terry.

"Huh, you and me? That's a weird pair" I stated. "True but I'm trying to be friendlier with everyone. I'm starting with you that's all" said Terry looking away from me. I agreed and said "Yeah I understand. If we all become friends then we should be fine" I said. Terry looked at me weirdly and responded "No Cj, don't think that. Some people are capable of killing their friends. You can't easily pin point those types so you must always be on your guard at all times no matter how close you are with that person, especially in this situation".

"He has a point. I almost fell there for a second" I sighed to myself.

The two of us went and checked the new areas available to us. Five minutes of looking around I couldn't help but to have a smile on my face when I saw the arcade and the library right next to each other. Terry couldn't hide his joy either when he saw a dojo right in front of him.



The two of us high fived each other glad to see that this place won't be so boring like it used to be. Before now it was hard to find any entertainment at all. It was a miracle that Fei found those game consoles. "Wait come to think of it, Fei has a gift for finding useful things doesn't he. I should ask for his help if I ever lost anything" I thought to myself. We went inside the dojo first where we saw Paul and Ricardo staring at the human puppets inside. Terry ran towards Paul and said "Hey wanna fight! This place is perfect for it". Paul nodded no in reply.

"I've beaten you once already. You need to practice more to earn another fight with me" said Paul. Terry kneed Paul in the stomach and said "Sorry could you repeat that".

Paul stepped away and picked up a wooden sword from the barrel and threw it at Terry. "You're going to need that when I break you" said Paul. The two of them brawled for five minutes until they Paul's back touched the floor. "Ha, it's now 1-1. A tie" said Terry looking satisfied. Ricardo clapped at the performance they just showed him and said "Splendid, I want to learn how to fight like that. Which one of you is willing to accept me as your pupil?" asked Ricardo casually.

"Doesn't he have anything better to do?" I asked myself. Paul raised his hand and said "I'll train you alright but it'll be under a contract though".

"Contract? Why?" asked Ricardo. "In the past I had pupils who didn't measure up to my standards so I decided just now it would be fun to make a contract you must agree to. If you fail to follow the rules on that contract then I'm allowed to break a bone in your body" said Paul seriously.

"Wow, what are the rules?" asked Ricardo.

"Don't slack off, if I tell you I want to see you do three hundred pushups I expect to see three hundred pushups" said Paul.

"Oh, I was thinking something worse. I accept, when will you make that contract?" asked Ricardo.

"Fool, it's not some piece of paper. It's through a fist bump" said Paul. Ricardo hurriedly pushed his hand out and did a fist bump with Paul.

"What did I just witnessed? Why would he agree to that?" I asked out loud.

"I'm sure he wouldn't agree to it if he wasn't sure that he'd manage it. He's a sportsman so he should have lots of stamina. I'm curious to see how far he'll reach. Cj become my pupil" said Terry.

"No thanks" I immediately replied.

"Of course" sighed Terry.

I looked around the dojo and it was mostly empty. Only some puppets, along some wooden weapons like swords, staffs and nunchucks were there. When we entered the arcade Shawn, Fei, Sue and Xavier were inside playing a tag team fighting game. Fei and Sue vs. Shawn and Xavier. I waited patiently for them to finish and Shawn and Xavier ended up winning. I asked Terry if he wanted to play with me and he accepted.

He and I played Shawn and Xavier next and we also lost. Xavier carried most of the game on his shoulders because Shawn kept on dying early.

"Xavier I never expected you to be so good at fighting games" said Sue impressed. He blushed and said "It's the only other thing I'm good at besides art. I could get the title of Ultimate Gamer if I wanted but I don't like the idea of having more than one title" said Xavier.

"What! How come?" asked Shawn surprised.

"I don't know. To me it feels like having two titles is weaker than having one. For example Alisa has three titles but I can confidently say I'm better at doing my said talent more than she could do her three" said Xavier.

"I don't follow" said Terry confused.

"He means it like this. A man who mastered one thing a hundred times is more dangerous than someone who's good at a hundred things" said Fei.

"Yeah like that" said Xavier.

"But can't you master three things?" I asked. "Quiet Cj, it's how he feels, there's no right or wrong answer" said Sue.

"It makes sense why you're the best at your branch Xavier; you're like a big deal at Hopes Peak all around. You've been to every branch painting most of the famous paintings there; sculpting statues of great people and even help constructors when you're in the area" I stated.

"Yep I know, I know. Tell me how you got number one at your school?" asked Xavier.

I replied "My grades speak for itself. I've never gotten scored under 80 while I was at Hopes Peak Academy and in regards with my talent I work with literal scientists and astronauts so that gave me an edge over most people".

Shawn changed the topic. "Hey let's stop talking about that now yeah, let's keep on playing some games" said Shawn. We all agreed and we switched up the tag teams from time to time. After a whole two hours of playing that fighting game Sue called us over to play a racing car game and later after that Terry called us to play a shooting sniper game which he was terrifyingly good at.

Jasmine walked in on us and said "Why is over this side so friggin noisy?! People are trying to read you know!" shouted Jasmine.

"Read? I forgot that the library is next door. Why would someone make these two rooms next to each other" I said.

"Who's knows what that damn puppy thinks sometimes" said Shawn.

Terry and I went followed Jasmine back to the library. It appears she wasn't alone. She was with June reading what appears to be a romance book. "What are you two doing here? I know you guys don't read" said June.

"Seriously, you think I became an Astronomer and Astrologist without reading" I asked rhetorically.

I looked over to the Non-fiction corner of the library and picked up a book about space. Terry asked me "Are you planning one reading it anytime soon?" I nodded no in reply and whispered "I only pick up this book to prove to June that I read. The truth is that I don't read at all, I just listen to audio books. Reading is too much of a hassle". Terry nodded in understanding and reply "Cool, just carry that to your room and pretend like you've been reading it".

We nodded in agreement and left the library. "Hey wanna play more games?" asked Terry.

I nodded no and pointed at another building that we didn't check. NO one would know that it was there at first glance because of its color. It's attached to the dark shade wall with the exact same color all around. It's almost like that room was camouflaged.

We went inside the camouflaged building. On the outside it gives off the impression like this building has no color at all but it's different from the inside. Inside was filled with flowers of all colors and small plants giving off a totally different vybe.

Flora and Olivia were both inside watering the garden so we ran over to them. "Hey I'm surprised you two noticed this place" said Terry.

"Yeah, I'm glad we did, there are so many plants here" smiled Olivia. Flora pointed at all the flowers and plants that looks like they're dying and asked us to root them out for her. We gladly took on the work. Seeing as how this is my first time ever rooting out plants and flowers I got scolded by Olivia for ruining ten plants in total before I got it right and Terry did better than me only messing up four of his.

"I'm thinking we should move out most of these flowers and plants to outside to beautify the school" said Flora excitedly. "Yeah, that sounds great, but it sounds like a whole lot of work" I stated. "Won't you help us?" asked Flora holding my hand. I gave in and replied "Sure thing".

And just like that for the rest of the day instead of playing games like I planned Terry and I helped moved most of the plants and flowers from inside the weird building to outside all around the school. Shawn and Xavier offered their help later on too.

When the sun finally set we were all finished for the day famished. "I'm starving?" cried Terry.

"No, kidding. It's been a while since I've ate" said Xavier.

"Lucky you, I haven't ate since morning" said Olivia. "Me either actually" I added. "Let's go to the kitchen. Maybe we can cook something together, I'm no expert at it but I'm sure if we all help we'll make something great to eat" said Flora. "That sounds nice, let's go then" said Shawn. We followed him to the kitchen but got sidetracked by what we saw in the dining room. Alisa was putting down three covered plates on each table. Each of them had steam coming out of them. "I haven't seen Alisa whole day today, was she in the kitchen the whole time?" I wondered.

We all ran to her and asked "Alisa what did you make?"

She replied "Nothing special, just curry and rice".

"Yeeesssssss, Alisa I love you" shouted Shawn happily. Alisa turned her face away from him and said "Tone it down a little bit. I only made us dinner, no big deal. I realized that almost everyone hasn't eaten anything proper if nothing at all so I wanted to fix that. I'm thinking that starting today I'll cook breakfast and dinner for everyone".

"Really, let me know whenever you need help" I said. She nodded back at me. Shawn went and called everyone who weren't at the dining hall and told them that dinner's there waiting for them. I sat around a table with Shawn and Alisa as we talked about our plans for tomorrow.

"Listen you two, I want your company for tomorrow is that okay?" asked Alisa.

"Yeah, after the trial you said something about investigating. I almost forgot about that" said Shawn.


"Uhh can we schedule that like mid-day. I have something to do in the morning" said Shawn. "Fine I don't mind" said Alisa.

"Have we recovered from Zoey's and Mark's deaths? No, it's more like we're trying our best to take our minds off it. Maybe that's why all the new places are so opened to us now. You can take your mind off of anything by going to the arcade and playing games, or going to the library and read a book or going to the dojo to train or spar or even gardening. We all need something to take our minds off of what happened. I very much hope that no more killings will happen".
