
Dance Of The Elite

Embark on a captivating journey with Shin Nobohide, a once bullied and discontented young boy who finds himself reborn in a realm of unparalleled power and enigmatic creatures. As Shin navigates this unfamiliar world, he discovers that his newfound abilities surpass those of his peers. Guided by a benevolent goddess, Shin's quest for self-discovery and protection unravels a profound truth—his extraordinary power, initially a beacon of hope, threatens to consume his very essence. As he grapples with the delicate balance between strength and benevolence, Shin must confront the escalating challenges that test not only his capabilities but the limits of his compassion. Will Shin's journey become a triumph of humanity, or will the overwhelming power he wields become an unforeseen peril? Explore the depths of resilience, sacrifice, and the essence of true strength.

RedbulletManga · Fantasy
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5 Chs

E-L-F Foundation and Basics

8 Years Later



The explosions trembled the ground. It's hard to believe that such immense power comes from a person. I still can't wrap my head around it.

"How is he able to constantly pour out more fire? His E-L-F should be drained right now; we've been training for hours!"

"HAHA, watch out Shin! I almost hit you!" Vin snickered.




"No, I wasn't! Remember, son, keep your guard up! I know that sword is like half your body weight, but when I was your age, I was lifting 5 times that amount."

Whoosh! A hurl of dirt flew into my face as my dad brought his leg around to sweep me off my feet, knocking me on my butt.

*Glare* I stared at my reflection that bounced off the sword held right beside my face.

"If you want to be an elite like your dad or even get your elite license, you have to be able to pay attention and understand that anything can be used to hurt you," Dad spoke with evident disappointment.

"Vin, he's only 9. You have to be gentler with him," Mother said sternly.

"Ha, sorry honey. I guess I got carried away. For some reason, I always forget how young Shin really is," Dad chuckled.

"Shin, hopefully, when you turn 12, you will awaken just like your old man did and get a form of FIRE! Maybe even better than my fire! Or you might get a wind ability from your mother!" Dad exclaimed with electrified tone.

"I can't wait to fight you," said Vin as his eyes lit up like fireworks.

"And honey, of course, if you don't want to awaken, that's your choice as well," Mia said with her gentle and tranquil voice.

"Thank you, mom. Wait… Aren't I supposed to start the first day of Grincester training school today?"

"AHH! I almost forgot. Hurry and get dressed," Mother said hastily.



The school bell started to echo around the school, signifying that class is about to start. My first class is E-L-F foundation and basics. Ugh, this is one thing I did not miss about my past life… school. I walked down a long hallway with hardwood floors so shiny that I could see my reflection peering back at me.

Approaching the classroom door, flashbacks of my past life slowly started to pour into my mind, overwhelming me.

"You must be Shin Nobohide! I'm your teacher, Dem Tama! Please come and take a seat with the rest of your classmates so that class can start."

Dem Tama, huh? He's tall, maybe 5'11", with hazel eyes and curly brown hair. He clearly doesn't know how to dress; his shirt is halfway tucked in. He seems very awkward, almost like it's his first day working here.

Just as I walked into the classroom, everyone went quiet. *Tap* * Roll* A girl with long red hair and emerald green eyes dropped her pencil, breaking the silence. Whispers started to overwhelm the classroom, although I only seemed to focus on her and her beauty.

"Shin, your seat is in the back of the classroom, behind Miya Kikumi."

My seat is behind the pretty girl. What if I embarrass myself? What if she hates me, or what if she doesn't even notice me? Wait, no, you have a chance to restart! you are not the lame person you used to be, Just be cool.

On my way to my seat, I pick up her pencil and try to play it cool.

"My name is Shinonari Nobohide, but you can call me Shin!" I say, trying to sound casual.

"Nobohide! Like Vin Nobohide!"

"Yes, that's my dad. How do you know about him?"

"WHO DOESN'T KNOW ABOUT HIM? He's literally a legend after saving the king and queen." Wow, my dad has fans. I can just imagine his stupid grin.

"Yeah, he's really just a 45-year-old man who likes to throw his child into danger."

"Okay, everyone settle down. Let's begin class!"

"So, can anyone tell me what exactly E-L-F stands for?" the teacher asks.

Without hesitation, a student raises their hand.

"It means Elemental Force."

"Correct! And can you tell me what exactly the Elemental Force is?"

"The Elemental Force is something that started with the original four elites who were granted power from the gods in order to kill fallen. It is the power source that connects us to the elemental properties of life."

"Very well explained. And can anyone possess E-L-F?"

"No, you would have had to have been born into a bloodline to possess it, although that is the majority of the people that live in the capital "

"Correct! Now, as you all should know, you cannot awaken your E-L-F unless you were put in a life-or-death situation. That is why, around the age of 12, parents usually put their kids in the surrounding forest called Ogridrith where low-level fallen reside in order for their child to unlock their abilities."

I was reincarnated just to die all over again!

"Along with that, can anyone tell me how your power is chosen?"

The same kid hops out of his seat to answer again.

"You can't choose it. It all depends on your parents, but anyone can make their ability stronger with enough training."

"Good. And how many abilities do you receive?"

"A person is only given one ability, but under extremely rare cases, a person has been granted two abilities, one from each parent."

"Great job! There are only seven people in the entire elite capital that possess two abilities, and these people are S-rank elites. All of them have become the strongest people to live here, besides the king himself."


"Alright, everyone, that's the end of class!"

"Wow, I was actually falling asleep," a kid says as he bumps into my shoulder on the way out of the classroom.

"Watch yourself, peasant! You bumped into me! Do you know who I am? I can have you put on trial just for looking at me!"

Who is this guy? He's wearing a clean black robe with a golden-crowned pendant attached to it. He's short with long black hair and brown eyes, he doesn't even look. 10 years old.