
My Former Life

Micheal woke up and saw his white popcorn ceiling, he sat up and looked around his room. His brown withered wardrobe sat across the room from his rusted metal bed frame with his stained white mattress. On the right side of his bed, a black paint chipped nightstand, only having three legs intact, was held up by a piece of cinder block. His green painted walls were spotted with white spots where paint was chipped off. His table, in the center of the room, was dilapidated to the extent where you could no longer tell that the table was once a rich brown.

Micheal opened his wardrobe's right door, and the door just fell off of its hinges. He sighed, picking up the door and leaning it against the wall to the right of it. He picked out a cleaned outfit: a gray shirt, black jeans, black socks, and black shoes. He grabs his black backpack and heads out of his room.

He goes into the bathroom where his young European face and brown messy hair was in the reflection. His gloomy dead fish eyes with his 'life is meaningless' type of face appeared. His skinny arms, torso, and legs looked as if he hadn't been fed in at least a day. He grabs his toothbrush and brushes his teeth almost mindlessly.

He goes into the kitchen where a picture of his mom sits next to his father and sister all sitting upon the mantle. He looks at the mantle, saying in a young teenage tenor voice, "Good morning mother, I'm about to leave for school. Have a nice day." He grabbed a premade sack found inside the fridge, put it inside his backpack, and headed out. He started walking north towards his school as cars passed him with no care.

As he was walking down the street his childhood friend rushed past him, accidentally bumping into him. She met up with some of her friends and paid Micheal no mind as he slowly walked towards the school. He slowly walked as more of his schoolmates started walking down the same street, all of them already talking to their friends. Micheal tripped on a rock falling to the ground, his schoolmates looked at distaste and disgust as they walked on by. He got up and slumped onto school.

He looked at the gate as he approached it, it read "Weston High", he scurried on by as some of his bullies were waiting for him past the gate. He breathed a sigh of relief as he thought he was in the clear… he wasn't. Liz and some of her friends isolated Micheal and Liz spoke in a condescending feminine voice, "Hey Micheal."

Micheal made no response, but looked down at the floor.

One of Liz's friends slapped him, "Listen to Liz when she is talking."

Micheal recognized this voice, it was Rachel, another one of his childhood friends. He stayed quiet and continued to look down at the floor.

Liz sighed, "He's not going to listen, grab his backpack. He needs to be taught a lesson."

Rachel and Liz's other friends grabbed his backpack and forced it off of Micheal's backpack with Micheal's pitiful resistance that didn't help much. Liz searches his backpack and finds his science textbook. Liz flips to the first page and tears it off, making the expenses for the book Micheal's problem. Micheal speaks, "What do you want…"

Liz boasts, "I forgot my homework, I'm going to take yours."

Micheal mutters, "please don't…"

Liz spitefully inquired, "I'm sorry, what?"

Micheal repeats in an even softer voice, "Please, don't..."

Liz laughs, "And what are you going to do, cry?"

Micheal falls to the ground and pleads, "I beg of you, please don't."

Liz sighs, "Fine I'll just copy it." and she takes out her notebook and copies the notes. She seemed to enjoy Micheal's submission to a weird degree.

Micheal goes to his first class, Algebra 2, and the class proceeds as any normal class would. At the end of class his teacher mentions a project that was going to be done in groups of three. The teacher assigns groups of people that Micheal didn't know until he was mentioned. His group consisted of three people assigned at random: Keith, Micheal, and Rachel. Rachel walks up to Micheal and thanks him for being in a group with her.

Rachel is a girl with long brown hair, a European face, with a figure to be desired. She has Multiple Personality disorder and has three personalities. First: the 'bully', this one hates Micheal with a burning passion, always aggressive and very confident. Second: the 'shy kid', this one is fond of Micheal, never speaks up, never goes against others, and very coy. Third: the 'Naïve', this one is an airhead, has great balance, doesn't even notice Micheal, and is very upbeat.

Keith is a tall, blond, American man with a big air to him. He is a professional boxer, known around the entire state as the best high school boxer to be "the best boxer to ever grace our world". He has never lost a match, and is the strongest person in the school, often beating teachers in arm wrestling matches. He is on hiatus due to almost killing one of his opponents in a match. Although this occurred it was an accident and he has donated some of his winnings to cover most of his hospital bill. Ever since that day he has visited that kid in the hospital to make sure he feels wanted.

'Shy' Rachel speaks in a meek voice, "We should try to split this project into pieces or whatever."

Keith said in a very manly tone, "So, I'll take the biggest part right here," he points to a part of the project, "Rachel takes this," he pointed to a separate part of the project, "and Micheal takes the easiest part because I know that his life is hard."

Micheal, smiles a faint smile, and nods as he starts upon his project. Class ends and he starts towards his next class history. Nothing much happens, but Micheal enjoys the way the teacher talks, it is very mesmerizing. The class ended with a very big success, where the presentation was almost above phenomenal. When the class ended Micheal wanted to stay in the classroom, but needed to leave for lunch.

As Michael left, a little girl decided to stay behind to talk to the teacher and he noticed that it felt odd that she was staying in the classroom. At lunch an upperclassman in the student council approached him to talk to him about his bullies. Originally he brushed her off, but she came back as time went on.

She said, "Micheal, my name is Ashlyn and I am here to try and stop your bullying."

Micheal thought, "She sounds like she has good intentions, but something feels just off." after he got over the feeling he said, "Why, no one else has helped me, so why you."

Ashlyn looked shocked, but she responded after a bit with, "Because bullying is a bad thing, that's why."

Micheal thought, "It just seems like something is up, I just don't trust her." Micheal ended up passing out and went to the infirmary, the reasons unknown. The rest of the day passed by until the end of the day. Once he woke Ashlyn was waiting Ashlyn went up to Micheal and spoke in a desperate tone, "My sister has gone missing and I need your help!"

Micheal, still disoriented, was unsure of what to do, accepted to try and started asking questions to Ashlyn.

"What does she look like?"

"She looks like me, brown hair, European face, not very tall, and very naïve."

"Where was she last seen?"

"The history room."

"When was she there?"

"About the second period."

"Which History room?"

"The same one you attend."

"How do you… why do you… never mind. Let's start there, in the history room."

Micheal goes to the history room, but something is off, it feels like the door shouldn't be opened under any circumstance. Micheal feels dread as he touches the door, but he knew that he shouldn't be afraid. He tried to open the door to no avail, where the door itself felt like it didn't want to be opened. He tried to open it a second time, nothing, not even an inch. Keith walked by and saw Micheal trying to open a door, and offered to open the door. Keith tried once, nothing happened, just like what happened the first two times Micheal tried. The second time the door flew open very fast and the door sucked them in.

When Micheal got up, he noticed that he wasn't in the normality of his world anymore. Liz and Rachel are standing next to him with looks of horror about what lies before him. His history teacher had killed Ashlyn's little sister and her blood was draining out. Only then did I notice where I was: I was in the history classroom, yes, but it seemed like the classroom was run down. The air was full of ash, burning to the lungs, but did no actual damage. The sun was blood red, shining down onto the world burning everything but again doing no actual damage.

Ashlyn was unconscious next to him, sleeping peacefully. Micheal looked at his teacher with disgust and the teacher smiled. Now this smile wasn't a happy smile, this was the smile of a monster, a monster that would only be locked in the deepest parts of hell. The teacher was obviously covered in blood while he was kneeling about her corpse. The teacher had impaled Ashlyn's sister with a sharp object 57 times.

The teacher said, "Well, well , well, children. What brings you to my classroom?"

Do you have any suggestion about my writting, or did you find any errors in my grammer, if so please tell me.

Also do you like how the story is set up, if so please tell me.

Thoriseriancreators' thoughts