
Welcome To Hope's Peak

My name is Tantei and I'm in rolling in hope's peak high I feeled out a form that said i'll be able to sleep in the school dorms.Tantei smiles and takes his first step on to the school ground then all of a sudden everything became disfigured then tantei fainted.He wakes to see himself in a empty classroom the windows were bolted down by plates so that no light entered.He walks out the classroom to see a dark hall at the end their where open doors and their was bright light he ran towards it to find himself in a auditorium it was feeled with chairs all over.He saw 13 people standing on stage all wearing the same uniforms just like him he walking his way up on time the stage as he gets on stage a guy mean mugs him.Tantei nervously smile's at him but the only face he could recognize was rozu tantei says as he walks up to her happy to see a familiar face.

Tantei Friend 1(BF Rozu)

Rozu and me have been together since we were 7 she had an abuse dad and I was disowned by my mom and dad so we pretty much had horrible childhoods

tantei and rozu continued to talk but a guy interrupted them saying instead of spending your time chatting with each other we need to figure out why are we here and how we got here.You really should be wondering how and why you got here a man in a suit appears from the shadows with a creepy smile my name is Cross I am the owner and principal of Hope's peak it's nice to meet you as he bow's.By locking us in the school! the guy that mean mugged tantei said well their is a reason for that cross says as he sits down in one of the chairs and crosses his legs I'm going to get straight to the point your not going to leave this place or be able to even if you tried cross says.But their is only one way to leave this place and that to get away with murder crosses smile almost touched his eyes everyone frozen and didn't know what to say.And if you want to get away with murder you would have to hide evidence and you would need to survive a court trail if you get caught you will be punished and the punishment is death cross says.Are you all up for the task or are you all just going to live here for the rest of your lives tantei clutched his fist walks to the end of the stage and looks down at cross.We will get out of here without killing anyone in this room Mr.cross even when it's are only chance well find another and well use that route to get out of hear! cross smiles he took a liking to tantei.Do what you want but you won't be able to leave as he submerged with the shadows.

Hopes Peak is now open for business

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