
Danganronpa Plus

Of all 16 Branches of Hopes Peak Academy the best student from each branch was summoned by Mr. Naegi the headmanster to start a new project. Sadly it didn't go as planned. The sixteen students find themselves in a killing game they have no choice of playing.

Jahvaughn_Coley · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Danganronpa Plus

Chapter 2 – Blind Emotions

Monoplus left us all with a bitter taste in our mouths. We all stood there with our honest reactions to the situation. Terry tried to hit one of the robot wolves inside the gym but his sword got confiscated by them. Alisa clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.

"People, Mark should be somewhere nearby. I've checked everywhere and there's no way for him to go beyond that large black wall. If he can't go through that then he's still in an area that's accessible to us I think" said Alisa. "So we should look around for him. I highly doubt we'll find him though" said June. "You don't know that yet" said Alisa. "I'm just saying, if I reveal myself to you guys that I'm the one who planned all of this then I must have some sort of full proof plan of not getting caught by you guys and plus didn't you read the rules. It said do not hurt the mastermind. I find that very difficult to do and as do some others" said June looking over at Terry.

"I want to see him so that I can negotiate with him. Maybe if I give him some of my shares and probably my dignity he'll let me go" said Alisa pulling her hair. "Wow, are you saying that you'd gladly give him the goods if he promised you to leave" said Shawn surprisingly. Xavier looked up on the surveillance camera in the gym and shouted "do you hear that Mark, if you let Alisa go. She'll make give you the goods". Ricardo and Flora left the gym holding their heads like they've suddenly gotten a bad headache. There was one thinking of Makoto being executed. "My sweet little Makoto can't be gone. Thinking like this will make my head explode. I won't kill anybody, I wont kill anybody, I swear I wont kill anybody" Zoey repeated to herself over and over again. I looked deep into myself saw how frightened and scared I was of this situation. I was also scared of the side of me that feels happy about this. About participating in a killing game, like Makoto. I never thought I was this crazy but now I'm starting to wonder" I thought deeply.

For the rest of the evening everyone went and did their own thing. Shawn and I walked around and explored all the accessible areas once again. While we were exploring we noticed a small building called the warehouse. We've noticed it before but we didn't take the time to look inside of it.

"Let's check out the warehouse. There might be some cool stuff in there" said Shawn. I agreed with a nod and followed him into the warehouse. When we entered inside we were relieved to see normal everyday items in there. Things like food, clothing and other items that are school related. There were three sections of the warehouse. At the far right was filled with normal clothing and special gears while in the middle had food of all kind with fridges holding raw meat. At the far left were school items like pen, pencil, ruler of many different sizes, ropes, cameras, books, scissors and so much more. I went over to the Clothing Section and decided to use the changing room to change my clothes. I saw a white and black shirt that had stars sparkling at all angles on it and there was even a matching shorts beside it. When I was finished changing I left my clothes in the basket in the changing room and left there. Shawn looked at me and gave me a thumbs up.

"You look good. Just wait until the ladies see you in that"

"Haha, that's funny. I'm sure I don't look that great in it"

"No, I'm serious. If I were a girl I'd totally date you in that" Shawn Teased. "Okay the conversation is over" I said feeling awkward. We left the warehouse and went to our respective rooms in the dormitory. I jumped on my bed and sighed at the situation I've gotten myself into.

"Oh boy I wonder when we'll be rescued? I doubt that's going to happen."

"Those surveillance cameras that's everywhere around campus, are they being used to broadcast us to the public?" I asked myself. "No way, if that was the case then the police would be in a rush to save us".

The moment I utter those words my heart started to beat faster and faster while and body started to feel warmer and warmer. I could hear the sound of my heart beating like someone was beating down my door. I took some deep breaths and tried to calm myself down but it was useless. It's like I know we won't be saved. That's what my gut is telling me. Mr. Naegi's killing game was being broadcast worldwide too but no one came to their aid in time before anyone died.

"I should erase the thought or idea of being rescued. Thinking that will just fill me with despair after seeing that no one is coming for us. Then the only way to leave here is to either follow the rules, find a way to Make Mark stop his bullshit or just lose your will to leave this place".

I sighed at the choices I had and the sound of my heartbeat just got even louder. "If we break the rules we'll most likely be punished like previous killing games so we can't harm or do anything to Mark for that matter since he's the mastermind. But why did he reveal himself so easily though" I wondered. Another option is to murder someone and get away with it. If I kill anyone to escape here Mr. Naegi and all of my friends from school will be very disappointed in me. I wouldn't want that either. So should I just abandoned leaving here and see what happens?"


I couldn't give myself a serious answer to such a question. IF I attempt it I feel like I'll say something I'd regret later.

I took my mind off escaping and checked the MonoID to see what was on it and intriguingly enough there were race car games on it. Just what I needed to take my mind off things so I tapped on the game. When I opened the app it showed me a blank screen with Monoplus sticking his tongue out at you. I got pissed the threw the MonoID against the wall and covered my face with a pillow.

"Fuck this place, I wanna leave!" I said to myself angrily.

Six hours later when it was 10pm the monitor in everyone's dorm room lit up showing the robotic puppy Monoplus.

"IT is now 10 pm friends. It's now night time so be careful and have sweet dreams. I look forward to seeing you all alive and well tomorrow Upupupupuh"

Minutes after that announcement I fell asleep without a care in the world.

The next day around 10 am Shawn came ringing my doorbell waking me up from my deep slumber. I opened my eyes and looked around me. My light and fuzzy chest immediately became heavy and stifling after seeing that yesterday wasn't a dream.

I put my shoes on and opened the door. Shawn barged inside upsettingly and said "It's now 10 am. Everyone finished having their breakfast already and are all up and running except for you. When were you planning on waking up?".

"10 am is still early though. It's not like I woke up in the afternoon this time" I yawned. "Afternoon, no student should wake up at that time. Anyways let's grab a bite to eat at the warehouse" said Shawn. "Okay" I replied.

We went to the warehouse where we surprising saw Alisa Cruez staring at office suits. She picked out a black one and smiled "I choose this".

Shawn surprised her from behind and said " I think you'd look cuter in a dress than a suit". Alisa quickly turned around with an annoyed face and said "Good morning you two. What business do you have here?". Before I could answer her question Alisa walked up to me and started pulling my shirt. "I'm positive you didn't had this one yesterday when I saw you" said Alisa.

"Oh, I came here yesterday and changes my outfit"

"Hmm, I'm tired of this dress myself that's why I came here to look for a change of clothes. Thanks for the compliment earlier by the way Shawn" said Alisa. Shawn nodded and said "Cool, we're just going to pick up some bread and give you some space".


"Bread? Don't do that to yourselves. I know you two can't cook but bread is no good by itself for breakfast and beside it's almost lunch time. What have you two been doing since morning?" asked Alisa curiously. "I just woke up actually" I stated. "I was in my room the whole time thinking about some stuff" added Shawn.

"Boys these days are hopeless. Wait for me out here while I change. I'll cook you guys something warm for your stomachs". Shawn and I waited five minutes before she left the changing room and guided us to the kitchen. We watched how Alisa wore an apron around her then started cooking. After ten minutes of observing it became clear to us that she was making porridge.

When it was finished she shared three bowls for the three of us with a lot still remaining the pot she used. "I made a lot just in case anyone else might want some" stated Alisa happily. I tasted her porridge and was loss for words. The moment I tasted it I fell in love with it. I quickly went in for seconds after I finished my first bowl. Shawn went and did the same while Alisa was taking her time drinking hers.

"You're amazing. You should be called the Ultimate Cook too" said Shawn impressed.

Alisa blushed and replied " I don't think it's that good but I am very proud of my skills". "Who taught you how to cook" I asked curiously.

"No one, I watched some videos on how to do things by myself and that includes cooking" said Alisa. "Oh, that's even more amazing. Just what I expect from Togami's daughter I complimented.

"No no, we're completely different so don't say that please" sighed Alisa. "I guess you're right. I saw your brother at the main branch and he was a complete jerk just like his father but you're different" stated Shawn. "Yeah, I don't like how they run things at all. That's why I went ahead and build my own businesses and forged my own path in life. I'd hate to walk their footsteps" said Alisa gripping her spoon tightly.

'Your own path huh, that reminds me. You're The Ultimate Warden. What's up with that title?" I asked. "Oh right that's a good question. You're just a high school girl how did you get that title? Stated Shawn. Alisa started twirling her hair and said "I solved many cases by myself and through that I became a well known detective in the east. I visit prisons all the time just to provoke the criminals I put in jail. Funnily enough the prison I visited the most was in Japan called Tokyo Correctional Prison. The warden there wasn't tough enough to handle the criminals there so I help him to stand his ground. After two years of helping the poor man he gave me the position of warden. He says that I have an amazing talent for it. All the prisoners listen to every word I say and they always behave the way I wanted. He things I was talented at being a warden better than him but in reality those criminals want to be in a space with me alone with no supervision. "They'd probably rape me and kill me after. The only reason why they listen to me so much better than the warden is because I'm Togami's daughter. It would be hell for them if word got out that I was even grazed by one of them. Knowing my father he'd probably execute them instantly" grinned Alisa.

"Ohhh, so you got that talent not because they thought you were talented enough to get it but the truth is that the criminals were just afraid of your dad" Shawn summarized.

"Yes exactly, I normally ignore that title. I'm truly the Ultimate Detective and Entrepreneur but I don't see myself as a warden" said Alisa.

After hearing what she had to say I told them. "Hold on! If you got the title of Ultimate Warden then I'm sure you have the talent for it. The warden you've been helping for two years. He saw something great in you and knew you would do a great job as the prison's warden. Think of it that way" I said.

"A good warden, I'm not even at the precinct right now" giggled Alisa.

"That's enough about me though. Since we're conversing I'd like to ask you something Shawn" said Alisa.

"Fire away"

"Back when you introduced yourself to everyone in Mr, Naegi's office why didn't you mention your other title?" asked Alisa.

"Other talent?" I repeated.

"You know about that. Damn it I wasn't planning on telling anyone about it" said Shawn embarrassed.

"What is this talent you're hiding? I promise I wont tell anyone" i asked.

Shawn covered his face and said "I originally came to Hopes Peak Academy as the Ultimate Lucky Student. I became the Ultimate Sports Star after beating most sport type Ultimates one on one".

"Woooow! That's crazy and unheard of before!" I shouted in surprised. "He was just a normal kid that got lucky and entered the school" said Alisa.

"Yess it's all true".

"I was a complete loser back then. Everyone around me were special and I wasn't. I felt inferior in every way imaginable. One day I got fed up with it and started practicing soccer by myself everyday after school until The Ultimate Soccer Player joined me. I played him one on one every day as much as I could. I lost to him 200 times before I got my first lucky win. And after that I just kept on winning and winning. After realizing I was getting too good I decided to play against him on an opposing soccer team in a school festival. I disgraced him in front of everyone and he lost his title while I gained it. After becoming the New Ultimate Soccer Player, the ultimate Basketball Star wanted a go at me. We played each other until I eventually won then I did the same thing I did the last one. Disgrace them at a public event. I got his title then the cycle continued. Said Shawn.

"Most Lucky Students just look down on their selves totally missing the great opportunity they have. You're surrounded by Ultimates so the best thing you can do is adapt and try to be as great as they are instead of accepting your faith" added Shawn.

I clapped after hearing what he had to say and said "I won't tell a soul. Although it is incredible that you could beat ultimates like that. Luck must have been in play in some of those matches" I stated. Shawn laughed "You're not wrong hahaahahahaaha".

"Anyways Cj I have a question for you now" stated Shawn.

"Have you ever dreamt of going to space?" asked Alisa. I quickly replied " OF course I have. That's been 70% of my dreams".

"Really, that made you like space so much" asked Shawn.

This question was a very easy one so I answered " The Stars are beautiful"


"No matter how bad things get on this planet the stars are still so friggin beautiful. I want to go out there and be closer to the stars. I've been through a lot of shit in my life and the stars always cheer me up for some reason. Because of that I started studying the stars which led me to study the astronomy as a whole and I eventually got into astrology too" I stated.

"That's cool, so how exactly did you get your talents. It couldn't just be studying alone right?" asked Alisa.

I nodded in agreement and said " I work with famous astronomers around the world. They nominated me for the title after seeing my potential".

"Hahahaha, it seems this bowl of porridge made the three of us learn quite a bit about ourselves this morning" grinned Alisa. "Yeah it sure has" Shawn and I added. "These two are awesome. I feel like I've gotten closer to them now" I thought to myself.

Later on during the day around 3 pm the three of us went our separate ways. Alisa continued to investigate the compound while Shawn stayed at the entrance of the warehouse where he said he'll be staying most of the time to keep guard. The warehouse doesn't have any murderous weapons but there are items in there that can be used to kill and I went to the gym to see if anything interesting is there.

When I entered the gym i saw two people fighting with two one other watching from the sidelines nervously. It was the man from the Kuzuryu Clan, the ultimate swordsmen Terry fighting son of Karl Burst the Ultimate Fighter. The two of them were punching and kicking each other not letting up. The girl with flowers in her hair Flora was trying to stop their fight by talking but they ignored her. I went beside Flora and asked "Why are they fighting?"

Flora stuttered " They ha--ve a disagreement"

"Disagreement? What kind?" I asked curiously.

"Paul thinks using a weapon doesn't make you strong, it makes you weak while Terry begs to differ. He…. He thinks a weapon is something that draws out a human full potential and make them succeed no sorry I mean exceed it" said Flora exhaling deeply.

"Those two are fighting over that. What idiots. We're stuck here for who knows how long and they're fighting each other over this. This is precisely why I love space. I bet nonsense like this isn't up there" I stated out loud. I stood beside Flora and watched the action took place. I was curious to see how long they'll be fighting for.


One hour later they were extremely tired but they still went on hurting each other relentlessly despite passing their limits a long time ago. They both fell on the ground unconscious. I carried them to the infirmary with the help of Flora then find Jasmine to treat their injuries.

When Jasmine saw them she immediately got angry at me and Flora for not trying to stop their fight. "Are you crazy woman. You want us to go between those two monsters. One fist from them will most definitely knock me out" I stated. Flora nodding in agreement.

Jasmine took some deep breaths and said "Leave please". "I can't believe it. She's still angry at us" I thought to myself.

Flora went to her dorm room and I did the same since there wasn't anything better to do. While I was resting in my room I sneezed from all the dust in my room then heard Zoey's loud voice outside my room. I checked to see what she was doing and I saw that she was knocking on the door next door to mine. I checked the name tag of the door and saw that it was Mark's room. The mastermind of this whole thing. "Why are you knocking on his door? Is he inside?"

Zoey stopped knocking and said "I'm not sure but I thought I heard a sneeze from in there". When she mentioned the word sneeze I giggled at the thought. "I'm sorry but you probably heard me. I just sneezed a moment ago in my room and I my room is next door. It's probably just a mistake I stated. Zoey puffed her cheeks disappointedly and said "Jeez dude clean your room".

"Hahaha, I'll think about it" I laughed. "Makoto wouldn't condoned messes" sighed Zoey.

"You're very worried about him aren't you" I asked. "Of course I am, he might be dead now. Or maybe he's alive waiting for me" said Zoey. "Waiting for you?"

"Listen I recently heard that Naegi has a wife. If that's true then you really need to stop that obsession over him real fast. It might turn into a motive for murder" I warned. I actually wanted to say that to her for some time now. Zoey slapped me in the face and ran away with tears in her eyes.


I spent the rest of the day in my room until Night time announcement happened.

"IT is now 10 pm friends. It's now night time so be careful and have sweet dreams. I look forward to seeing you all alive and well tomorrow Upupupupuh"

Before I fell a sleep the robotic puppy popped up into my room with a grin. I was startled by how he just appeared out of nowhere.

THE---- THE HELL! I shouted.

"Good night Cj, I couldn't help but notice that your room is a bit dusty already. Everyone else has cleaned their rooms at least once. I suggest you to do the same" said Monoplus.

"Tch, get out of here you stupid puppy. I'm not going to listen to you. I'll clean up my room whenever I feel like it" I said strongly.

Monoplus laughed "Upupupupupuh, upupupupuh"

"Okay mister suit yourself, take a look at your MonoID" .

I did as he said and looked at my MonoID and saw that the rules have been updated.

The new rule is that all rooms must be neat and tidy before midnight or else.

A chill went down my spine when I checked the time. It was 10:07 pm so I had some time left before midnight.

The puppy laughed at me and said "Well what about now? Will you clean your room? You do know the repucuccions for not complying with the rules right Upupupupuupupuh. Death. I'll go and make sure the others are aware of this rule now see ya".

"That damn Monoplus!" I sighed to myself. A broom and shovel was already inside my room so I got started on cleaning right away. The last thing I wanted was to die because my room was messy.

When I finished cleaning my room it was 10:48 pm so I went straight to bed after that but once again interrupted by Monoplus.

"Hey, hey you haven't taken a bath today have you. Go take one" said Monoplus.

"What seriously! "I'm very sleepy right now" I stated.


He updated the rules once again making it known that everyone should take a bath at least once a day before midnight. Now I have no choice but to go and do it. "I may want you guys to kill each other but that doesn't mean I don't support proper hygiene" teased Monoplus. He vanished in thin air leaving me.

A bathroom was next to the dormitory so I went straight to it. When I made it I was surprised to see the blond hair girl with big boobs June.

I walked up to her and asked "What are you doing here?"

"That damn Monoplus updated the rules twice in one night. I'm here to take a bath, are you here to do the same?" asked June curiously.

"Yes I am" I replied.

June sighed and said "wait out here until I get out"

"Huh, why?' There are more than one shower" I stated. "No, who's to say you wont peak at my magnificent body" said June.

"Seriously, it's close to midnight you know. Let's just head bathe at the same time instead of taking turns" I stated. June touched my chest and said "Don't try to bring logic into this. I know how you guys think. You'll definitely peak, especially you".

"Especially me?"

"Don't play dumb, don't you remember me?" asked June.

"You do look familiar" I replied. June kicked me in the crotch causing me to fall on the ground crying while she went to take a bath. "Aaaaaaaahhhh!" After ten minutes of rolling in pain I finally stood up and looked at the time. "It's 11:23 pm. Damn it" I said worriedly. Another seven minutes later June came out of the bathroom building looking relaxed and refreshed. She walked passed me pretending like I wasn't there and honestly I'm glad she did that.

If she said anything negative it most likely would have triggered me to hurt her. I hurried and took a bath. When I was finished it was 11:40 pm. I went straight to bed extremely tired. The moment I closed my eyes Monoplus appeared again and started giggling.

"Upupupupupupuuh! Good news Cj I decided to update the list of rules again" said Monoplus having half of his tongue out breathing heavily. My heart started to beat very fast and it suddenly became very hard to breath. I checked my MonoID once again and saw the new rule. The moment I read it I felt lost in more ways than one.

The latest rule was to ignore the last two rules 9 and 10. I looked at Monoplus and he said "Your welcome, are you going to pet me now?".

"Fuck this" I said before dropping my body on the bed and fell a sleep.

The next day Shawn woke me up 9 am by ringing my doorknob nonstop. I opened the door and was surprised to see Alisa with him. "Good morning Cj, are you ready for breakfast?" greeted Alisa. "This time it's omelet rice" said Shawn excitedly. "I can't wait ". Before we left the dormitory I looked at Mark's room and saw that a hole was suddenly there out of nowhere. A whole down at the bottom of the door where no one would notice it. Alisa pinched me and said "Don't pay attention to that hole right now. Breakfast comes first". I nodded in reply and the three of us went to the kitchen. This time Shawn and I helped her cook.

When we were finished the read head Xavier, the two fighters, the angry nurse, the rude blond and pink head were in the dining room with plates in their hands. "Hey were you three the ones that cooked that porridge yesterday. It was delicious" Xavier complimented. "Yeah, red head's right. I've never enjoyed porridge like I did yesterday. It was very kind of you to make enough for everyone despite us not asking you" added Jasmine. Zoey and June quickly ran up to Alisa and said "I bet you're the one that did most of the work".

"That's true" stated Shawn. I sighed and sat at an empty table and Shawn and Alisa then sat next to me. "You guys can help yourselves if you want. There's plenty to go around" said Alisa. Everyone cheered and went into the kitchen.

When the three of us finished our breakfast we parted ways. I didn't know what I should do for the day seeing as how boring it was. I went back to my dorm room and lay down their. That's when someone came knocking on my door. It was a big surprise for who it was. It was the guy who always had headphones on him listening to music and hardly speaks.

"What's up Fei?" I asked curiously. He showed me the Nintendo DS in his hand and said "Follow me".

After seeing that Nintendo ds I had to follow him. I am way too bored to ignore something like that. I followed him into the warehouse and he went over to where the school items were and opened a box behind one of the shelves that contained board games and console games. I couldn't believe my eyes. "Wow Fei you're a life saver. I can't believe didn't notice this" I praised. Fei nodded and threw me a Nintendo and said "Let's play.

"Of course"

I followed him to his dorm room where his sister was already playing on her Nintendo. "I can't believe these things were hiding there the entire time" I stated.

"No, I think these were just recently put there. Bro and I checked the warehouse many times since we've got here and we would've noticed that box a long time ago. He probably noticed how bored everyone was so he threw these in to keep us entertained" said Sue.

"Why would he do that? If the place is boring then people would want to leave and if they want to leave then that can be a motive for murder which is what he wants" I stated. "Hey, no one knows what that stupid puppy is thinking. Last night the jerk updated the rules three times which ended being pointless in the end" said Sue.

The three of us spent the entire day playing car games and other nostalgic games that aren't being played much anymore. Shawn and Flora were then invited by Fei to play games with him later on. We all finished playing games when the night time announcement happened.

"IT is now 10 pm friends. It's now night time so be careful and have sweet dreams. I look forward to seeing you all alive and well tomorrow Upupupupuh"

We all left Fei's room and went to our own. I went to my room not to go to sleep but to continue playing more games. I wanted to kill more time with this device before going to bed. Two hours flew pass and it was now midnight so he finally decided to call it a night.

Before going to bed I went to the bathroom to pee.

When I was at the bathroom I shockingly saw someone I didn't expect. It was Mark Hughes the Ultimate Agent looking up at the stars.

I ran up to him but then remembered the rules "To not harm the mastermind so I stopped myself from doing what I was about to do".

Mark looked at me surprisingly and said "Yo, the stars are beautiful today aren't they?". I looked up at the sky and agreed with him. I sat beside him and asked "Hey why are you doing this?".


"No reply huh, jeez" I said to myself. "Don't sweat it man, you'll be fine I think" giggled Mark patting me on the back. "Anyways I'm off now" smiled Mark walking away. I watched him walked into the dorms and was learned that " Oh, so he does use that room afterall. Hehehehe, he's been right under our noses the entire time. I can't let Paul and Terry know about this".

The Next day I woke up 9 pm again because of the ringing from my doorbell. I quickly got up and opened the door. "Good morning Shawn, what's----"

"Shut up right now Cj, we have a problem!" shouted Shawn pointing at Mark's room. His door was opened and everyone was already there making noise of all kinds. I checked to see what everyone was gathering in here for and to my surprise I saw Mark in his bed with his skin color changed to light blue, his eyes was open but there was no pupil in sight. He didn't have a pulse.

"He's Dead" stated Alisa breathing heavily.