
Chapter 41

"Just when I thought you couldn't become any more pathetic, look at you now."

Clara walked behind the chair at the head of the dining table and rested her elbows against it casually, although her eyes told me she was feeling anything but casual about the whole situation. "I would admire your bravery coming here, but the whole notion of a vampire uprising is so streaked with stupidity that I'm hardly surprised that you're a part of it. After all, you were never the smartest of humans, so you were never going to make an intelligent vampire."

I laughed, hearing the cold crackle of my voice echo around the large room. "You don't get it, do you? The vampire uprising is happening. It's here, it's at your door and it's inside your rotting compound. You can play the smug bitch all you like, but pretty soon this place will be ours and the age of the Varúlfur will be over."