
Dan God's Harem

The world of fate is filled with top tier waifus loli and traps. For some that is troubling even wrong but for degen- I mean man of culture Jack Thompson. Who now has reincarnated into this world with the powers of Chen Xiang from World Defying Dan God. So of course that means he is not only overpowered but also not bound by this world's laws.Let us all sit back to watch as a man does whatever not matter how sickening it is. Warning this story will have a character that will stick his dick in anything he finds attractive regardless of age or gender. Of course they will have be at the very least cute. If this is not appealing to you then just don't read because I have no intention of changing anything. Also if you have ideas for with girls then please leave a comment. (Astolfo is guaranteed)

Black_knight12 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 9

Wu Wang's state received a reaction from everyone in the room while each of them were different. For example Rin seemed curious, Shuten-douji amused, Shiro confused while archer looked like he ate something really sour. Of course Wu Wang ignored all of this and went on to explain more to Shiro. He told Shiro about himself being a cultivator and how he is able to help Shiro not only reach his potential but surpass it.

Wu Wang: To be honest ever since we first met I could sense the presence of a powerful relic on your body. This relic can actually be used as a catalyst for summoning a heroic spirit for yourself but as you can imagine I want it for myself. Do not worry though I promise to make the trade fair by helping you master your mage craft. I can also give you other supplementary techniques and pills to help push you forward.

This is the decision Wu Wang came to after thinking it over more times than he cares to count. Shiro in the show was pretty impressive especially if you were to take a look at archer who is him all grown up. Thus Wu Wang came up with the idea of helping nurture Shiro so that later he can become a helpful ally. After all once Wu Wang got saber and tamed berserker then it would be grounds for the Great Holy Grail War. Having more people on his side then not will prove to be really helpful. Shiro remained seated thinking over whether or not he take the deal. If he were to say he is not tempted then it would be a lie but he still felt he should refuse. Wu Wang easily saw through all of Shiro's concerns so he added.

Wu Wang: Shiro I know you probably think that compared to your father Kiritsugu Emiya there is nothing i can teach you. Unfortunately you could not be more wrong because I can already tell what your magic alignments you have. I can also see that you have not used a certain magic with great potential for some time.

Hearing Wu Wang not only easily see through his worries but also the secrets that only he and Kiritsugu helped Shiro make up his mind. Shiro could tell that Wu Wang was not blowing smoke out his ass. Besides Shiro didn't think whatever the relic is can really bee that important since he was never told about it. Now that Shiro gave his agreement Wu Wang started to enlighten Shiro on how their lessons will be.

Wu Wang: Alright since you have already agreed I will start teaching you now and take the relic later. First things first how about I explain how I know what spells suit you as well as how to make them stronger. In pretty much every mages body there exists magic circuits. These circuits are used as a means to access with the greater magic formulae. With you can then send commands like in a computer to activate your spell. As a result much like with a computer certain spells have a higher compatibility then others. Of course for a really talented mage that becomes less of a concern.

After that Wu Wang then went on to explain that Shiro did not need any other magic for now. He also told Shiro about how the first step in reinforcement magic would make his projections more stable. Therefore the plan was for Shiro to practice getting a clear mental image. Next step would be boosting the analysis part of his reinforcement to the highest level. As for Shiro's absurdly small amounts of mana a dan or two could fix that.

Done outlining his "Shiro training plan" Wu Wang then made the arrangements to have Avalon remove. First he had Shuten-douji make Shiro unconscious. Then he went over the technique he had made for today ever since he was young. Basically the technique will allow him to sever Shiro's connection to the sheath without damaging Shiro's soul. Once that was done within seconds Avalon was in Wu Wang's hands as Shiro began waking up. Knowing that everyone was worrying what it was he explained about the sheath. Now that he knew the relic was what Kiritsugu used to save his life Shiro felt a little guilty. Of course Wu Wang made him feel better by telling that he can make it up by becoming a hero of justice.

With that out of the way Wu Wang left Shiro's house with the rest of his group to make his last prep for the war. Finally he can summon saber getting yet another top tier waifu. Rin at the side had a light blush on her face watching Wu Wang dancing around. He was even humming last stardust from Fate Stay Unlimited Blade Works. In the originally story Saber was fairly nerfed because Shiro could not give her the necessary amount of mana. Her Excalibur alone is able to level several city blocks with the minimal amount of mana. Imagining what she could do with his near inexhaustible pool his joy is understandable. Soon they made it back to the Tohsaka where Kotomine Kirei was standing at their front door.

Kirei: It is good to see you kids again but I need to talk to you about what happened earlier tonight with Lancer. From what I heard the two of you allowed a non magus to find out about the holy grail war.

Right as Rin was about to explain Haoyu spoke first.

Wu Wang: There is nothing to worry about because Shiro Emiya is a mage who recently became my disciple so is some what purvey to info regarding the war. Beside if you want to complain then go after Lancer's master. After all you know better then to think I would care about some annoying rules thought up by long dead corpse.

As he was talking Wu Wang's slaughter's heart beat furiously releasing his monstrously strong killing intent. Within seconds his kill intent covered everything within a certain radius. Of course that includes the servants that were forced to martialize. All them were shocked by how strong Wu Wang's killing intent is this is especially true for Archer. He had already experienced what is like to receive that killing intent. it is only now that he realized that Wu Wang held back a little.

Rin: Wu Wang that is enough I know you don't like being told what to do but this time Kirei is not wrong to leture us.

Since Rin spoke up saying he should stop Wu Wang took in a deep breathe and with it withdraw his killing intent. Once it was all gone their surrounds were perfectly silent were not even an insect dared to make a noise. In the immediate area there was only three people complete uneffected by the eariler events. One of course was Wu Wang the cause ,the other Rin who the killing intent did not touch. As for the last person it was interestingly enough Kirei who received the main force of it.

Kirei: I can see that even after all of these years you still have that explosive temper of yours young Wang but remember that most can't survive it.

As he said that Kirei smiled then walked away leaving just their group behind while Wu Wang clenched his fist in rage.