
Dan God's Harem

The world of fate is filled with top tier waifus loli and traps. For some that is troubling even wrong but for degen- I mean man of culture Jack Thompson. Who now has reincarnated into this world with the powers of Chen Xiang from World Defying Dan God. So of course that means he is not only overpowered but also not bound by this world's laws.Let us all sit back to watch as a man does whatever not matter how sickening it is. Warning this story will have a character that will stick his dick in anything he finds attractive regardless of age or gender. Of course they will have be at the very least cute. If this is not appealing to you then just don't read because I have no intention of changing anything. Also if you have ideas for with girls then please leave a comment. (Astolfo is guaranteed)

Black_knight12 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

After returning home with Medea Wu Wang gently layed her down on his bed in the Tohsaka mansion. Once he did that he quickly went to work laying another formation but this time it is used to seal the room. He did this for two reasons one to make sure Rin doesn't know what he is doing. The other is to help increase the amount of mana in the space. This was a idea that came to him one day when he realized that servants did not even need mana from their masters in a mana rich zone. When he completed his preparations he decided to wake her up. Wu Wang watched as her eyelids began to slowly raise revealing a pair of beautiful light blue eyes. Her eyes fully open Medea took a look around with a confused expression on her face. Her head snapped to Wu Wang when she realized, she is in a room with a powerful barrier. Seeing the caution in her eyes as she looked at him Wu Wang spoke.

Wu Wang: Hello caster it is my great honor to meet a servant that is as beautiful as yourself. My name is Wu Wang that of course is written with the characters for martial and king.

Medea thought quietly for a few seconds before opening her mouth to speak.

Medea: Since you know about me be a caster servant then you must also know about the Holy Grail War. And from the impressive barrier around us you must be a fairly skilled magus.

Done talking Medea paused for a moment before she continued to speak.

Medea: Not only are you a mage but you are even an extremely rare subcategory of a cultivator. To honest even I as a high level master of mage craft myself I must admit that this barrier is beyond me.

As she said that Madea took yet another look at the formation around the two of them. Before she followed and was betrayed by the Jason Madea was a priestess of Hecate. This means that on the topic of magic there are few that can compare to her in magic knowledge. So when she admits that something is beyond her it is definitely high praise. Taking it as such Wu Wang lip lifted into a smile as he went on to say.

Wu Wang: Your guess is correct I am in fact a cultivator not only that but I also plan on taking part in the war. Of course I will be summoning my own servant but I was hoping you would be willing to also join me. Before you reject me just know that with my formations just about any place can be a mana tank.

Medea: Before I just say yes I must know that since you plan to join the war what is it that you want.

While Medea was saying that she squinted her eyes as she glared at him, trying to see through his thoughts.

Wu Wang: To be entirely honest my wish is not something I want given to me but something I earned myself. My wish is to have a harem of women which of course includes heroic spirits like yourself.

Finished with his words Wu Wang watched as her face goes through a myriad of emotions must of which shocked. From her experience with Jason she knew that men will often have those thoughts. What she did not expect is that not only is Wu Wang out right with his desire but he is also interested in her who is called the witch of betrayal.

Medea: You do know that I am usually called the witch of betrayal because I killed the man I loved.

Wu Wang: OH do you mean that worthless little shit that needed a goddess to help him seduce a woman. Please do not call him getting his just deserts being betrayed. I mean what kind of piece of shit abandons a woman because she did what you asked.

As Wu Wang's rant went on Medea felt her heartbeat quicken slight which is not something she is unfamiliar with. At first she thought that maybe he cast some charm spell ,but that thought quickly vanished when she sees him angrily talking about Jason. Until now she believed that pretty everyone in the world viewed her as a vile and evil woman. While Jason is loved and celebrated by everyone no matter what he did. Medea's reason for enter the war is because of this she hopped to change her past. At the very least she wanted make sure Jason and she had never met. This young man in front of her could possibly be her best chance at fulfilling her wish.

Medea: If I agree to being your servant will you force me to obey your orders.

Wu Wang: No if you became my servant them I promise to treat you as an equal and never force you to do anything. Also like I said earlier I intend to pursue a relationship with you so feel free to ask for anything.

Done talking Wu Wang looked at caster once again admiring her for all of her beautiful features. It must be said again that Medea's luck with men has always been shit. Whether it is Jason who abandoned her ,or Kuzuki who failed to protect they both caused her great pain. Wu Wang had already made every possible preparation to at the very least ensure that she does not die. As he is busy observing her Medea was internally freaking over his passionate gaze filled with desire. It is a look that she normally found disgusting because when others did it the look has a desire for conquest in it. This boy in front of her is completely different his gaze has only a desire for her in it.

Medea: Alright I agree to becoming your servant but you must make an oath that you will not force me to sleep with you.

Hearing her words without even a little bit of hesitation Wu Wang quickly rise his right hand with two fingers pointed up.

Wu Wang: I Wu Wang do solemnly vow that I will never force caster to do anything she doesn't wish to do. If I do even once then may divine lightning fall on me destroyed my flesh and soul.

With that vicious vow made Wu Wang smiled at Medea while think on how to get her to fall for him.