
Dan God's Harem

The world of fate is filled with top tier waifus loli and traps. For some that is troubling even wrong but for degen- I mean man of culture Jack Thompson. Who now has reincarnated into this world with the powers of Chen Xiang from World Defying Dan God. So of course that means he is not only overpowered but also not bound by this world's laws.Let us all sit back to watch as a man does whatever not matter how sickening it is. Warning this story will have a character that will stick his dick in anything he finds attractive regardless of age or gender. Of course they will have be at the very least cute. If this is not appealing to you then just don't read because I have no intention of changing anything. Also if you have ideas for with girls then please leave a comment. (Astolfo is guaranteed)

Black_knight12 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

After Kirei left everyone entered the house and went their sperate ways with Rin going to her room While Wu Wang went to his. Once inside Medea Martialized in front of him with a worried expression on her face. While there time together has only been two day she knows Wu Wang better then most thinks. Thanks to her being his servant she can look into his memories pretty much whenever. Of course the memories she can access are only those from his current life which is why she worried. In the memories she has seen Kirei could be seen tormenting the kids of the orphanage mentally. Wu Wang was the one who was singled out the most with Kirei convincing the other kids to miss with him. Luckily thanks to his cultivation Wu Wang's strength of will is near indestructible. His life continued like this until he one day was lucky enough to get adopted by the Tohsaka family. Sadly later on Kotomine betrayed the Tohsaka patriarch leading to his death and causing Rin to be sad.

Medea: Master is everything okay. Do you perhaps wish for me to take care of him for you ,master simply need to order me to attack.

Hearing what she said Wu Wang broke out into a smile feeling happy that she is already slowly starting to care about him. At the very least they were making steps to improve their relationship over time.

Wu Wang: Don't worry about him for now I will handle him when the time is right but for now we need to get ready to summon another servant.

As he said that Wu Wang pulled out Avalon showing it to Medea causing her jaw to almost drop to the floor. She had already expected him to do something unexpected but not that he would summon yet another servant. Not only that but she could tell that catalyst he is using can summon one of the top servants. Before she could say anything about his plan Wu Wang already started the ritual to summon saber. Seconds later in the middle of the magic circle was a beautiful blonde girl wearing a dress armor. Her clear eyes sized up not only Wu Wang but also the two servants standing behind him.

Saber: I am the king of knights and wielder of Excalibur. For convince sake you can simply refer to me as saber master.

Wu Wang relax there is really no reason to be so stiff as you can see from these two I don't attach much importance on formality. Also I thought you should know but I do not have much interest in the grail. Still if you have a wish you must have granted then I will do everything in my power to make it happen.

Every word from Wu Wang's mouth were absolutely true especially the part about him having little interest in the grail. As a gift from god he got a number of benefits of which the best is his Dan god divine exercise. With it he is basically a protagonist that can make his own plot armor whenever he wants. For example if he felt like it Wu Wang could create a technique that control time. Of course he is limited by his own strength and by the fact that he needs to know how to do whatever it is he wants to do. In other words like with the original WDDG comprehension is the most thing and lucky for him the god enhanced his. As a result the grail became nothing more than a fancy cup filled with blood. When saber heard her new master's words she could not help but look to her fellow servants. From their expressions they knew their master's intention already thus were not surprised.

Saber: Master if I may be so bold as to ask if you do not want the grail then what is your purpose for joining the war.

Wu Wang: In truth one of the main reasons is that someone whos family took me in wanted to get the grail. As for the other it is because I wish to not only face legends in battle but also to obtain the hearts of beautiful female heroes. Actually the woman thing is probably the main reason.

Wu Wang's honest complete honesty to saber about his desire made her unsure how to feel about it. She being a proud knight should normally look down upon such an indulgent and lustful person. However she can feel his mana flowing into her from their connection and could tell that he is definitely fairly powerful. With her memories from the grail she knew that he is a special type of mage called a cultivator. They are beings that understand the flow of the world and how to use that power themselves. Still saber did not like the thought that her master viewed the holy grail war as a means to chase skirts.

Wu Wang: Saber you do not have to force yourself to agree with me and just so you know ,although I plan to pursue you I will be respectful of your feelings. Another thing I hope you don't mind but I will be asking you to spar every so often.

When he finished speaking yet again Wu Wang caused saber to be unsure how to feel about what he just said. Finally she gave up on trying to understand and decided that she will simply go with the flow. Now that was done Wu Wang decide he should start refining the pills Shiro will have to use going forth with his training.

Ever since coming to this world Wu Wang learned to make not only to make dan from World Defying Dan God but some of his own as well. One such dan he created as a means to help Rin improve her body and allow mana to flow more freely. In Shiro's case there two that he will need. One which will boost his mana's quality and the other is to enhance his physique. With these two pills Shiro's path to becoming stronger will be a lot easier. While Wu Wang was refining the pills his servants observed him from the side. Each servant had a varying degree of experience with refining medicine. The first most experienced being Medea having studied under Hecate, the second Shuten-douji and last Saber. Saber's knows a little do to her having asked Merlin about to satisfy her curiosity. From the she had seen the process is usually very boring without anything to drew in the layman. Normally that is, in Wu Wang's hands however the process became a beautiful display of vibrant colors. Quickly the different colored vortexes combine into one and then the mixer was split it six parts. Finally Wu Wang condensed the six parts into solid pills and at last he finished the pills.
