
Chapter 44-10

"Loss has made you the man that you are, Harper. It has shaped you. Defined you. Each time you have lost someone dear to you, you have strengthened, grown, become something more than you were before. It will be the same with Megan. You will survive because that is what you do." "I don't want to survive." The anger ripped out of him. "I don't want to have to pick myself up again and keep going. I want to live and I can only do that with her by my side."

"You are wrong. You will live and you will continue to uphold your role as Guardian. The role that she bestows upon you. The role that she believes you were destined to do. Loss is only temporary and the human spirit always prevails." "Only I'm not human, am I?" "Night creature, you are more human than you think you are."