
Chapter 1

A month later...

A mild ache in my backbone and limbs brought me to conscious. I blinked my heavy eyelids a few times to adjust against striking light scattered in the room. My throat felt parched in dryness and I started coughing. The mere action made me squeamish and burned the empty stomach.


Immediately, two arms wrapped around my shoulders making me sit and rubbed my back soothingly. My spinning head rested on the shoulder of the owner and eyes tear in misery.

"Water," I whispered roughly not finding my voice. It was all blurred, the surroundings. A cool glass was pressed against my lips and I took a small gulp but winced at the cutting sensation. It felt like someone has stabbed me directly in the oesophagus.

"Slow. Take it slow." A familiar voice guided gently and I followed. Once I was satisfied, he removed the glass and rubbed my sides. I shivered and fell back on the bed not finding the strength to cope. The face of the man was still blurred. Everything appeared foggy.

"Hey. How are you?"

He asked making me look at him for the first time. What happened to me? Why am I like this? What is wrong with me? Not knowing the answer, I just stared at him blankly and figured his hairs were raven. His fingers caressed my scalp soothingly and I sighed relaxing my throbbing muscles on a warm bed.


He said again tapping my cheek and I frowned slapping his hand away lightly. Who is Crystal?

My thoughts lived short as a light knock came from the double doors and the man shouted 'come in'. Two people in white coats entered inside. Still, I didn't see clear. Their faces were obscured. To get rid of that sickening tactility I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"Mrs. Romero, how are you now?" The elderly male asked in a gentle tone and I blinked. My vision got little better with time so I was able to make an outline of his face. He was wearing glasses and a curious look rested on his nose. "Can you see me?" He asked leaning closer and I pressed myself further in mattress not liking the closeness. In no time, a pair of black nerdy glasses were placed on my nose and I saw everything clearly. I nodded adjusting the spectacles. I wear them? The elder man had silver hairs and wrinkles over his forehead. He silently noted something on the notepad and looked at me.

"Can you talk?" He asked and I gulped wincing at the soreness in my throat.

"Yes." It came out raspy and chocked but I managed to speak. He nodded again noting the reaction.

"Does anything ache?" He asked and I looked at my legs that were covered under a soft duet.

"Legs and my back," I replied slowly and he nods.

"How much? On the scale of 10."

"7," I spoke in confusion and he nodded grimly before jotting more points.

"What is the last thing you remember?"

At his words, my mind flipped at 360 degrees. I froze feeling my core churn. My hands cupped my forehead when pain shot at the left side of my skull. I yelped in shock feeling the world slipping from my fingers. Black dots danced in sight and my nerves clenched in panic.

"Blank. Everything is blank." I whispered not understanding the situation.

"Okay. Don't pressure yourself. No stress, please." He commanded but I was already thrashing. Bile rose my throat. "Nurse, inject her with haloperidol, she is hyperventilating." Warm hands rubbed something on my shoulder before a stinging sensation erupted on my arm. I winced feeling my body failing and everything went dark.

Third Person's POV

As soon as she lost her conscience, the man rubbing her shoulders instantly wore a cold mask. His stormy dark eyes pins at the nervous doctor, who in return adjusted his stethoscope stiffly.

"What is wrong with her?" He asked with a clenched jaw and the doctor gulps, shaking like leaf and clears his throat.

"I believe she is suffering from amnesia. It might be temporary or permanent. The accident damaged major tissues of the spinal cord earlier. But in the span of these nine months, they have recovered well. Thankfully, she isn't suffering any paralysis. Her legs are fine, as you said she walked till your office a month ago. We ran a few scans when she was unconscious. The left side of her skull is not swollen anymore, but a hair-sized fracture is still there. Unfortunately, it will never heal. She shouldn't take much stress or will suffer from severe headaches. The chances of getting partial paralysis are also high because of that minute disfigured tissue of the brain, boss. Since my team was giving her regular doses of required nutrients and various other supplements along with the much-needed therapies, it is possible that she might soon walk again normally." He recited sincerely and relief courses the anxious man.

"Will she be alright?" He asked that question timidly and the doctor nodded immediately.

"She is a strong woman, boss. She survived such a big accident and woke up from the coma in the meantime. I am sure that she will do fine but the same can't be said about her memories." He assured and the man sighed.

"I don't want her to remember anything." The man mumbled bitterly and the doctor pales hearing the venomous declaration. How can someone dare to fight the natural process? Only those who don't fear God.


"I don't want her to remember the past, if she does, you are dead." He threatened the poor doctor and looked back at the woman with an unknown emotion. "Past is too harsh for her. I want her to live a beautiful life now." He finished and the doctor nodded understanding the true meaning behind the brazen words of this ruthless man.

"There are a few drugs, that can help." The doctor reminded fearing for his life and the man nods without a second thought. He has lost her once, it couldn't happen again, otherwise, he will lose his mind. She is here, so close to his heart, what else could he ask for.

"Alright. But no one should know about this. If anyone gets the slightest air of the matter, consider yourself and your loved ones killed." He ordered and the doctor nodded taking his leave but paused at the doors.

"Make sure to give her medicines on time. She is physically weak and tired. Nine months of slipping and jumping from the coma have sucked all her energy." He mumbled and rushed out of the double doors followed by equally terrified nurses.

The thought of memory loss gave the man some hope as he laid beside her staring at the ceiling. His left hand was wrapped around her waist possessively. The past could snatch her from his claws. She is too fragile to go through it once again. He will keep her close and safe and won't repeat those darn mistakes. Unknowingly, his hold tightens around her. A fire burnt behind his eyelids and they moistened as he remembered their last encounter.

You can't keep me caged, Romero. I am free.

The words echoed in his ears clear as daylight. Of course, he can't keep her caged. She was free. Those words will sound beautiful to a normal spectator but they have given him nightmares for the past nine months. Goosebumps crawls his spine whenever those words replay in his mind. The words spoken so gently wakes all his demons and forces them to hide.

A slight moment cuts his chain of thoughts and his eyes immediately land on the female resting beside him. His life and his soul mate. She hums slightly before opening her heavy eyelids. No matter how many times he has seen her silver eyes before, they always leave him breathless. They never disappoint by making him fall in their depths. A smile appears on his pink lips as she gazed at him in awareness.

"Hi." He muttered softly and caresses her cheek.

"My name is Valentine Romero, and I am your husband." He introduced himself earning a gasp from her. They have known each other for months but it was the first time for her. Her eyes scanned his face hungrily, taking all the details. He was like a God with flawless toned skin and light subtle. "I am 29 years old and Italian. My height is 6'4 and I own a hotel chain across the country." He finished the brief introduction and an unsure smile danced on her face. She has just woken up only to discover that this man was her husband. It was reliving and shocking at the same time. But what more options does she have because her mind didn't recall anything that could give her slightest knowledge of who she was. The memories were wiped completely leaving a blank canvas behind. This man was the only lead of her forgotten life at the moment.

"I know you don't remember us, but there is nothing to worry about. We can start afresh and fall in love again." She nods spellbound and deeply touched by his answer, lying in the arms of this gorgeous man.

"Me?" The question escaped from her lips before she could stop herself and he smiles. She wanted to know about her too.

"You, my love, are Crystal Valentine Romero, my wife. Age- 22, Height-5'7 and most beautiful woman with long copper hairs. You are a fabulous singer and loves to play the violin. You are a vegetarian and follows the diet strictly. You excelled in electronics with a bachelor degree. We got married a year ago at our mansion back in Italy, in the presence of our family members and close friends." He informed and she bites her lower lip. Not once any similar memory stirs in her brain and it troubles her profoundly. She can't remember.

"What happened to me?"

Finally, she asked feeling like an insect under his intense unwavering gaze. Her heart beat fastens as he leans to kiss her forehead before resting her head on his chest. His fingers comb her hairs and other hand remains intact around her waist.

"You sure? Do you really want to know so soon?" He asked and she nodded eagerly. She would like to know about the events that led her to this condition.

"About nine months ago, you faced a car accident on the highway. It was severe and you slipped in a coma until last month you woke up and crossed the room. Since then you were in and out of this sleep." He explained and dread washed her.

Nine months! Nine freaking months! She was in a coma! Asleep from so long!

"I am so glad you are awake, Crystal. You have no idea how much I missed you. All these months felt like years without you. I can finally breathe now." He whispered whereas her mind failed to register any of his sweet words. The thought of coma was bombarding against her skull like a giant pendulum.

"I need to use the bathroom." Her words paused whatever he was thinking and he looked at her with pursed lips. Nodding, he scoops her up in bridal style and marched towards the attached bathroom. Settling her on the toilet seat, he turned around but didn't leave. Crystal frowned and stared at his broad shoulders.

"Are you going to stand there all the time?" She asked feeling her body heat up. He nodded casually and her body tensed. "No. Get out, please. I need some privacy."

Valentine rolls his eyes and turns to face her.

"Trust me, darling, you need my help in everything until your body gains some meat and recovers. If you are feeling shy then don't be, there is nothing I haven't seen before. Do you seriously think I have asked maids to clean you up when you were in coma? I did it myself. I took care of you all the time, there is no big deal." He argued and she felt her heart failing. Blush coated her cheeks and she gaped at him in disbelief. Not only her husband was stubborn but also straight forward. She gulped and shook her head.

"I need to pee. Please get out." She mumbled glaring at him weakly. He glared back for a good five minutes then his shoulders slumped in defeat knowing that she wouldn't budge.

"Fine. But the door stays unlocked and once you are done, you will call for me. I will help you with bath and other things." He promised before leaving the bathroom. She sagged back feeling slightly relieved.

Not ten minutes later, he appeared again by her side and settled her on the counter near the basin. For the first time, she looks at herself in the mirror and her eyes widen in shock. The reflection of the girl was pale and hollow. The lips were chapped and grey with dry skin hiding their natural colour. Her silver eyes were dull, rounded by dark circles. But still, hairs were in good condition. Combed and nourished. She started undoing her braid and moved fingers in them. They were soft.

Valentine handed her toothbrush as she rinsed her mouth. Once she was finished, he stripped himself keeping the boxers on. Her eyes scanned his well-built physique. He was quite muscular. His bulging biceps flexed dangerously every time he moved. Eight pack abs decorated his abdomen and thighs are thick. Her mouth went dry as she openly ogled at her husband. The moment he noticed her gaze approving what she saw, his heart warmed. He never felt so pleased before for having such a body. When other females used to appreciate his built up, never once he felt so proud like today. He was flattered. Walking towards her, he removed her cotton gown that smelt of medicines. Crystal's eyes immediately cast down feeling uncomfortable. Maybe he was her husband, but still, it didn't settle well somewhere. Her hands clutched the counter tightly as he pulls the straps down. Feeling her discomfort, he cupped her cheeks and raised her face. Her silver eyes instantly captured his dark ones. They both started in each other's eyes as he removes the gown and wraps his arm around her bare waist. Her breath hitched feeling his warm muscles colliding against her cold body. Adjusting the temperature, they both stood under the hot water. As soon as he removed his arm, her knees buckled and gave away in shamelessly. Sighing, he settled on the bathroom floor with her in between his legs and massaged her scalp as she leans her head on his chest.

After an eventful bath, Crystal was back on the bed, fully clothed in a tank top and jeans shorts. She was feeling refreshed and hungry. Her stomach growled angrily and she patted it. Valentine was downstairs, preparing breakfast for them. She wondered if there were any maids around. She did saw one a month ago. Then why was he doing all the job himself? It irritated her that she can't move two steps without falling. Her muscles were in knots because of sleeping for the last nine months. Her eyes scanned the room curiously. There were no pictures on the walls, except a peacock painting. How was this possible? He said that they got married a year ago and didn't even have a picture of that special day to hang on the wall. Maybe Valentine wasn't that sort of person. Maybe there are pictures but in other parts of the house.

The doors opened with a click and Valentine entered inside with a smile while holding a tray. Crystal makes space for him on the bed, sliding the covers away as he places the tray. He was a total stranger to her but the love and adoration in his eyes forced her to stay and believe. It was dark but true. She wasn't blind to notice the way he looks at her. He loves her truly and unconditionally. What can go wrong?

Keeping her faith in him, she digs in the plate with a smile.