
Chapter 43-10

I blinked as his voice echoed clearly in my head; gentle and alluring as always, with a hint of wicked glee. He was enjoying this; enjoying my surprise at his big trick, enjoying the fact I'd never seen it coming. "Get out of my head, Lucifer," I said, wrinkling my nose with disgust and anger.

Well, I would, but it's so terribly hard to get the dog to speak. Hundreds of years of evolution and still they can't seem to string a sentence together. Frankly I'm stunned they've managed to rule your kind for so long.

"That rule is coming to an end, as will yours not even begin." Megan, I'm hurt. I had hoped that you might come around to my way of thinking by now. You met Michael and discovered he's just as backward as our Father and yet still you resist me. "What's the alternative, Lucifer? Become the incubator for the new life you want to create? Thanks very much, but I'm afraid I don't have time in my busy schedule to give birth to the anti-Christ."