
Dance to your heartbeat

He wasn't looking for love. Well he did once upon his teenage years but... kind of lost it because he didn't have what it takes to keep her around. Sad truth apparently. He didn't expect to meet a woman who has it all, seen it all and still wants him like oxygen to a life in amidst his nightmare. A woman who definitely knows what she wants and take it without a second thought. A blessing in disguise?. "Hey" She called him in a whisper in a dead silent room with just them two inside, naked under the covers, "How?" She asked breathlessly while tracing all the lines on his chest before kissing hardened nipple. "Huh?" The boy asked him with the same state but, the only difference was him being still in his after sex haze and currently turned on. That was the best sex he ever had in his life no offense to his ex. "How does one know if it's love?" She explained before continuing, "How do they know if it's true love to begin with?... How can one know that it's going to last forever? mmh?" Asked the girl expectantly searching for his eyes in the darkness. "Uh..?" The man found himself dumbfounded naturally, like who asks questions like that to a one nightstand?. You want more? Then, all you got to do is put me in your library and let's enjoy this story together ;)

General_Majesty · Urban
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12 Chs

Prologue: Uninvited groom

Okay, so that clearly wasn't as how they described in novels.

The feeling was absolutely the worst for him with no way to mask the pain nor feigning not being bothered with all that was happening before his eyes. He felt like crying.

No, he wasn't dreaming because, he checked and rechecked that fact so many times with more than one method to prove. So, yeah... that was clearly happening. That was his reality.

His wake up call.

Why did he go there in the first place? Truly ignorance is a bliss.

If he didn't snoop around his social medias for the day, he probably wouldn't be there. A stranger to his own crowd.

He can see how his presence brought chaos to the place and a crestfallen expression for his soon to NOT be girlfriend. Even though that was exactly what he wanted to happen before arriving there but, at that moment, standing there, looking at his beloved girlfriend of four years stumbling to reach him in a fright, he only had one question in his head. What the fuck is happening?.

"Sam!... I... I... What're you doing here?" Asked the girl worriedly, biting her lips.

"Congratulating you guys obviously... Here, I hope you like it" He said with a nonchalant voice before handing her the gift box that was on his hands and turning to leave the scene. He wasn't one with the spotlight heart.

"It's not what you think!" Said the girl holding him back and that pissed him off more than everything else she ever did but, he couldn't let it show on his face nor lash out at her. It wasn't in him.

"Please, do tell me more of my own thoughts then" He asked her instead, calmly after turning back to her once again. He would be damned if he didn't want to kiss her even in her wedding dress, all dolled up for another man.

"Sam, please hear us out" And just when he was regulating his temper and his hormones, the groom had to step up like a knight in his shining suit.

"What? a heads-up now? Isn't that too frickin late for that, friend?" Dry chuckled Sam, focusing on the approaching groom.

He should have known something was up with those two, ages ago with how close they grew to be right under his watch but, whatever was meant to happen will always happen.

"I know that you're hurting right now but..." Started the groom but, only to be interrupted by the enraged Sam.

"But, you didn't have a choice in marrying your best friend's girlfriend on their anniversary day?"

"Sam, I wanted to tell you about this... please, believe me!... I love you..." Cried Tracy, hugging Sam tightly who effortlessly peeled him off him and made her gaze up to him.

"Let me guess, the time just wasn't right when you kissed me goodbye this very morning? Or when you texted me this afternoon to tell me that you love me...? What did I ever do to you to deserve this? Huh?"

"But, I did all this for you, Sam!... I didn't want to hurt you, trust me! I..." Cried Tracy outloud. Sam knows her well so, he could swear that she wasn't faking her tears. But, then what made her deceive him like that?.

"For me?... You didn't fucking want to hurt me? Where was I included or even thought about in all this?... Huh?... Tell me!" Asked Sam shaking the crying Tracy back and forth.

"You have no right to manhandle her like that" Came the groom to her rescue, pulling her to stand behind him.

"You're right, Ray... because, you obviously do" Said Sam defeatedly.

"What did you want her to do then? Endure all the nights she was left unsatisfied or that you can't even get hard with that small dick of yours? or how you're always not there for her through the worst and best moments of her life?" Asked Ray, livid before he realized what he just did. He simply made a man look shaken.

"Sam, I..." Called Tracy who wanted to hold Sam once more but, lost his hand.

"I need to get out of here... and now" Said Sam absentmindedly before leaving Tracy to her husband and him walking out of there like the soles of his shoes were on fire.

He knew that he wasn't 'normal' and she knew that too even before their stolen first kiss behind the church or all that so many dates they used to go to... That wasn't the problem before and it wasn't even after she raised her concerns. He found solace within her.

Sam wasn't short on medications, doctor's appointments, psychology books and sessions... She knew that he was working on that. They were working on that, always has been but, to realize that the whole world knew of his greatest secret by that moment? scared the crap out of him.

The world felt alien once more to him. Where to go from there?

What to do from then on?

He was back to square one.

And that's our first chapter!

Do you like it?

Until Wednesday, amigos... Ciao;)

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