
Dancing With The Gods: The Beginning Of The End

Leon, a sex worker hustling to scrape together enough coin for his sister's cure, stumbled upon a revelation after pounding his way through a hundred wet holes. Little did he know, each romp bestowed upon him a peculiar power, one that could only be fueled by the primal act of sex. Leon, initially uninterested in becoming a sexual powerhouse, had no clue that he'd soon be thrust into a shadowy game unfolding from realms unseen. In this lusty saga, Leon, side by side with Eve, the Queen of Succubus, dives into a journey aimed at breaking free from the grip of capricious gods and preventing the looming resurgence of a century-long war.

Lord_Nightingale · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 18: The City Of Rusuan

The carriage Leon occupied continued its journey, gracefully gliding towards the city of Rusuan across the sprawling plains of Santuria. Diana's cascading hair swirled in the breeze as her gaze remained fixed on the winding road. She occasionally stole glances back at Leon, but whenever their eyes met, she blushed and quickly returned her attention to the path ahead.

Leon, however, dismissed these nuances, his thoughts consumed by the recent extraordinary events. First, the mysterious maid, a force to be reckoned with, effortlessly obliterating a horde of bandits with a singular, awe-inspiring skill. The second enigma lingered in the depths of the white space.

Among the myriad unanswered questions, one in particular gnawed at Leon's curiosity – the cryptic "???" on the status screen, a lingering mystery tied to the extraordinary maid. Despite his attempts to engage with Eve, the entity remained obstinately silent, leaving Leon to grapple with the shadows.

"Come on, Eve, work with me here. Can you just reveal what it is? I know you're there. Why won't you talk to me?" he pleaded inwardly. No reply echoed in the recesses of his mind. Frustration mounted, a sense of isolation intensifying as he felt on the precipice of madness, caught in a one-sided discourse. Eventually, he relinquished the futile attempt at communication.

"That's the tenth time I've caught the echo of your sigh," Diana observed, her gaze sliding back to him over her shoulder, reins in hand, steering the horses that pulled the carriage. "Are you finding the journey monotonous, or is there something else on your mind?"

Leon seemed oblivious to the fact that his sighs were becoming a repetitive refrain.

"It's not a matter of boredom, actually," Leon admitted. "It's more like I'm entangled in a web of confusion."

"Confusion? About what?"

"Nothing tangible. Don't worry about it."

Diana would be oblivious to the tumultuous thoughts swirling in Leon's mind. If anything, she might just arch an eyebrow at him. Judging by her behavior, Leon surmised that Diana's recollections had been tampered with, erasing any memory of the maid dispatching the bandits.

"Hey, how long have you been in the adventurer game?" Diana inquired out of the blue. Leon found this puzzling, given her earlier hostility during their first encounter. Nevertheless, he welcomed the conversation. "You're quite young. Probably just a tad older than me. Adventurers are usually portrayed as a bunch of scruffy, middle-aged men with beards and whatnot, so it's a bit odd to see a young one like you."

"I'm twenty and only started last year," Leon replied.

"Really? I envisioned you as older, perhaps twenty-five or so," she said, tightening her grip on the reins. "Now I discover we share the same age.." She muttered under her breath, a blush creeping up to the tips of her ears. Though Leon couldn't see the blush, he heard her whisper, although the words eluded him.

"What did you say?"

"N-Nothing!" she stammered. "Anyway, isn't that kind of young to enter that job?"

For a moment, Leon teetered on the brink of questioning, 'Which job?' but opted for restraint. "You can venture into it as early as 12. That's the minimum age for embracing the path of an adventurer."

"I see..." Diana's voice carried a flicker of interest. "You're a C-Ranked Adventurer now, right? How many times have you delved into the realm of thrilling quests? I've always had a penchant for those. My father, once an adventurer before donning the mantle of the captain of Hartz's knights, used to weave tales of his exploits. His narratives captivated me. I'd love to hear yours as well."

"Um, about that... I haven't taken those kinds of quests yet."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I refuse to gamble my life on those perilous quests. I've got a little sister relying on me, and I can't take on jobs that put me in mortal danger. The only reason I accepted this particular gig is because safeguarding a carriage between cities is generally considered low-risk, without the kind of peril we faced with the bandits earlier. Honestly, I thought this journey would be uneventful. There's usually very little real danger to my life in this type of quest. Well, as it turns out, it was dangerous, but thanks to... you, I guess, I'm still alive now. I'm grateful for that."

A light chuckle escaped Diana's lips. "Oh, please. Without you, we'd likely be corpses by now," she quipped. "By the way, you have a little sister? How fortunate. I'm the youngest, with three older brothers and one older sister. Always wished for a younger sibling."

Leon found himself caught in a moment of contemplation. Seres wasn't his blood-related sister; his father, who had discovered her in the jungle, made that clear. Yet, even without sharing blood, Leon cherished her as a true sister. Their parents, bound by love rather than biology, entrusted him with a profound duty on their deathbeds: "Take care of your sister for us." Stricken by an unknown ailment, they departed together on the same fateful day.

This pledge fueled Leon's unwavering determination to protect and nurture Seres. It was a commitment to the parents who had embraced them, transcending the limitations of blood ties. His resolute dedication extended to a fervent quest for a cure to Seres' mysterious affliction, driven by the unwillingness to witness another cherished individual succumb to an enigmatic malady without the ability to intervene. He steeled himself to go to any lengths to uncover a remedy.

After a grueling ten-hour trek, they finally reached the majestic city of Rusuan.

Despite not holding the central status in the Kingdom of Hartz, Rusuan pulsated with life, embodying the spirit of a bustling fantasy metropolis.

The city sprawled with a tapestry of architectural wonders, each building seemingly competing for attention in its uniqueness. Towers adorned with intricate spires stretched towards the heavens, their facades etched with mystic runes that glowed softly as dusk settled in. Elaborate bridges connected districts, suspended over winding canals that sparkled with the enchantment of underwater lights.

The streets, teeming with a diverse array of people, were a kaleidoscope of colors and textures. Citizens bustled about in attire that mirrored the fantastical essence of their surroundings. Flowing robes embroidered with ethereal patterns and shimmering fabrics adorned both men and women. Elven silks brushed against the sturdy leather of dwarven crafts, creating a harmonious blend of cultures.

Market stalls, draped in vibrant canopies, displayed wares from every corner of the realm. Exotic fruits and potions lined the stalls, their aromas mingling in the air with the tantalizing scent of freshly baked pastries. Street performers enchanted passersby with illusions and acrobatic feats, while the distant melody of minstrels added a musical backdrop to the lively scene.

Rusuan, though not the kingdom's heart, beat with a vitality that transcended its status. The city's magic-infused ambiance and diverse populace created an enchanting tapestry, inviting travelers to lose themselves in its captivating embrace.

As Leon and Diana rode through the carriage toward the noble lady's house, they couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur of the surroundings. Finally, they arrived. The noblewoman's residence was just as Leon expected—large, with a bustling staff working to maintain its opulence. Having encountered many noble houses before, Leon noted that they were all impressive, but this one was likely the grandest of them all.

"Which noble family is this?" asked Leon.

Without turning back, Diana descended from the rider's seat as she replied. "It's the Silverdrake."

Leon nodded, and suddenly, a recollection struck him. 'Wait a minute. Have I... dealt with a customer with a Silverdrake last name before? Oh, no. I did have one.'

Indeed, he had one, and the customer he was contemplating was a regular patron of his services.

"Uh, Diana, can I receive the payment here instead of going into that manor? I am... quite uncomfortable entering such a grand estate."

"What are you fretting about? It's not as if the Silverdrake matriarch is going to sink her teeth into you, right? Well, considering her disdain for adventurers, maybe she would. But hey, if I slip in that you rescued her daughter, she might dial down the hostility."

"That's not my primary concern, actually..."

"Ah, come on. Step into the scene. Lady Mellissa seems practically thrilled for you to be her escort, leading her right to her doorstep."

Mellissa descended from the carriage with a graceful poise, her voice laced with refined elegance. "She's right, Mr. Adventurer. I want you to guide me, and let us, at the very least, treat you to tea as a token of gratitude for the inconvenience we've caused." Her smile bore a subtle charm, creating an air of allure.

"Well, you haven't inconvenienced me at all. It's part of the job, after all."

"You sound a touch guilty... Is there something nagging at your conscience?" Her graceful smile morphed into one of mischievous curiosity.

"I... I don't really. Ha ha..." Leon waved off the question, his laughter carrying a hint of awkwardness, his unease etched across his face.

"If that's the case, then let's proceed," Mellissa declared. But as her words lingered in the air, a woman's voice resonated at the entrance of the estate.

"Mellissa!" the woman's exclamation pierced the night. "Why did it take you so long to return home? It's almost dawn!"

Leon turned to face the woman and visibly flinched. He knew her all too well. They had shared a bed and seen each other naked multiple times.

"Dear mother," Mellissa addressed, gracefully lowering her head as she lifted her skirt on both sides to execute a curtsy. "I apologize for my tardiness. We encountered some trouble, I believe."

"Trouble? What sort of trouble? What transpired?"

"I suspect we were ambushed by bandits. Yet fear not, for Diana and Mr. Adventurer valiantly defended us. Your worries are unnecessary."

"Adventurer? You employed the services of an adventurer?" The woman's tone simmered with anger.

"Yes, for added protection," Mellissa responded with a composed smile. "I plan to have him stay at our manor for a while to recuperate, given his tireless efforts in safeguarding us. Would that be acceptable?"

"Not in the slightest, Mellissa! Allowing a brute into our sanctuary? I'm sorry, even if he played the savior, I won't permit it! I harbor no trust for adventurers." The woman cast a fierce glare at the adventurer, continuing her tirade. "You! You brute! If it's gold you seek, take it and depart. I wish not to witness even the shadow of your presence here."

However, as her gaze fell upon his countenance, the woman blushed."B-But if my daughter insists on you staying for a while, then I'll allow it."

She did a complete 180.